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I've always taken a dear friend of mine to a photoshoot with me or if the shoot is at my apartment my boyfriend is usually there. One thing I CANNOT STAND is when photographers say "No Escorts!". Wanna know why it p***** me off? I've been taken advantage of before and it wasn't pretty and we'll just say the police were involved and lots of therapy.

So tell me, why do photographers still say no escorts even IF some models have been taken advantage of? My escorts never butt in or say anything... what are they so paranoid about?

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I've only had one photo shoot where I had no escort but the reason was because we were in a very public setting and there were two other models scheduled that day as well. Personally I don't think it should matter what gender the escort is as long as they know to behave themselves and keep out of the way. My husband knows if he interrupts he'll never hear the end of it. He basically is wallpaper. I've never had a photographer complain about my husband and had one actually use my husband in a set as a "prop" of sorts because of the way he was dressed. If the male escort is a huge issue but I'm still able to bring an escort I try to find a female friends but typically that is hard to do since a couple of them I don't trust NOT to keep out of the way. I do question photographers who have a "no escort" clause. To me that doesn't ring right with me.
The one photoshoot I did, I had my boyfriend & mother with me [of course I was just 16 at the time, though]. But nonetheless, I would never do a photoshoot without an escort.
I do my research now. I will talk to other models that have worked with the photographer, really examine the kind of photography the guy says he's into and wants to shoot, how long they've been shooting, and if they're published. Usually, professional published photographers have a lot more to lose than an amateur who just wants to get naked chicks in front of his camera.
But, I didn't always do that. I got burned pretty badly because I trusted the wrong person. He was very strict about me not having an escort, and now I understand why -- he was a creep!
However, be watchful for the real creepazoids who are touchy-feely even when you DO have an escort! That happened to me once when I brought a close girl friend. So, now I either bring my boyfriend (b/c he's a tough guy lol) or I only with photographer's I've worked with before.
What I like to do sometimes is meet up with the photographer before the shoot. I say it's just to discuss the details and share ideas so that on the day of the shoot, I come, I pose, I leave. But, actually it's so I can sense their vibe and watch how they look at me, listen to how they talk to me -- and bring a friend too! Sometimes they can pick up stuff you might miss.
Some photographers are afraid if you bring your boyfriend, they'll be in the background distracting the model.. and girl friends will chit chat and distract the model. And, this is a result of bad experiences they've had with models bringing escorts. I'd say, if your photographer says "no escorts" and you briefly explain yourself and he still says "no escorts" -- don't work with him. There are plenty of others to work with!

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