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Does anyone know anything about unemployemnt?
My husband was fired on friday due to "complaints" made about him. He has worked at the job for 7 years and his GM and AGM were both let go in Decemeber and we knew his time was going to up soon too.
I just want to know if his company can deny the unemployment and how long it will take for the benfits to start.
We live in NY we found some info online but not a whole lot.

He signed up online on Friday but when he tries to log in it still says "processing". How long does that take?

I just hate the uncertainty of things in the meantime :(

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Comment by Cherry Pie on February 24, 2009 at 5:53am
Thanks for everyone's help.
I'll keep you posted!
Please vote fo me

Comment by Wink Holliday on February 23, 2009 at 8:39pm
The process varies from state to state, but when I was in NJ you could only get unemployment if you were fired due to "lack of work," but not if you were fired due to performance issues (which is sounds like his company is going to claim). I'm in Colorado now, and I'm eligible for unemployment... but I was laid off in August and never saw any money. I gave up trying to talk to anyone to find out why (2-hour hold times whenever I called), and it's making me work that much harder to keep my freelance work steady.
Comment by Cherry Pie on February 23, 2009 at 3:19pm
He was def fired and then escorted out by security he's like 165 geez!
Comment by Edson Carlos on February 23, 2009 at 12:33pm
If he was fired, he can collect unemployment. If they gave him the option to resign, and he did, he cannot collect.
Comment by Desirée {PL Team} on February 23, 2009 at 11:33am
Aawww.. that's terrible! :(
But good luck! I hope everything works out!
Comment by Cherry Pie on February 23, 2009 at 11:02am
Well I just spoke with him and he said he was able to get into the system and added his direct deposit info, but the status is still "pending".
We are going to be in big trouble if it takes two months, we have Viva Las Vegas coming!
My brother in law and good friend are both laid off and as far as I know my brother in law got a check after a week or something (that does not seem right). I'll have to call my friend and see what she says!
Comment by Rae on February 23, 2009 at 10:17am
uhg my boyfriend had the exact same problem. He tried several times to file online and has yet to receive a dime of unemployment. Im in Washington whcih doesnt have the worst unemployment problem, but it has been two months since he was laid off. And calling the office hasnt helped either. If you figure it out let me know please...!
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