"We Are The New Vintage"
I know it's only August, but I have been excited since July! I'm counting down the days until the Haunt season and Autumn is upon us!!! So I thought I'd share a few really cool sites and crafts with you!
I wasn't positive which category this falls under, I figured shopping. If I'm wrong, let me know Madams! <3
there's a replication of a baby pig fetus in a Jar that I'm am Dying to get my mitts on! (I'm not 100% sure as to if it's real or not)
For you ladies and gents that love those cute rustic decorations
A cool Collection of Halloween Stuffs
One of my favorite sites of allll time, Oriental Trading Co.
Random crafts Brought to you by Michaels!
Oh, duh! It's my favorite holiday! : D I'm already planning all the food I'm going to make and how to scare the trick-or-treaters! Me and my boyfriend will be in a new neighborhood and this is our first Halloween with our own place, so I'm super excited and hopeful there's lots of kids out that night! Here we only kid about 5-10 trick-or-treaters : (
I usually throw a big party every year, but since we'll be in a new town and starting a new school, it wouldn't really be worth it. I'm thinking about a sit-down Halloween dinner with a few close friends.
I also picked up a set of faux spell books and a skull on a pedestal tea light holder from Michael's. Oh, and I won a set of tickets to three haunted attractions in my state on Facebook earlier this week! SO EXCITED!
Great place for Halloween inspiration (besides, Martha, obviously!): http://www.halloweenforum.com/
Ooo...Pirates of Emerson! I've always wanted to go there!!! I encourage doing a haunt. Its exhausting and there is lots of waiting but the scare is all worth it!
Thanks for getting me in the spooky spirit!!!
I do a HUGE Halloween party every year. The entire inside of my house comes down and we redecorate the whole thing to look like a haunted house. The living room turns into a funeral parlor complete with 8 ft wooden coffin and large pipe organ. THe kitchen turns into a witches cottage,with zombie babies wrapped in spiderwebs hanging from my ceiling. The bathroom looks like something was murdered in there with blood spatters and zombies. Our front yard becomes a graveyard and monsters overtake my house!!! I absolutely live for Halloween!!!!
Ooo...Pirates of Emerson! I've always wanted to go there!!! I encourage doing a haunt. Its exhausting and there is lots of waiting but the scare is all worth it!
Thanks for getting me in the spooky spirit!!!
I frikkin love Halloween! My favoritest Holiday of all! I've had my costume picked out since November of last year. I'm going to recycle the outfit I wore for the "Sugar & Sweets" photo contest:
My decorations go up in September. I don't have anything as cool as some other PL'ers (murder in a bathroom!) but I have plenty of cauldrons & skull candles!
Some other cool websites are:
So where is the best Halloween party in the US? I'm from Australia and will be travelling through the States from mid August with my man.
We'll celebrate our first anniversary on Halloween!!
Probably be near NY at that time but would definitely hop a state or two for the ultimate Halloween experience :o)
The Saturday of the Halloween is my birthday (29th October) so I'm MEGA excited! Going to throw a party (to hell with the neighbours!) and go and scare Liverpool! I'm just trying to decide on my costume...I'm thinking about doing the zombie bride look - although I doubt I'll have the zombie groom to go with it - or dia de los muertos style. Unfortunately I don't live with big Halloween people and use the holiday as an excuse to be a slutty cheerleader, so I doubt I'll be having a murder in the bathroom or any major decorations.
We have zombicon here in florida! and this years theme is classic hollywood stars! Im soo excited for this! I'm going as a french undead with beret and all!
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