I have always had fine blonde hair and very light eyebrows. My eyebrows have always been on the thicker side because they are so light, but I am really wanting to streamline them. Aside from taking them off all together, I am hoping you all can give me some styling advice. How far down should I pluck? Should I cut/wax them off and draw them in?
In terms of my hair, I have fine hair, but alot of it, so I am wondering how to style it best, with maximum volume or curl, high pomp and height. A great stylist, Jamie Jameson, did my hair in this picture. I had already had it set in hot rollers and added product. It was a half way up, to the side do. Do you think it suits me?? If anyone out there has suggestions for hair products, styles they have seen or like, I am all ears. I am contemplating a hair cut, nothing drastic, but something to even it up. I have a large forehead, should I get bangs?
I have a full, oval face if that helps with sizing me up
I am going to be involved in some photoshoots over the next few months and I really want to get my look down. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE comments and feedback!!