Lady in RedphotoLady in Red4 Lovespin up photo shoot with classic cars!eventpin up photo shoot with classic cars!1 LoveWin a donation to the cause of your choice:…WHAT YOU'LL WIN Poetic Pinup will make a $40 donation to the charity of the first place image, a $30 donation to the charity of the second place image, and a $20 donation to the charity of the third…DiscussionWin a donation to the cause of your choice:…2 LovesPin mephotoPin me37 LovesMISS LOLAphotoMISS LOLA16 LovesStripesphotoStripes9 Loves600969_386211184771740_910127344_nphoto600969_386211184771740_910127344_n2 Lovesversion 2 ! xoxophotoversion 2 ! xoxo2 LovesDSC_0125-EditphotoDSC_0125-Edit1 Love