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So lately I've been trying to figure out how to start my burlesque career. The only start I have right about now is to get my body in shape! This is soo hard for me to do, considering I have such a bad back. If anyone has any advice for bad backs, please share! Hopefully one day , I will be able to carry on with this dream of mine!

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Swimming. That's all I can think of. And read through this forum. There is so much great stuff in here. I'm sure you'll find stuff to help and motivate. Good luck!
Thanks! <3

Roxy Tart {Madam} said:
Swimming. That's all I can think of. And read through this forum. There is so much great stuff in here. I'm sure you'll find stuff to help and motivate. Good luck!
I can totally empathize with you. I've lost a lot of weight through gastric bypass surgery and am still left with some extra fat/excess skin. I was going to weight to begin burlesque until I thought I was "done"- the extra pounds gone and plastic surgery to fix my boobs and extra skin. Then I realized if I kept putting it off, I might never realize my dream. My first performance is coming up. Am I scared as hell? Yes. Am I afraid people are going to judge me based on my extra pounds? You bet. But now's as good a time as any to get my feet wet. I'm sorry to babble.

I have a bad back... I worked with a trainer for a while. It's a great option if you can afford it. You may be able to get a physical therapy referral from your doctor and they can help you develop and exercise routine. I've heard pilates is good, but I have never tried it. You can always start with just walking. Make sure you've got some good shoes for it though.

Anyway, best of luck and I hope my rambling helped somewhat.

Oh, and if you want to perform before feeling like you're "done," do what I do- I cinch my midsection in with a good underbust corset that remains on throughout the performance. It really smooths things and you can do the boobie reveal without revealing your midsection (that's the part that embarrasses me most. ) Just a thought.
wow, well congrats on the weight lose! Its such an awesome feeling to cut out those access pounds!

Best of luck for your first performance! Let me know how it goes!!! I'm sure you will do awesome girl!

I can't afford a personal trainer, but I will take your advice about talking to my doctor. Hopefully they'll be able to figure this out. I fractured my vertebra a few years ago, and ever since then it is so painful.

The cinch is a brilliant idea, I always thought about that. I have bad stretch marks from having my son, who weight 8.4, and i'm not a very big person as it is, but he tore my stomach up! I'll definitely have to look into buying one.

Cherry Cyanide said:
I can totally empathize with you. I've lost a lot of weight through gastric bypass surgery and am still left with some extra fat/excess skin. I was going to weight to begin burlesque until I thought I was "done"- the extra pounds gone and plastic surgery to fix my boobs and extra skin. Then I realized if I kept putting it off, I might never realize my dream. My first performance is coming up. Am I scared as hell? Yes. Am I afraid people are going to judge me based on my extra pounds? You bet. But now's as good a time as any to get my feet wet. I'm sorry to babble.

I have a bad back... I worked with a trainer for a while. It's a great option if you can afford it. You may be able to get a physical therapy referral from your doctor and they can help you develop and exercise routine. I've heard pilates is good, but I have never tried it. You can always start with just walking. Make sure you've got some good shoes for it though.

Anyway, best of luck and I hope my rambling helped somewhat.

Oh, and if you want to perform before feeling like you're "done," do what I do- I cinch my midsection in with a good underbust corset that remains on throughout the performance. It really smooths things and you can do the boobie reveal without revealing your midsection (that's the part that embarrasses me most. ) Just a thought.
Hmm... given that you've got a history of a fractured vertebra I am much more strongly leaning to physical therapy. You need to strengthen those surrounding muscles before putting the strain of regular exercise in them. And most insurance covers pt.

I'm also in agreement with Roxy- swimming or water aerobics might be ideal. It's definitely good for the back.

As for a cincher, I got a real steel-boned one at a boutique in San Francisco for about $50. I feel so much more confident with it on during class.

You can absolutely do this! Might not always be easy but you can do it. And there's a great supportive community here when you feel like you need a little inspiration. *hugs*
The best way to help with your bad back is to work your core. your abs support your WHOLE body. That means ALL of your abs, upper, lower and sides. I've had a bad back my entire life (I have always had a HUGE chest and slender frame...not I'm bigger, but the back issues persist)

When I joined the Military, they almost didn't let me in because of my back. My then boyfriend was a trainer and therapist, and he helped me build up my abs. I became a LOT stronger...once my core was in shape, the rest felt SOOOO much better. So trust me, to help your back, work those abs!

As Roxy said, Swimming is a fantastic way to get in shape!
Honey, what kind of abdominal training did you do? My problem is more in my neck and shoulders but I would do *anything* to get back in shape!

Honey B Hooligan {Madam} said:
The best way to help with your bad back is to work your core. your abs support your WHOLE body. That means ALL of your abs, upper, lower and sides. I've had a bad back my entire life (I have always had a HUGE chest and slender frame...not I'm bigger, but the back issues persist)

When I joined the Military, they almost didn't let me in because of my back. My then boyfriend was a trainer and therapist, and he helped me build up my abs. I became a LOT stronger...once my core was in shape, the rest felt SOOOO much better. So trust me, to help your back, work those abs!

As Roxy said, Swimming is a fantastic way to get in shape!
my hubby's co-worker has a really bad back...her dr. recommended pilates & yoga.
I don't know about the bad back but I keep in shape by dancing. I do ballroom dance and ballet twice a week and I love it. I'm not the type of girl who goes to the gym or to aerobic because I get bored really fast and end up going home after half an hour. But dancing is fabulous because it's fun and it tome every muscle in your body, gives you a better posture, and helps you a lot especially if you are a burlesque dancer.
Besides it's not expensive at all and did I mention my ballroom dance instructor is one of the most handsome men I have seen in my entire life?
thanks so much for the advice ladies!

Water aerobics is outta the question though, I live in Alaska on an island so theres no where for me to swim! So frustrating! But I started doing pilates, still kinda hurts, obviously I just started, but hopefully it'll strength soon!

I really wanna do belly dancing to get in shape, but of course there isnt anywhere around my neck of the woods to do this, so I'm considering buying a dvd on it. So maybe this will work.

I'm gonna start working my core and strength that, so wish me luck!
thanks so much for the advice ladies!

Water aerobics is outta the question though, I live in Alaska on an island so theres no where for me to swim! So frustrating! But I started doing pilates, still kinda hurts, obviously I just started, but hopefully it'll strength soon!

I really wanna do belly dancing to get in shape, but of course there isnt anywhere around my neck of the woods to do this, so I'm considering buying a dvd on it. So maybe this will work.

I'm gonna start working my core and strength that, so wish me luck!
Good luck! And keep us posted on your progress,

I know Amazon has a lot of bellydance dvds.

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