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I live on the south coast of England and would love it if anyone in the area would like to help me get my portfolio rolling? I do have some photos for it already, but they're not very pin up. I'm only seventeen, and so can't really do lingerie, but any other vintage or rockabilly or anything really, would be so appreciated! I know there aren't many people from England on this site, but anything would be great.



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Roxie, there are a whole bunch of people from England here! Not as many as there are Californians, perhaps, but you'll find 'em.

Try posting in the Photographer's Lounge to see if you can't drum up a partner with whom to work.
I never thought of that! Why did I not think of that? Thanks!

You could join a site like Net Model and find a local tog that way. It may not be easy finding one with pin up knowledge but you could always direct, style and manage the shoot your way with a decent regular snapper.
You should befriend this gal!

She's one of my favorite people I've met on Pinup Lifestyle and is very sweet. She can at least steer you in the right direction!
If you want decent photos then really, it's worth paying to get them done. If you can get to London, then you should book a session with Tony Nylons: He's on Pinuplifestyle too.

There's also but that's more underwear. Although Nicole is doing pin-up classes so it might be worth checking those out.
Hey sweetie, you could try dropping my friend Andrea a line, she's keen to do more model shoots and she lives near Brighton. Her photography website thingy's are:

Hope that helps.

Thanks guys! I took a peek at those websites and like what I see! I have spoken to Tony already. and he suggestt aht I wait until I'm 18 to do pin up, but Andrea seems great, and just what I'm looking for!

Thanks again!

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