Le Mew PhotographyphotoLe Mew Photography8 LovesAmanda Nicole PhotographyphotoAmanda Nicole Photography2 LovesSatin LovephotoSatin Love3 LovesTiki me silly!photoTiki me silly!1 LoveDelilah DarlinphotoDelilah Darlin2 Loves2012 Marphoto2012 Mar2 LovesLeena AllurephotoLeena Allure7 LovesPrints For Sale! $10 plus shipping!photoPrints For Sale! $10 plus shipping!1 LovePhotographic Faux PasThose with and without critical eyes on photographic images see certain inconsistencies, mistakes, errors, or faux pas. Everyone is welcome to contribute to the list of avoidable faux pas.
I will b…DiscussionPhotographic Faux Pas1 LoveThe Monster's BridephotoThe Monster's Bride1 Lovemarzmisfit2photomarzmisfit23 LovesGoldenphotoGolden2 LovesGracefully Wicked / MUA Shilpa KoshyphotoGracefully Wicked / MUA Shilpa Koshy2 LovesMarilyn MonroephotoMarilyn Monroe3 LovesFoxy CrownphotoFoxy Crown5 LovesAdrianna HessphotoAdrianna Hess2 LovesLina Sweets Retro Lovely Darling PromotionphotoLina Sweets Retro Lovely Darling Promotion3 LovesHappy San ValentiesphotoHappy San Valenties23 LovesHappy San ValentiesphotoHappy San Valenties11 Lovesmarilynphotomarilyn1 Loveimagephotoimage1 Love