It's Saturday. The weather is nice, for once. Sunny but not too hot. Nice breeze. My boyfriend & I dressed in our 50's finest. We went into town for a bit, got strange looks. We both enjoy it. Then home to work on the 56 ford pick up sitting in the drive way. It gets cloudy. Then darker & darker. Then, storms. I don't mind, but he wants to take it to Viva Las Vegas in April. There is so much work to do on it. Everytime we turn around, there is a new issue. Now, there is an oil leak. He is a mechanic, I'm just the assisant really. So, we will start again tomorrow. Hopefully the 100 degrees & hotter will stay away so we can work on it some more, & maybe actually get stuff done. I love rebuilding vintage cars with my boyfriend, I hate when he gets told there are "few issues" & there are soo many you can't keep count.
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