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okay what makes a good horror movie? yeah i just would like to hear from you all. and ia m am placeing it in the "lifestyle" so just would like to hear from you since you would be the targeted audiance. thanks for any help.

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Great thread! More effective in the Chit Chat lounge vs. The Marketplace, moving!
Suspense and Unpredictability.... Unless your going for Campy Horror and that's a whole different bag.
Mimi First said:
Suspense and Unpredictability.... Unless your going for Campy Horror and that's a whole different bag.
well iam not goin for campy so thanks for the in put.
I really feel like someone needs to do an old school black and white movie again. It always seemed scarier for some reason. Make sure the lead character is a total babe of course. Also, unpredictability is a HUGE factor in weather it sucks or not!
Don't do the mess that has been getting used in thrillers and horror movies since the Ring came out. That gets old after a while. Personally I like movies that follow a classic story or plot. Nosferatu is one of my favorites but then it's a '20s silent in black and white. Which somehow makes it creepier. Or you could do something that makes people wonder if it could really happen or make it seem like it was a true story, ie: Amityville Horror. Some folks think it was a true story, I dunno if it was but it definitely makes one wonder because it touches on things that alot of folks would freak out about. Possession, ghosts, poltergeists, etc.
the element of surprise! thinking its going one way, them BA BAM! surprise! suspense, and leting the audeance work their imagination. sure gory horror is scary and whatever, but its gross and id rather leave it up to me to put together those images into what im ready for. i dont like gore.

I like gore! And I like movies that don't have a happy ending, plot twist, suspense, and realistic elements. I hate going to movies were I just know nothing in it could ever happen.
hitchcock like camera angles, closeups, music, shadows...timing and the element of surprise is everything
thank you all for what you have told me so far. and i feel that it should be along the lines that you all have said. well to let alittle bite of the plot out it all started when i was in school in nor. california, they said if you drove on a street late at night that a car would of come out of nowhere and try and run you off the street. and then it would just vanish. well that is what i took and added some stuff to it, to make it my own or you can say more hollywood. thank you all.
Ooooh that reminds me of the urban legend of when someone drives with their headlights off at night that if you flash your brights to them they will kill you cause they are gang members. I don't know how true this is but I still don't warn people when their lights aren't on at night. Freaks me out!

Your plot sounds really cool. Hope you post clips to the site when you're done!

a Rebel looking for a cause said:
thank you all for what you have told me so far. and i feel that it should be along the lines that you all have said. well to let alittle bite of the plot out it all started when i was in school in nor. california, they said if you drove on a street late at night that a car would of come out of nowhere and try and run you off the street. and then it would just vanish. well that is what i took and added some stuff to it, to make it my own or you can say more hollywood. thank you all.

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