"We Are The New Vintage"
I love winter. It is, hand's down, my favorite season. It does require some extra work, though, to not become a frizzy-haired chapped-skinned red-nosed disaster. So my absolute must-do cold weather items are:
NEVER HAVE BARE LIPS - I keep lip balm in my purse, on my desk, on my nightstand, in the bathroom, I am never more than 5 feet away from it. Whether it's cold outdoors or heated indoors, the air gets dry in winter and my lips are the first part of me to let it be known when they are not happy.
DEEP CONDITION MORE OFTEN - I usually deep condition every two weeks, but in winter I bump that up to once a week. Cold weather + wind + heaters = bad times for hair. And I don't care how much Pantene would like to convince us otherwise, split ends can't really be repaired, they can only be cut off.
EXTRA MOISTURIZER FOR EYES, NOSE & HANDS - I'm not always the best about remembering to put on hand lotion, because I can't type when my fingers are slippery. One of the easiest ways to make up for missing an application or two is to slather it on before I do dishes, I mean REALLY glop it on, then put on gloves and let the heat from the dishwater help it soak in. When I'm just home for the day, I do the same thing around my eyes and nose, slather on a bunch of moisturizer and just let it sit. Added bonus: slimy face is a great deterrent for door-to-door solicitors.
What do you ladies do to keep feeling and looking pretty during cold weather?
I have lotion everywhere! There is a bottle in every room. Every time I walk by I put some on my hands, elbows, arms... whatever is showing! I also have lip balm everywhere. I should be deep conditioning more often, in fact, now that you mentioned it, I'm gonna do it today!
Winter is also my favorite season, but man it's not easy on the skin or hair as you said. I have lotion and lip balm at home, in my purse, and in my desk. For some reason, my place of work thinks they need to crank the heater, so I'm constantly re-applying hand lotion and lip balm. And drinking lots of water! I know you're supposed to avoid hot showers or baths, but good lord they feel so good when it's cold outside! So I make up for it by using a body scrub, like Bliss FatGirlScrub once a week. It not only scrubs off the dead skin cells, it moisturizes. As for the hair, I use a silicone hair product on my damp hair. And about once a week, I'll use a moisturizing mask such as Ojon overnight.
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