"We Are The New Vintage"
Alrighty! Per a conversation in the PL Chat
How many Yo Momma Jokes are there?! well Lets find out
Yo Mama so dumb she went outside to look at the stars, and thought it was pookey dots!
she sold her Car for Petrol cash!
she reckoned a Quarterback was a refund...
she once attempted to commit suicide by jumping off a Kerb.
she leaves tell tales signs she's been using my computer - white out (tipp ex) is on the screen.
she took a job cutting grass on an Oil Rig.
she invented a silent car alarm.
she really thought the cinema was selling Free Willies...
she was born on Halloween and can't remember her birthday.
she lost her shadow.
Yo mama so old.......
she left her purse on Noah's Ark.
Jurassic Park brought back the memories...
when she ran the 100 metre dash, they timed her with a sundial.
when she was at school...there was No history class!
she uses her hot flushes to heat her cup of Tea
she even made Yoda jealous.
the fire department are on standby when you light her birthday cake
when she gave birth, You came out with Dentures.
she sat in front of Jesus in 1st grade
her birthday expired.
she got the first copy of the Ten Commandments.
Told ya I would contribute :D
Betty Maraschino {Madam} said:
Yo mama so stupid......
I told her drinks were on the house...so she went and got a ladder...
it takes her two hours to watch 60 Minutes.
she got locked in the Quickie Mart and nearly starved to death.
she sold her Car for Petrol cash!
she reckoned a Quarterback was a refund...
she once attempted to commit suicide by jumping off a Kerb.
she leaves tell tales signs she's been using my computer - white out (tipp ex) is on the screen.
she took a job cutting grass on an Oil Rig.
she invented a silent car alarm.
she really thought the cinema was selling Free Willies...
she was born on Halloween and can't remember her birthday.
she lost her shadow.
Yo mama so old.......
she left her purse on Noah's Ark.
Jurassic Park brought back the memories...
when she ran the 100 metre dash, they timed her with a sundial.
when she was at school...there was No history class!
she uses her hot flushes to heat her cup of Tea
she even made Yoda jealous.
the fire department are on standby when you light her birthday cake
when she gave birth, You came out with Dentures.
she sat in front of Jesus in 1st grade
her birthday expired.
she got the first copy of the Ten Commandments.
Told ya I would contribute :D
No silly, not a collection! Better to just start with 1, then let someone bite your bait!
Betty Maraschino {Madam} said:
Yo mama so stupid......
I told her drinks were on the house...so she went and got a ladder...
it takes her two hours to watch 60 Minutes.
she got locked in the Quickie Mart and nearly starved to death.
she sold her Car for Petrol cash!
she reckoned a Quarterback was a refund...
she once attempted to commit suicide by jumping off a Kerb.
she leaves tell tales signs she's been using my computer - white out (tipp ex) is on the screen.
she took a job cutting grass on an Oil Rig.
she invented a silent car alarm.
she really thought the cinema was selling Free Willies...
she was born on Halloween and can't remember her birthday.
she lost her shadow.
Yo mama so old.......
she left her purse on Noah's Ark.
Jurassic Park brought back the memories...
when she ran the 100 metre dash, they timed her with a sundial.
when she was at school...there was No history class!
she uses her hot flushes to heat her cup of Tea
she even made Yoda jealous.
the fire department are on standby when you light her birthday cake
when she gave birth, You came out with Dentures.
she sat in front of Jesus in 1st grade
her birthday expired.
she got the first copy of the Ten Commandments.
Told ya I would contribute :D
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"We are the new vintage. Uniting the
Yo mama's so fat when she wore a Malcolm X jacket choppers were asking for clearance to land.