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I love Rockabilly and Psychobilly music. I go to a lot of shows. I book and promote shows at a few local clubs and am in a social club that puts on a huge car show and music event once a year. My pet Peeve is rarely do I see Pin Ups supporting shows! Bernie Dexter is an exception. She loves the Rockin' Scene, and will dance all night at weekenders, but most of the others don't show up unless they are making an appearance.

It bothers me to see people using the music and lifestyle, without supporting it.

All you "Pin-ups" who sport the vintage look, get your butts out there and support the music!!!! The Music is the reason you are able to have this "pin-up" lifestyle!!!!!

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That's my problem! Loads of stuff, but only once a month! Also, I think in Britain, because of the weather most likely, a lot of the stuff revolves around the summer months. So in the next couple of weeks I am packed out going to events and gigs, but come November, December and January I will have nothing, probably not even a gig

Nicole 'Delilah Hope' said:
Recently found a new rockabilly night at a bar a ten minute walk from my new flat in Glasgow, Scotland - it's full to the brim with gorgeous guys and pin up beauties! The only downside is that it's once a month!! xx
nail on the head

Alice Cat said:
mrjynx said:
Pin-up. women dressing up to gain satisfaction from being told they are attractive.
Its a lifestyle based on vanity and self obsession, you cant really be surprised when they dont give a sh*t about anything that isnt centred around themselves.
And no, non of these scenes need each other to thrive.
women will always be paid to take their clothes off
hicks will always talk about their old trucks
and good musicians will always draw a crowd.

My advice, dont bother yourself so much with it.

Thats my happy messages for the day.


Where I live, there is zero rockabilly, pin-up or burlesque culture to be seen. I'm the only girl in my area to sport red lipstick and to listen to Carl Perkins and to know what a victory roll is.
Where I live and have grown up it is entirely based around the surfer culture, it's all acoustic guitars on the beach at sunset wearing baggy hoodies and Ugg boots talking about how big the swell was that day.
If there were any car shows, burlesque events or rockabilly gigs around here or even 100 miles from here, believe me, I WOULD GO. There's just not an option for some people.

What annoys me is when I get ridiculed for not soley enjoying rockabilly or blues or jazz or swing or motown... I LOVE this music, but you know what? I also love dance music, and I love rnb, and I love hip-hop, and I love acoustic.
Know what else? I also own a pair of lilac coloured Ugg boots, and I love them, and they keep my feet wonderfully warm and comfortable in the notoriously wet Welsh weather. I also buy underwear from New Look, mainly because believe it or not, not everyone can afford to splash out 60 quid for a beautiful set of lingerie, it's just not possible for me.

My modeling style is also not generally straight forward Pin-Up, I mix gothic and Japanese influences into it and tailor it to suit me so that it represents who I am.
That doesn't mean I don't take posing tips from Bernie Dexters photographs, or religiously apply eyeliner and red lipstick every day, or have a wardrobe full of beautiful Pin-Up and retro clothing, it just means I have more than one depth to my personality and tastes.

Modeling, photography and music is all about imagination, expression, creativity and individuality - A pin-up model is there to model, if she loves rockabilly and goes along to events that's great, and she's sure to get more fans and more exposure because of it, but she shouldn't be ridiculed because she doesn't.. It's entirely her choice if that element of the culture doesn't intrigue her, just as some Pin-Up models don't really like Tiki or Classic Hollywood or tattoos and therefore don't get tattoos or model in those styles, it's all just taste.

I gotta ask though, how many rockabilly musicians (who are not pin-up photographers as a second career and who do not know anyone participating) go to Pin-Up contests merely to show their support for something they have zero interest in? Hmm?

I bet it ain't many
And while you are at it, support the US Based clothing makers by shopping at the stores that sell the good stuff ;-)

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I tweeted this the other day via @OMGEDSON :

"I hate fake eLove as much as eDrama. It’s OK to dislike someone but don’t talk caca, ignore."

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