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OK not really, I'm actually one of the creators of, most of you know me well as "Daddy Cool".  A select few that have been here from the beginning would know me as "Coke Lover" from when we first launched the site and I needed a quick nickname to work on the site under. Some of my clearest memories are of my dad spinning the Boney M track "Daddy Cool" at parties as a dj which is where my nick came from.

"She is crazy about her Daddy
She believes in him
She loves her Daddy

She is crazy like a fool. What about it Daddy cool?
Daddy Daddy Cool
Daddy Daddy Cool"

Well, the time has come to can the nickname to facilitate person to person networking as we continue to grow the site. As a Dj I go by my real name so its not a huge change for me, thus I present the real me. Edson C.

Ta-daaaaaaa, how do I look?

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You look BEAUTIFUL! =D
I like it!
You look fabulous, Dahlink. But I've known your name for ages, and I still call you DC anyway. For at least a few people, you're stuck with it. :)
And clearly, I wrote that from the wrong account. Whoops!
And I'll proudly accept Winky!

tiddleywink said:
You look fabulous, Dahlink. But I've known your name for ages, and I still call you DC anyway. For at least a few people, you're stuck with it. :)
do tell, what genres do you spin???
I'm like Wink, you'll be stuck as DC for a while in my book :)
....u look sharp.;-) very professional_!!
Only..itll take me a while to let ur real life name sync in.
Nice to meet you Edson C... About time you "came out of the closet"
even though I've experienced you sticking your head out ones or twice before, as well... LOL
...and of course I agree with "all of the above"... You're as cute as ever,
but I do think you should try to remove that iPhone from your face... Hehe!!
yup you look great! though i haven't even been here very long and it's still gonna take some getting used to!
You look radical! :) I dig it!
Holy Crap! You came out of the closet!

I like Daddy Cool, he's charming, suave... and a total ass! But I love Edson, he's one of my best friends, and a blast to hang out with. I'm glad everyone else gets to met him.

ha ha ha ha

Chop & Go {PLA} said:
the facilitate person formally known as daddy cool.

you still look great!

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