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How important are "pinup" classes/experiences/for a days ?

Hi everyone,

I would like to know how you all feel about Pinup classes and Pinup experiences.
Where a girl or gals go to a studio,have their hair and makeup done, get taught to pose like a professional pinup and have a pinup style photoshoot to take home at the end of the day,you know the kinda thing right?

I would like to know....

1) how important these things are to you ladies
2) are these sessions just for beginners or do they also appeal to established models and performers?
3) How much would you pay to get your perfect photo shoot?
4) what would you like to see that these places dont usually offer?
5)what dont you like that most of these pinup experiences offer?
6) In this tough time of ressesion,would you still pay to have a pinup experience?

I think thats it for now,lol, im just doing a bit of research,be awesome if you can all give your input.

have a lovely evening

Starla James


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I totally agree with JiJi Lee here on the cost part. I would be willing to pay more depending on the credentials and whats offered compared to the competition.

JiJi Lee said:
I agree with what has already been said.

I also think Pinup classes and workshops are most beneficial for beginners, but could appeal to nearly everyone that is interested. It's difficult to develop a blanket class to suit both beginners and those who are more established. Beginners and those who are just casually interested in have a different set of needs than those who are more experienced. There can't be a Pinup 101 for everyone.

With that said, what I don't see offered are different types of classes and workshops. Whether it's basic hair, makeup and wardrobe, posing, or information about contracts, or marketing.

As far as cost for these services; I think that matters on where you live, what your credentials are, what you're offering in comparison with the competition. Is there even any competition?

Hope this helps!
i took there very first class back in 2006... it was great.. it was a great welth of knowlege... worth the cost for what you learn... my shoot was good.. i got something to take home which was nice..
i went home and taught my boyfriend the strings to the pinup shoot.... he was always into photography, but i taught him how to relate to other models, about poseing, what the camera wants to see, and how to hide things from the camera, and so on..... we practiced, practiced practiced...
then a few years later i heard of another local PTPS-pinup class, and i wanted to work with Bettina, and Go Go amy again, and i wanted a new pic for my portfolio (on the cheep)... i took there class again, and it was great... it was an exact reply of what i remembered from the previous class... i even learned a few new makeup tricks, so it was worth it!!!

i have been "pinning up" since 2005, and this past summer i taught some local HOW TO BE A PINUP GIRL classes, and it was so much fun! i'll totally be doing it again!!!
xoxo SSS

Roxy Tart {M} said:
I've never done one, but I think they sound like fun. The girls from Pretty Things Peepshow do one, and I almost did it last time they were in town. I'd love to do one, just for fun, but I don't think they are important at all.
well as just a wanna be pinup girl, i think these classes would be extremely beneficial. I don't plan to be an actual full time working pinup model, but I love the whole thing and would love to at least do a few shoots in my lifetime and have some cool pictures to show for it. So, for someone like me, this is perfect. I have never been in front of the camera at all, and i'm so shy that i would feel stupid going to my first shoot and not knowing at all what to do. i need someone to teach me and also give me tips on how to be more comfortable because as pinup finishing school mentioned, i know it will be intimidating. i'd also love to go to one even just to get tips and to come out of there with some cool pictures. i think $250 is very reasonable. i really want to do one of these classes, but unfortunately there is nothing offered where i live :(
I think Pretty Things Pinup is in Texas <3
Starla James said:
I think Pretty Things Pinup is in Texas <3

yup, in houston, tx which is about 12 hours from me :(
Starla...I adore you and your beautiful pics. I don't have much to ad. The women in my shots are all paying clients to have their portraits done for someone or themselves. I charge $225.00 - This includes a free consult where I wax and shape their brows, and they bring clothing...we then determine what they will wear in their portraits...the shoot is usually the next day or a few days to follow. I take about 600 shots to nail the 8-10 they get in all three colors each...vibrant color, black and white with red/pink peeking through and sepia tone. It's all on both printable and emailable folders (The emailable ones are ready to load up to web - perfectly sized with fun frames around them)....I do however take them to my stylist (in the same building - for their pin up hair or use a wig from my shop - if they go to my stylist...she charges $45.00. I do their makeup professionally once we are done and start the fun in the photo room or on location.... Sorry this got long sweetface! Hugs beautiful lady!
I think it would be fun, yet a waste of money.

