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What are your favorite classic movies, or movies that deal with the rockabilly/punk/pin-up/hot rod lifestyle? I have a pretty nice collection, but I'm always looking to add more.

I have so many favorites, but the movie that I recommend to everyone is The Greatest Show on Earth. The 1952 Cecil B. DeMille classic starring Betty Hutton, Cornel Wilde, and Charlton Heston among others. It takes place among a traveling Ringling Bros. - Barnum and Bailey Circus. If you love classic movies, romance, action, and the circus then you'll love this movie. My favorite scene has to be when Dorothy Lamour sings "Lovely Luawana Lady."

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I love Marilyn Monroe movies. Niagara is such a great movie, but who can forget Let's Make Love, Some Like It Hot, Misfits, and of course Seven Year Itch! I think it's really neat how they are going to see The Creature From the Black Lagoon, another favorite!
I gotta agree with you Betty Red!! Love Elvis, however I have been hooked on Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and Breakfast at Tiffanys lately.

Betty Red said:
I admit it....I am a SUCKER for Elvis movies. I LOVE them all.

Yeah, wouldn't we all like our man to pull out a wad of hundred dollar bills to pay for dinner! ; )
Tesia said:
The end is my favorite part. I love that whole diner scene where all the girls faint!
Christina Misae said:
How To Marry A Millionaire is def one of my fave movies. Marilyn Monroe, Lauren Bacall and Betty Grable. What more can you ask for?
I'm SO glad you mentioned this movie. IT's one of my favorites, too!!!!

Christina Misae said:
How To Marry A Millionaire is def one of my fave movies. Marilyn Monroe, Lauren Bacall and Betty Grable. What more can you ask for?
Arsenic and Old Lace! Not really Rockabilly... but VERY Classic.
o man! too true...marilyns hot!!! but...if the movieworld was burning down and i could save only one film??? gah...i HAVE to go with True Romance! That movie has so much character and meaning...WATCH IT!!!! NOW! haha

Tesia said:
I love Marilyn Monroe movies. Niagara is such a great movie, but who can forget Let's Make Love, Some Like It Hot, Misfits, and of course Seven Year Itch! I think it's really neat how they are going to see The Creature From the Black Lagoon, another favorite!
I love Marilyn! She's my favorite actress so most of my favorite movies are hers like Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Some Like It Hot, Bus Stop, Don't Bother To Knock, The Seven Year Itch, The Misfits, How To Marry a Millionaire. They are all so good!
Some of my other favorites are Rebel Without a Cause, The Outsiders, Bombshell, Red-Headed Woman
Some like it HOTTTTT

Amanda said:
I love Marilyn! She's my favorite actress so most of my favorite movies are hers like Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Some Like It Hot, Bus Stop, Don't Bother To Knock, The Seven Year Itch, The Misfits, How To Marry a Millionaire. They are all so good!
Some of my other favorites are Rebel Without a Cause, The Outsiders, Bombshell, Red-Headed Woman
Laura Dern was in Jurassic Park.
PS Guilty.

Pin-ups Hair Design Inc. said:
Wild at Heart. Now that's a romantic movie! Who's guilty of not seeing this one? You've got great music, including a song by Chris Isaac. You've got Laura Dern speaking with a sexy southern accent. You've got Nicolas Cage wearing a snake skin jacket. Oh yes, lets not forget the 64 ragtop T-bird. Lots of love, lots of blood... good stuff! Granted it's no film noir, however a classic in it's own right.
You told me but havent shown me :)

Pin-ups Hair Design Inc. said:
Cassie Wanda said:
Laura Dern was in Jurassic Park.
PS Guilty.

Pin-ups Hair Design Inc. said:
Wild at Heart. Now that's a romantic movie! Who's guilty of not seeing this one? You've got great music, including a song by Chris Isaac. You've got Laura Dern speaking with a sexy southern accent. You've got Nicolas Cage wearing a snake skin jacket. Oh yes, lets not forget the 64 ragtop T-bird. Lots of love, lots of blood... good stuff! Granted it's no film noir, however a classic in it's own right.

This is way before that. Did I show you the autographed photo, I have from her? By the way, her mom was also in Wild at Heart. She actually plays Laura's mom.
I have a huge list of movies. MOST are "b" movies. Some of my favs are "B" movies that are hot rod or JD here are a few I really like:
The Choppers, T-Bird Gang, Wild Guitar, Hot Rod Girl, Violent Years, High School Hellcats, High School Confidential, Gonks Gone Beat, She-Devils on Wheels, The Horror on Party Beach, Astro Zombies, The Corpse Grinders, The Deadly Mantis, The Defilers, Scum of the Earth, Teenagers from Outer Space, Brain From the Planet Arous, Monster on Campus, Undertaker and his Pals, Two Thousand Maniacs and Blood Feast.
Great Choice there were some very Famous Clowns from years gone bye who are legends and now in the Clown haLL of fame ... Lou Jacobs is one and Emmett Kelly ......c

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