Advertise on PinupLifestyle maybe I should just be grateful to have job but...I really can't do this!! They want me to work tomorrow New Year's Eve from 6pm to 4 am then New Year's Day I start at 5pm!!!
This is f***** insane! Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get outta this without getting fired? Although they're kinda lax about things at this place...
I was thinking fake an accident? Nervous breakdown?
Maybe this is evil considering all the people who've just been laid off and considering I DO need the I can move to the West coast and become a beach bum. : P
Mmm...any ideas? Thank you.

Oh and it's customer service so'll be crappy on New Years!

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Haha damn thats just completely wrong, I say if y ou ARE going to fake something to get out, work the overnight shift and get out of the morning one. BUT, if it will cripple the business then ask yourself if now is a good time to be unemployed. Whatever you do, good luck doll this is a tough one but they REALLY should not be putting you in like that back to back, I wouldnt even do that to my overnight NOC Technicians... and they are nerds who would prob play world of warcraft all night anyways.
Two words: Family emergency. Although, you should have thought about this before today...
sick allways works. tell them its personal, that works too!
Yes ok! It's last minute as always! But they gave me this shittty schedule and I just started working there so I didn't wanna say anything then...I'm really freaking out about this!! Aaaaaahhhh!!!
What to do? I think I'm just gonna run out the door at 10 pm...and hope they won't notice cause they'll be so busy.

Or maybe there'll be a snow storm!!! Yes please! Start snowing! Now dammit!!!

Note: If ya don't really know me I'm not always this way...just sometimes..
ummm I'd say You have to show up but unfortunately your only choice is to make yourself sick infront of them...then they have to send you home and may offer that you not come in the next day ;)
I'd may be embarrassing but worth it LOL!
Good Luck hope you get off work early at least!
My friend wore a fake brace (she bought at CVS) to work once to get out of it for the rest of the week without getting fired. She showed up wearing it and then when she would have to do anything using her wrist she complained about the pain and was sent home! It's a stretch, but it worked! Haha. ;)
Ok ok so I..uhh...faked a nervous breakdown. Yes with the crying,sobbing and acting crazy. I'm VERY good at that. Maybe cause I've had so many real ones...maybe it's evil to use my own disorders this way..but whatever. They have to be good for something sometime. So here's hoping that when I show up tomorrow they're not like "you're fired"! Whatever lots of people showed up (don't know why) so they're covered.
I'm Hispanic so for me it's VERY important to be with people who actually LIKE me (family) and NOT with strangers screaming at me about their f***** pizza.
Yes, I do customer service for a big ass pizza place in Canada...think Pizza Hut but Canadian.
Lame! So here's hoping I get to finally work in film and/or the comics industry in 2009. Si Dios quiere...

Happy Happy everyone! 2009 woo!
Ummm...I have bit more dignity then this...Not a whole lot but a bit more... : P

sfphotojournal said:
Tell your employer you are suffering from melanocytes cutis laxa, otherwise known as tanned loose skin.
Or maybe tell them you have explosive diaherra that always works for me.
NICE!!! Good for you I'm sooo happy you got yourself outta that shift!!! I'm sure everything ill be fine!!!
Customer service on New years...Bad Karma for bringing in this new year...u probably did something good ;)
Happy New Year!!

Anita Fixx said:
Ok ok so I..uhh...faked a nervous breakdown. Yes with the crying,sobbing and acting crazy. I'm VERY good at that. Maybe cause I've had so many real ones...maybe it's evil to use my own disorders this way..but whatever. They have to be good for something sometime. So here's hoping that when I show up tomorrow they're not like "you're fired"! Whatever lots of people showed up (don't know why) so they're covered.
I'm Hispanic so for me it's VERY important to be with people who actually LIKE me (family) and NOT with strangers screaming at me about their f***** pizza.
Yes, I do customer service for a big ass pizza place in Canada...think Pizza Hut but Canadian.
Lame! So here's hoping I get to finally work in film and/or the comics industry in 2009. Si Dios quiere...

Happy Happy everyone! 2009 woo!
Hahaha! Thank you! Yes, let's hope I've done something good...I still deserve a job right? Right? ; )
Hope you had a Happy New Year too!


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