You can get the same experience for free--or next-to-nothing--from carefully selecting a team from

(No offense to anyone out there! It sounds like an awesome experience!!)
I beg to differ. I realize I may be biased, but it's going to be awfully hard to get a "team" from Model Mayhem to work for TF* with an absolute beginner that has no portfolio or experience, unless they are also starting out and trying to build their portfolios. Most reputable, experienced photographers are very choosy about who they offer their TF* time to. It takes work and a portfolio to even get to a level where you are offered those kinds of shoots.

You have to pay your dues and work your way up the ladder just like anything else:

1. Paid shoots to build a portfolio
2. TF* shoots, continuing to build portfolio and gain experience but not paying for the shoot
3. Getting paid for your shoots

Joanne/Rocket J

Rachie Pin-Up said:
I think it would be fun, yet a waste of money.

You can get the same experience for free--or next-to-nothing--from carefully selecting a team from
I was saying that based on my experience of having joined MM after I'd already been modeling for years. It would be next-to-impossible to have success building a team like this for a beginner, based on TF*.

Also, I like the idea of going home and teaching the concept to the photography-curious boyfriend. :) Sounds like a great way for him to begin his new hobby, too! :-D

Pin Up Finishing School - Joanne said:
I beg to differ. I realize I may be biased, but it's going to be awfully hard to get a "team" from Model Mayhem to work for TF* with an absolute beginner that has no portfolio or experience, unless they are also starting out and trying to build their portfolios. Most reputable, experienced photographers are very choosy about who they offer their TF* time to. It takes work and a portfolio to even get to a level where you are offered those kinds of shoots.

You have to pay your dues and work your way up the ladder just like anything else:

1. Paid shoots to build a portfolio
2. TF* shoots, continuing to build portfolio and gain experience but not paying for the shoot
3. Getting paid for your shoots

Joanne/Rocket J

Rachie Pin-Up said:
I think it would be fun, yet a waste of money.

You can get the same experience for free--or next-to-nothing--from carefully selecting a team from
I have to agree with Joanne, I do understand that places like MM and others alike are great for newbies and TFP,but with a pinup experience your going to learn actual techniques,shoot and learn things that someone whos just starting out wouldnt have a clue about,an established mentor and photographer,makeupartists,hair,and stylists...and the list goes on is where the dynamic team who are always together create magic time after time,where as most MM's are starting out or are very basic with what they shoot or style,unless its someone who is professional and advertises their
experteese on MM for a fee.

Im very greatfull for everyones experiences and all this has been great help!!
We are starting our own business very soon and so I wanted to get as many opinions and thoughts
as possible in order than we give gals exactly what they need and want,as for me the money is a bonus, but the smiles and maybe even happy tears is gonna be what makes this worth it !!!

Dont stop there,keep the points and thoughts coming :)


Rachie Pin-Up said:
I was saying that based on my experience of having joined MM after I'd already been modeling for years. It would be next-to-impossible to have success building a team like this for a beginner, based on TF*.

Also, I like the idea of going home and teaching the concept to the photography-curious boyfriend. :) Sounds like a great way for him to begin his new hobby, too! :-D

Pin Up Finishing School - Joanne said:
I beg to differ. I realize I may be biased, but it's going to be awfully hard to get a "team" from Model Mayhem to work for TF* with an absolute beginner that has no portfolio or experience, unless they are also starting out and trying to build their portfolios. Most reputable, experienced photographers are very choosy about who they offer their TF* time to. It takes work and a portfolio to even get to a level where you are offered those kinds of shoots.

You have to pay your dues and work your way up the ladder just like anything else:

1. Paid shoots to build a portfolio
2. TF* shoots, continuing to build portfolio and gain experience but not paying for the shoot
3. Getting paid for your shoots

Joanne/Rocket J

Rachie Pin-Up said:
I think it would be fun, yet a waste of money.

You can get the same experience for free--or next-to-nothing--from carefully selecting a team from
Just adding my two cents..I think pin up classes/photoshoots are a good idea for beginners but most of them are way too expensive. We're still in a recession people! Well, at least the more unfortunate ones keep the price down or be open to the possibilty of doing a trade of some kind. That would really help..hope that was useful to you.

older  thread---but Heart your post!
the classes are fun to meet new like minded pinups in your area, but ELVGREN all the way!!!
xoxo SSS

Honey B Hooligan {Madam} said:

I've actually never even heard of this until now. It sounds like fun though! important? not really, I doubt there's anything they can "teach" you that you couldn't learn from a long study of an Elvgren collection, and a full length mirror-practice-session.

Practice is what makes perfect.

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