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The 3rd Annual Miss All Tease, No Sleaze Pageant

Babes in Sin Burlesque will be holding our third annual “Miss All Tease No Sleaze” Pageant in the fall 2009.

You must be at least 21 yrs old
Able to commit to the pageant date and any other rehearsal times
Have a stage name
Perform a burlesque routine no longer then 3 min.

This is not an audition for Babes in Sin. This is a pageant to showcase other performers. The pageant will run like most pageants. There will be a talent portion (your burlesque act) and an interview portion. The pageant will NOT be judged by Babes in Sin, but by three celebrity judges, TBA. Babes in Sin will be hosting and performing in the pageant, but not competing. Participants will be judged on crowd response, personality, costume, and routine. We will crown one winner and two runners up.

This is our third year doing the pageant. Each year we make it bigger and better! Winners from past years have gone on to have pretty successful burlesque careers. In addition to the title you could win tons of fantastic prizes. In the past we have had such sponsors as, Tiki Farm, Lux Deville, Xochico, The Bettie Page store, Poison Dagger, Trophy Queen, Tiki Bosko, Retro A-Go-Go, Bar Tiki, La La Lingerie, Mitch O'Connell and many more!

Please feel free to ask any questions. If you would like to audition please contact Babes in Sin through Myspace at www. myspace.​com/​babesinsinlv or at babes_​insin@​hotmail.​com.

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