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I have made a few blog post about some books I'm really into, and I could post thousands of more blogs about books. I love reading and I'm open to any suggestions.

I posted blogs on The Real Bettie Page by Richard Foster and Modern Vixens: World of Winkytiki by Octavio Arizala. I would also recommend any book by Jim Silke. He has produced books such as Bettie Page: Queen of Hearts, Bettie Page Rules, and Pin-up: The Illegitimate Art. The photos and the art of Bettie Page and other smokin pin-ups are well worth it, let alone the valuable insight and information he gives.

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Yeah, I love that about his characters, they are all so real.

Eye of Ra Photography said:
Yeah, I like his style. Definitely builds characters well, and they're very human, not straight heroes and such.

Betty Red said:
Rad! You should get back into the series...I believe the whole thing is out...and in paperback. I am still only on book 5 - Faith of the I have a ways to go. He has an amazing writing style doesn't he?

I am reading the second to the last book in the Sookie Stackhouse series....I can't put them down. Ever since I saw True Blood, I started reading these books.
I have Bettie Page: Queen of Hearts and Bettie Page Rules. I love 'em and all of the pictures are so good!
I just finished Clara Bow: Runnin' Wild by David Stenn, It's a really good biography on Clara.
I started watching the series since my wife is really into the Sookie books. I think I might be getting into it... not sure yet... Buffy and Angel were more my type of Vamp shows :)

Kim Bombshell said:
I am reading the second to the last book in the Sookie Stackhouse series....I can't put them down. Ever since I saw True Blood, I started reading these books.
I have a site on Very cool for posting your books and what you've read, ect. It's also great for getting in touch with people who like to read the same things as you. ravenfox26 if you wanted to look me up!
I was just introduced to a cute little bookstore, and now I'm so excited to go back since I have so many books on my list now to check out!
No activity in two years, so let's bring this baby back!
Miss Tesia, I agree that The Real Bettie Page by Richard Foster is excellent! I bought it years ago on ebay and he autographed it for me. Currently on my to-read list is Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters by Marilyn Monroe.
I've read a few good books this year: A Twisted Ladder by Rhodi Hawk; The Memoirs of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Theodore Roszak (I read this in October - it's an excellent Halloween-time story!); Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang by Chelsea Handler. I have an eclectic taste in books and I don't read just one genre, as you can see. At the moment, I've been reading a lot of magazines b/c somehow I have six subscriptions! As soon as I get caught up on magazine reading, I will have to delve into one of the many books I ordered from my book club.
The whole thing?

Edson {PL Team} said:
I'm currently reading the internet.
Right now I'm reading "Tales from the 5th Street Gym." It's pretty interesting but not really a page turner. Usually I have a random Hard Case Crime book I'm working on but come to think of it I don't at the moment.
How did you like Plain Clothes Naked? I have it and just haven't gotten to it yet. I did read Perv a long time ago and I agree it was very funny.

Lydia VonScollon said:
i've just read two really awesome books.

Plainclothes Naked by Jerry Stahl (who also wrote Perv-A Love Story) which was hilarious. this book actually embarrased me a few times for laughing out loud in public. amazing fiction story and truely sarcastically witty.

Ishmael by Daniel Quinn which i have found out most people read in high school. i dont think i would have understood it fully then but it has made me question the way humans interact with... everything. this is really a thinking book, which personally i love.
I've been buying used books from the Goodwill and have come across some great ones. I found a copy of Jerry Seinfeld's SeinLanguage in hardbound. I currently have about 10 books I need to read. Right now I'm reading Mentally Incontinent by Joe Peacock. It's hilarious!!!
I love The Crucible. Though it is set in the Salem Witch Trials, time, it really is an allegory of the blacklisting that was done during the Cold War.

I am on a biography kick right now, and read two on Coco Chanel, one on Madame Mao, along with some others. Right now, I am re-reading The Metamorphosis, and, just to keep the cynicism down from the thought of waking up as a roach an no one caring, I am re-reading The Little Prince.

Tesia said:
I'm re-reading the Arthur Miller play The Crucible. I thought it was appropiate for Halloween. I love to learn about the past. The Salem Witch Trials are such an important part of history. And the movie starring Winona Ryder is very good too. They are both among my favorites!

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