"We Are The New Vintage"
I did and boy did I see red! First off, someone on my friends list did it because this was my personal site and it's limited to friends. I wrote a fast and furious letter to FB. They then reopened my account and showed me the "offensive" material that was removed. It was a pose I did with another woman and while it's sexy, it's also tastefully playful. I have similar poses with a man and no reports have been made on those. Ok, fine. Some jerk got off by ticking me off. The NEXT day I got a 2nd warning for apparently posting something offensive. I guess telling someone that if they don't want to see it, they should delete themselves instead of being a homophobic ass! I have my other site set to 18+ so if your kid is looking at that site, that's not MY problem! ARGH!!! I hate having to sensor myself.
I'm not taking it personally in that way. I'm taking it personally because you should be able to trust your friends. This was done on my personal and private site. It was a supposed friend. I'm aware that it is a very large site, however, I also am a child advocate and encourage them to pursue child endangerment. I hope they will concentrate more of their efforts on that. I chose to shut down my personal page and go back to my old one. I could care less about the photo they removed. It was put up so long ago that I'd actually forgotten about it. However, I do wonder why some reports seem to go unnoticed and others are removed. It's a curiosity to me. I was trying to open up the door for a discussion on censorship, but I failed miserably. This discussion has become a farce. I don't support beating people to death with their opinions. Thank you for your well thought out posts. Blessed be.
The Trousseau said:
The thing is, it isn't cherry picking. They can't police everything; the site is too big. So whomever is the loudest in complaining, or whomever's pics have the most potential to cause problems, those are the ones removed. It isn't personal; the site is too big to be personal. It is just that yours were caught when others weren't.
We can tell you first hand that even tho you state "it is definitely a cherry picking device that they use.", there is a possibility you weren't singled out of a bunch of reports. When PL first launched it was very very easy for 2 of us to enforce every rule, to screen every single photo for nudity or police every discussion. As it grew, our manual process of moderation had to scale, the amount of work this network generates is now unmanageable for 2. We've added on a team of moderators, and even then get reports from members. This almost self policing state of the site is a huge help to us, but it may make it seem like someone was "cherry picked" when we act on a violation and either haven't gotten to another or didn't notice it. This of course is not at all the case, it's possible that the violation you saw is simply still under the radar, or if you reported it that in an hours time at Facebook scale it is about 150,000 tickets into the queue. Just wanted to shed a little light on what the back end is like for us with 12,000 users, and let you imagine what it would be at their scale with more than 800 million ACTIVE users.
We don't see anyone attacking you here, we see lots of great civil discussion. You posted your thoughts and others did the same. By posting a strong and detailed opinion online you typically open up the door for responses of the same nature. Lots of GREAT info has been shared in this thread, from best practices, to even someone playing devils advocate on the scenario. We see no personal attacks insults here. This is the definition of a DISCUSSION and it's all thanks to you posting your question. Don't be discouraged when you find someone online posts their opinion in reply to yours, that's the way of the internet. We encourage you to continue posting and contributing to the community. It's better to have a discussion then to only give people an option to click a LIKE button. Unliking something said and voicing an opinion in a civil manner is just as valid and important free speech don't you agree?
Hellz Kittehn said:
Wow! This is a great reminder of why don't post or answer discussions on this site. I appreciate the feedback, but there is always somebody to come along with biting, yet not witty, commentary. I don't care who likes or dislikes Facebook, but don't take me for a fool. geez looeez...There are inherent problems with any website you choose to participate with, but some people on here seem to think they know everything. Why put down my reason for using FB???
I had my first photo removed from a contest on FB today, I guess I get to be in the club now ;) Funny thing is, it was a more modest version of a shot that's posted on my own FB page and also here on PL and hasn't caused any problems. But it is what it is; as has been so astutely pointed out, FB is a free service and reserves the right to run their site as they see fit.
My response:
"My photo in the Pinup-Doll.com contest has been reported to and removed by Facebook. As annoying as that is, if my 41-year-old ass is enough of a threat to anyone that they feel the need to have it removed from FB, I can't help but take it as a compliment. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go write a nice thank-you note to the makers of the NordicTrack E5VI Elliptical Trainer. Have a great weekend ♥"
We are not putting you down for using Facebook we are putting down the notion that you are "USING" facebook then complaining about using it..... I think you made clear the words "Not witty"
Hellz Kittehn said:
Wow! This is a great reminder of why don't post or answer discussions on this site. I appreciate the feedback, but there is always somebody to come along with biting, yet not witty, commentary. I don't care who likes or dislikes Facebook, but don't take me for a fool. geez looeez...There are inherent problems with any website you choose to participate with, but some people on here seem to think they know everything. Why put down my reason for using FB???
