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I get stopped at least three times a week for someone to ask me if my tattoos are real. This is crazy. Where is this community of people covered in fake tattoos, causing this unnecessary exchange when I go to the grocery store??

And also, I hate the large quantity of people who feel that their HANDS will enhance the viewing of a tattoo. WHY do you need to stroke my arm when you tell me my tattoo is beautiful....THAT IS AN EYEBALL FUNCTION!! Especially when they are fresh. Doesn't anyone have etiquette??

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I don't mind the touchy feely people probably because I've just grown accustomed to it, haha. I mean, I'd rather if they asked, but it doesn't bug me too much... but fake tats?! what?! lol. What a weird question!! I wasn't even aware they still made fake tattoos...
Some people are so stupids!
i get that all the time... first they say did that hurt? and then they touch me!
I really hate when someone grabs your randomly and quite violently.... and acts all amazed like "WHAT IS THAT?"

my effin arm? I forget sometimes that I have as many tattoos as I do and that some people still find that abnormal.
Gah, i know exactly what you mean. Granted Im not covered in tats, but I do have a super awesome leaf on my wrist with AMAZING color and ppl constantly ask if its a sticker and grab my wrist to look at it. So annoying
hahahahahaha!! sux!!, i agree!!!
Seriously... Where do people get off touching someone they don't know unannounced??? When I was preggo with my boys, it was astonishing how people, men & women alike, would come up and rub my big ol belly!! Like I was a public Buddha (sp?) or something. Finally, my husband finally started telling people "Don't touch my wife or my baby." It was a little awkward at first, bc some peopl would get offended, but by the end, I was grateful my husband stood up for me. I'm a pushover.....

Daddy Cool said:
I only touch tush-pieces...I feel it enhances the experience greatly!

OK OK lol, thats just f****** stupid, as stupid as touching a pregnant womans belly unannounced. Deserving of losing a friggin hand!
I totally know what you're talking about. Even though I'm not completely convered in tats, I still have quite a few, and I have had total strangers even try to touch the ones on my back to see if they're real. I don't let any stranger touch me. Eww!

xo Ruby Violence
You would think by now that society was a little more use to people with tattoos. Maybe you should point to none tattooed ladies and tell them if they want to touchytouchy, touchy someone else.
Oh my God! It's a big problem in my country too and I received the same questions... I have 2 cherries on the back of my legs (achilles)
But the most ridiculous was when I asked: " You paint them every morning on your legs or they are real?"
:D I think it's natural, but sometimes I run out of ink XD
this happens to me DAILY. no kidding, just going up to 7-11, I'm always getting groped at. however, I have NEVER been asked if my tattoos were real....well...outside of my mommy, who is in perpetual denial.

and DC, I agree....being tattoo groped is right up there with random touching a prego womans belly (which happened to me ALL the time)

Lets just say there are a lot of people in California and Hawaii with 9 fingers or less.
[i]WHY do you need to stroke my arm when you tell me my tattoo is beautiful....THAT IS AN EYEBALL FUNCTION!![/i]

That should be on a T-shirt.

While there is not a huge population of people with fake tattoos, there are those shirts with flash printed on the sleeves that make it look like tattoos. Oh, not to mention all those fakies they put on celebs for movies. [Dee Snider in [i]Strangeland[/i] for instance, even if they looked quite fake].

Sometimes when the kids in high school asked me that question, I would tell them I spent hours drawing them on and that I'd have to refresh the drawing every couple of days. They totally bought it.

It is never okay for someone to touch you. I have a pet peeve with this in general and have never been afraid to give off the "Don't-f***-with-me" vibe. I really don't see it as being rude, especially if you have already tried to take the educating route and let people know that touching a tattoo - be it yours or someone else's - is just totally not cool. Particularly when they are in an area [i.e. cleavage] that strange people shouldn't be touching in the first place...unless of course you have invited them to.

Thankfully I don't really have this problem much these days, but rest assured if anyone did get all grabby hands, I would loudly let them know I didn't appreciate it.

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