Dale Sizer's padphotoDale Sizer's pad2 LovesLady of BurlesquephotoLady of Burlesque10 LovesRedhead seatedphotoRedhead seated14 LovesAdjustmentphotoAdjustment19 LovesLady in FurphotoLady in Fur34 LovesSLS Back to the futurephotoSLS Back to the future17 LovesHealey & IphotoHealey & I13 LovesSkirt hitchphotoSkirt hitch13 LovesJaguar and polka dotsphotoJaguar and polka dots25 Loveso4photoo41 Loveo5photoo51 Lovepb5photopb51 Loveo6photoo61 Lovepb petticoatphotopb petticoat1 Lovewhoops forgot this onephotowhoops forgot this one2 LovesFull length 1photoFull length 11 LovePublished 1photoPublished 11 LoveIMG_1099photoIMG_10991 LoveIMG_1027photoIMG_10271 LoveSpottedphotoSpotted2 LovesTelephone 2photoTelephone 21 Love