So now your complaining about being broke and not being able to afford a your ownship of a platform to do speak to your friends "Your Way" "with your rules"??? Yah I hear you when I am broke I get angry when I can not just get the new car I want or the new house I want..... LoL. Hmmm... Seems to me a old phrase of solid advice comes to mind "Beggars cant be choosers" I believe Richard Wang above nailed it "Self entitlement" I guess the old rule of earning the things you want in life does not grip your mind.. You seem to want all these things but yet say your broke and can not afford them yet you feel you should get them anyways???? Wow...... Really....?
Hellz Kittehn said:
I give up posting on here as well. I was not implying ownership of FB. I was hoping for a somewhat intelligent conversation on censorship and FB happened to be the forum that I used. I'm an active user of a private and personal page. It's a great way for someone like me who is broke to be able to talk to my friends who are now scattered throughout the world. Blessed be.
Rafael Vizcara said:Well to answer your comment it may be in your nature to "Push your envelope" just as it will be in your nature to get "Banned" again from FB website.. Your going to get the same fustrating results which is getting banned and most likely permanently this time so why bother. Its like saying I am going to go topless at the beach because in Europe its legal and I have a right and its my body etc etc... Well guess what its not your beach as facebook is not your website. You can complain all you want about the website and their poor policies and poor way of defining that the person who flagged your webpage "IS or IS NOT" a stalker. Yes most likely it was a weirdo stalker guy that flagged your site. But do you seriously think Facebook police agency detective dept gives a rats ass about one person on their website when they have "Millions" on their site? And you are actually expecting them to figure out who is telling the truth and what the real story is or going on with your facebook webpage? They could careless... Why? because its a "FREE" site that you do not own or have one lousy say in! If you want control or a better way to avoid these problems as many have mentioned "CHOOSE" another site to do it on or create your own with your own domain name... All that said I am not on Facebooks fanboy side I actually can not stand the site.. But to hear people actually complain about a company that provides a service for "FREE" is like people complaining how about their food while in jail... Dont like it dont go there.... Pretty simple answer and it dont take a rocket scientist to figure that out "Or maybe it does" Honestly I think the more people get things for free the more the complain about them.. Or promote them by using them...
Hellz Kittehn said:First of all, I need to proof my posts! OY! I know a friend ratted me out. I shut the site down. It's ridiculous because I'm very open about how VERY open I am! FB can shove their so-called policies where the sun don't shine. They let my stalker roam like a gd free range chicken. I blocked him and he popped back up with another site. This was someone who had stalked me 5yrs before and he found me on FB and started up again. Trust me, this was way before any "sexy" pics of me were on my site. So, in the end, the local PD CSI(no joke)had to come and photograph the emails, tap into my voice mail, and collect his creepy "love" letters. To this day, that creep still has a site and I'm the bad one??? I'm now happily back to my old page. I will probably push the envelope on that page. It's in my nature. It's been a good way for me to keep in touch with photogs and other models. I about wanted to explode when I posted this discussion. Art has no hard and fast rules. Let me pose this question. What type of picture would offend you to the point of reporting it?
OMG! I have told you and so has Trousou above their site is to big and they have literally millions and millions of personal sites to deal with they do not care about your page and "Following your ethics" or "Opinions" on "What is accepted or not" No matter what the topic or problem or principle! even if you were right its "THEIR HOUSE THEIR RULES!" they can do what they want and will do what they want as its their site! Duh... You seriously have an issue realizing your arguing about something you have no say in period NONE! ZIP ZERO! Man seriously "REALLY?"
Hellz Kittehn said:
I'm not taking it personally in that way. I'm taking it personally because you should be able to trust your friends. This was done on my personal and private site. It was a supposed friend. I'm aware that it is a very large site, however, I also am a child advocate and encourage them to pursue child endangerment. I hope they will concentrate more of their efforts on that. I chose to shut down my personal page and go back to my old one. I could care less about the photo they removed. It was put up so long ago that I'd actually forgotten about it. However, I do wonder why some reports seem to go unnoticed and others are removed. It's a curiosity to me. I was trying to open up the door for a discussion on censorship, but I failed miserably. This discussion has become a farce. I don't support beating people to death with their opinions. Thank you for your well thought out posts. Blessed be.
