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I noticed there are no groups dedicated to tiki. I'd like to get one started. Anyone know how to do that?

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Hmmmmm thats not a bad idea, Groups are most useful for identifying other members with the same interest easily and at a glance. Let me think seriously about that one since you even put this thread in the right place =)
Any word on whether we may start a tiki group?

Daddy Cool said:
Hmmmmm thats not a bad idea, Groups are most useful for identifying other members with the same interest easily and at a glance. Let me think seriously about that one since you even put this thread in the right place =)
I'll speak with Desi about this tonight. Would "Tiki Heads" work for a group name?
Either that or Tiki Freakies!

Daddy Cool said:
I'll speak with Desi about this tonight. Would "Tiki Heads" work for a group name?
SURPRISE! And you'll be happy to know that Doctor Tiki is now also a member, go say hi!

New Tiki Group

Dr Tiki's Profile

I also added a custom forum for you all to discuss and show off your tikis! Now help us spread the word about the Tiki Group so others could identify themselves as fans!
Is there a group just for vendors? I didn't see one, but I know there are some resellers who aren't designers in their own right. Or is this how you encourage us to buy ad space and gain entrance to the Advertisers group? :)
Regional Groups Suggestion

How about a regional PL Group. Like for example, PL Northwest? Or PL Seattle? PL UK? or PL Canada? This would really help regional PL members to collaborate and even organize local events? I am not sure, what the total number of members is, but it would make sense as the site gets bigger and bigger.
GO CONTENDER!! DO IT DC!!! add regional groups!!

TheeContender said:
Regional Groups Suggestion

How about a regional PL Group. Like for example, PL Northwest? Or PL Seattle? PL UK? or PL Canada? This would really help regional PL members to collaborate and even organize local events? I am not sure, what the total number of members is, but it would make sense as the site gets bigger and bigger.
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TheeContender said:
Regional Groups Suggestion

How about a regional PL Group. Like for example, PL Northwest? Or PL Seattle? PL UK? or PL Canada? This would really help regional PL members to collaborate and even organize local events? I am not sure, what the total number of members is, but it would make sense as the site gets bigger and bigger.
When sub forums are doable in the current forum we will have a regional section, but for content distribution reasons it wouldn't make sense to make "groups" for em.

For now keep using events and the ability to put in locations there will keep you in the know of local happs...

Official answer, coming soon, but not half assed ;)


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