Michelle DivalisciousMemberMichelle Divaliscious1 LoveIn the windphotoIn the wind2 LovesPhenixx DemureMemberPhenixx Demure2 LovesTina_007photoTina_0071 LoveThe Black Market SolutionMemberThe Black Market Solution2 LovesArtistic NudephotoArtistic Nude2 LovesCadillac rat & Pin UpphotoCadillac rat & Pin Up2 LovesAmorephotoAmore2 LovesWhite Trash BathphotoWhite Trash Bath2 Loves
June 2011
BeautyphotoBeauty2 LovesIMG_4772 (2)photoIMG_4772 (2)1 LoveSupport Our TroopsphotoSupport Our Troops2 LovesDSC_7303 copy-1 copywebphotoDSC_7303 copy-1 copyweb2 Loves163692_474032818789_53096828789_5799825_6873…photo163692_474032818789_53096828789_5799825_6873…2 LovesKissable KandiephotoKissable Kandie2 LovesIMG_1285 copyphotoIMG_1285 copy1 LoveElectra RosephotoElectra Rose5 Lovesw4photow42 LovesNeed a drink sir?photoNeed a drink sir?5 LovesHelloooo Fellas!photoHelloooo Fellas!1 LoveMiss K at the parkphotoMiss K at the park1 Love