The Trousseau said:The thing is, it isn't cherry picking. They can't police everything; the site is too big. So whomever is the loudest in complaining, or whomever's pics have the most potential to cause problems, those are the ones removed. It isn't personal; the site is too big to be personal. It is just that yours were caught when others weren't.
Very well articulated and put to words. Far better than I could have done. The point made by mentioning "Clicking the like button" was excellent.
PL Team said:
We can tell you first hand that even tho you state "it is definitely a cherry picking device that they use.", there is a possibility you weren't singled out of a bunch of reports. When PL first launched it was very very easy for 2 of us to enforce every rule, to screen every single photo for nudity or police every discussion. As it grew, our manual process of moderation had to scale, the amount of work this network generates is now unmanageable for 2. We've added on a team of moderators, and even then get reports from members. This almost self policing state of the site is a huge help to us, but it may make it seem like someone was "cherry picked" when we act on a violation and either haven't gotten to another or didn't notice it. This of course is not at all the case, it's possible that the violation you saw is simply still under the radar, or if you reported it that in an hours time at Facebook scale it is about 150,000 tickets into the queue. Just wanted to shed a little light on what the back end is like for us with 12,000 users, and let you imagine what it would be at their scale with more than 800 million ACTIVE users.
We don't see anyone attacking you here, we see lots of great civil discussion. You posted your thoughts and others did the same. By posting a strong and detailed opinion online you typically open up the door for responses of the same nature. Lots of GREAT info has been shared in this thread, from best practices, to even someone playing devils advocate on the scenario. We see no personal attacks insults here. This is the definition of a DISCUSSION and it's all thanks to you posting your question. Don't be discouraged when you find someone online posts their opinion in reply to yours, that's the way of the internet. We encourage you to continue posting and contributing to the community. It's better to have a discussion then to only give people an option to click a LIKE button. Unliking something said and voicing an opinion in a civil manner is just as valid and important free speech don't you agree?
Hellz Kittehn said:Wow! This is a great reminder of why don't post or answer discussions on this site. I appreciate the feedback, but there is always somebody to come along with biting, yet not witty, commentary. I don't care who likes or dislikes Facebook, but don't take me for a fool. geez looeez...There are inherent problems with any website you choose to participate with, but some people on here seem to think they know everything. Why put down my reason for using FB???
More power to you darling. :) I agree on your outlook on the reason of you being a threat to facebookers.. Your to spicy for them.. LoL. Bottom line seriously facebook is a complete family type trying to be clean cut place for friends and family and kids to connect. They are not the "Yahoo" groups type of social network of the mid 1990's or AOL type of social site that has A to Z types of content. Their popularity is world wide and it wants to continue to keep that world wide hold. Which has all types of religions and age groups so they want it super squeaky clean. Even if Soccer moms use it to beat up their cheerleader daughters rivals or men use it to meet rape victims or thief's use it to select vacation goer's homes.. LoL. What can I say their are suckers born every minute and they will line up in droves to say "Yes sir may I have another" LMAOF
Harlean Carpenter {★} said:
I had my first photo removed from a contest on FB today, I guess I get to be in the club now ;) Funny thing is, it was a more modest version of a shot that's posted on my own FB page and also here on PL and hasn't caused any problems. But it is what it is; as has been so astutely pointed out, FB is a free service and reserves the right to run their site as they see fit.
My response:
"My photo in the Pinup-Doll.com contest has been reported to and removed by Facebook. As annoying as that is, if my 41-year-old ass is enough of a threat to anyone that they feel the need to have it removed from FB, I can't help but take it as a compliment. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go write a nice thank-you note to the makers of the NordicTrack E5VI Elliptical Trainer. Have a great weekend ♥"
At this point I am beginning to hear "Circus Music"
PL wrote: We don't see anyone attacking you here, we see lots of great civil discussion.
Yes, true. The irony is, the discussion began with calling the person who reported the picture a "homophobic ass" and then later the OP made another, strongly worded, suggestion to FB. The discussion has been very polite, especially considering the inflammatory word choice of the OP.
PL also said: This almost self policing state of the site is a huge help to us, but it may make it seem like someone was "cherry picked" when we act on a violation and either haven't gotten to another or didn't notice it.
Which reminded me of my exasperation with people claiming Vera Wang is vintage on Etsy. I report it periodically, but it takes months sometimes for them to get around to removing the offending evening dress or Simply Vera scarf. I know that, for what I pay to sell on etsy, that they are doing the best they can to keep people from claiming vintage that isn't.
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