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And nowadays it's the opposite. But I really enjoyed this! Thanks for sharing.

Love this thanks for sharing!


Oh lordy - how times have changed!  btw, my body naturally produces "wate-on"  haha

Just goes to show how the media is always making people feel bad about their bodies.. for shame. 

Love this!  Totally wish this was the case now!  According to those adds I'd be so popular!!  LOL

I really wish some gals would realize that being " rail skinny" isnt love curves...that is one of the beautiful things about being a woman...

People can't help their body types. Some people can't help being "rail skinny". I know, I was rail skinny once, not by choice. That's just how my body is. I was 64lbs in middle school and I would eat all the time, I just couldn't gain weight. I wasn't unhealthy either. I've finally gained some weight and I still get self conscious about being too skinny sometimes because of people who say stuff like this. It shouldn't be like that. Who gives a crap what men love.. Women should learn to love their own bodies the way they are and their personalities. If a man doesn't like your body, then he's not worth your time. Fat girls and skinny girls are beautiful, sexy, etc. People need to realize that and encourage others to love themselves. 

Brenda Deanne said:

I really wish some gals would realize that being " rail skinny" isnt love curves...that is one of the beautiful things about being a woman...

Let's keep this on a nice positive note, these are vintage adds doing nothing more but showing how our times have changed. Let's keep this thread focused on that and not turn it into a drama filled discussion.

Keep it nice ladies. Thank you.

Stiletto Sweetheart said:

People can't help their body types. Some people can't help being "rail skinny". I know, I was rail skinny once, not by choice. That's just how my body is. I was 64lbs in middle school and I would eat all the time, I just couldn't gain weight. I wasn't unhealthy either. I've finally gained some weight and I still get self conscious about being too skinny sometimes because of people who say stuff like this. It shouldn't be like that. Who gives a crap what men love.. Women should learn to love their own bodies the way they are and their personalities. If a man doesn't like your body, then he's not worth your time. Fat girls and skinny girls are beautiful, sexy, etc. People need to realize that and encourage others to love themselves. 

Brenda Deanne said:

I really wish some gals would realize that being " rail skinny" isnt love curves...that is one of the beautiful things about being a woman...

Roxy Tart {Madam/Community Mgr} said:

Let's keep this on a nice positive note, these are vintage adds doing nothing more but showing how our times have changed. Let's keep this thread focused on that and not turn it into a drama filled discussion.

Keep it nice ladies. Thank you.

Stiletto Sweetheart said:

People can't help their body types. Some people can't help being "rail skinny". I know, I was rail skinny once, not by choice. That's just how my body is. I was 64lbs in middle school and I would eat all the time, I just couldn't gain weight. I wasn't unhealthy either. I've finally gained some weight and I still get self conscious about being too skinny sometimes because of people who say stuff like this. It shouldn't be like that. Who gives a crap what men love.. Women should learn to love their own bodies the way they are and their personalities. If a man doesn't like your body, then he's not worth your time. Fat girls and skinny girls are beautiful, sexy, etc. People need to realize that and encourage others to love themselves. 

Brenda Deanne said:

 I wasnt trying to be negative at all! :( Every natural body type is beautiful!!! what I was trying to say is our society puts so much strain on girls now a days to  be a certain way. to fit a certain image and its so sad what it does to  people..  stiletto sweetheart you are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different!  and i apologize if that came out negatively...

wow, sad the way things have changed. id love to be able to add a few pounds

I know, I wasn't trying to be rude. Sorry that it came off that way. I'm sure you weren't either. I try not to take things so seriously on the internet.. Haha. I'm just saying. I'm a big advocate of self esteem and ladies loving their bodies and also feminism. So little comments like that send me into rant mode. Society has always put a strain on how girls look, even back then. As you can see in these ads. Times haven't changed too much really. Nothing mean meant by it. I've gone on rants like that with close friends too. No rude tone implied. Drama is lame! <3 

Wow, how times have changed.  This is a cool little piece of history!  Hopefully, there's a revival, lol!

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