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Stolen from Miss Samantha Valentine's Blog...

I heard this was a good boredom deterrent. Lets find out! You know the drill:

1.)Q. Can you cook?

2.)Q. What was your dream growing up?

3.)Q. What talent do you wish you had?

4.)Q. If I bought you a drink what would it be?

5.)Q. Favorite vegetable?

6.)Q. What was the last book you read?

7.)Q. What zodiac sign are you ?

8.)Q. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings?

9.)Q. Worst Habit?

10.)Q. If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride?

11.)Q. What is your favorite sport?

12.)Q. Negative or Optimistic attitude?

13.)Q. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?

14.)Q. Worst thing to ever happen to you?

15.)Q. Tell me one weird fact about you:

16.)Q. Do you have any pets?

17.)Q. What if i showed up at your house unexpectedly?

18.)Q. What was your first impression of me?

19.)Q. Do you think clowns are cute or scary?

20.)Q. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be???

21.)Q. Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?

22.)Q. What color eyes do you have?

23.)Q. Ever been arrested?

24.)Q. Bottle or Draft?

25.)Q. If you won $10,000 dollars today, what would you do with it?

26.)Q. Would you date me?

27.)Q. What 's your favorite bar to hang at?

28.)Q. Do you believe in ghosts?

29.)Q. Favorite thing to do in your spare time?

30.)Q. Do you swear a lot?

31.)Q. Biggest pet peeve?

32.)Q. In one word, how would you describe yourself?

33.)Q. Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same

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Comment by Tula Amatista on January 6, 2009 at 2:20pm
No need to read this, people (waste of time) I only do it cuz im bored, n this will help to remind myself a few things...

1.)Q. Can you cook?
1.)A. Only to survive.

2.)Q. What was your dream growing up?
2.)A. Being a pop singer in a girl band, like Spice Girls.

3.)Q. What talent do you wish you had?
3.)A. Playing and making muisc (i still wish i was in the music field)

4.)Q. If I bought you a drink what would it be?
4.)A. Mudslide, or sth creamy like that

5.)Q. Favorite vegetable?
5.)A. Corn (corncob, to b precise)

6.)Q. What was the last book you read?
6.)A. That i finished? "Of Love and other Demons" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (my fave); still reading? :( "The castle" by Kafka (hate it, cant even finish it!!!) --both in Spanish.

7.)Q. What zodiac sign are you ?
7.)A. Piscis ^_^ <3

8.)Q. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings?
8.)A. one tat for now (RHCP symbol on my right wrist) --some others coming soon!

9.)Q. Worst Habit?
9.)A. fantisizin waaaay too much, and leavin my clothes everywhere except my wardrobe :P

10.)Q. If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride?
10.)A. No, I dont want to kill you. But if u dare, I would!

11.)Q. What is your favorite sport?
11.)A. Dacing? mmm ok more sporty: skating

12.)Q. Negative or Optimistic attitude?
12.)A. Negative :/

13.)Q. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
13.)A. Ask you for first-aid, mouth-to-mouth air, I'm claustrophobic :P (i really am!)

14.)Q. Worst thing to ever happen to you?
14.)A. Mmmm making a huge mistake and thus losing one of the most important people in my life...

15.)Q. Tell me one weird fact about you:
15.)A. I tend to punish myself when i get too depressed... i dunno if thats weird tho...

16.)Q. Do you have any pets?
16.)A. Yesh, my baby pup Nina and my "nephew" pup Totó

17.)Q. What if i showed up at your house unexpectedly?
17.)A. I would offer you some mate (traditional Argentinian hot drink), or else beer!

18.)Q. What was your first impression of me?
18.)A. "What a talented man"

19.)Q. Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
19.)A. neither

20.)Q. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be???
20.)A. my legs, wud make them thinner and longer, but not so much!

21.)Q. Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
21.)A. depends on whos the victim ;)

22.)Q. What color eyes do you have?
22.)A. say hazel

23.)Q. Ever been arrested?
23.)A. nope, just took a short ride on a police car.

24.)Q. Bottle or Draft?
24.)A. bottle!

25.)Q. If you won $10,000 dollars today, what would you do with it?
25.)A. make a lil journey round Europe

26.)Q. Would you date me?
26.)A. Ok ^_^

27.)Q. What 's your favorite bar to hang at?
27.)A. Wots the point naming it? You wudnt know it anyway! hah

28.)Q. Do you believe in ghosts?
28.)A. No

29.)Q. Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
29.)A. I dont have one fave thing, I can name playing some computer game, editing some pics, participating on some forums, creating some jewelry and handicrafts, taking pics and... thats it i guess

30.)Q. Do you swear a lot?
30.)A. Yeah, quite

31.)Q. Biggest pet peeve?
31.)A. Erm, are we talking about my pet actually? ok... i hate when she barks non-stop, but thats cuz shes a big guardian :)

32.)Q. In one word, how would you describe yourself?
32.)A. Ephemeral

33.)Q. Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same
33.)A. Alrite! I'll be waiting ;)
Comment by Infamous Nina Nightshade on December 17, 2008 at 5:17pm
Yep... I'm bored... Or avoiding what I should be up to anyway...

1.)Q. Can you cook?
1.)A. Yes, but I'm more of a baker. Hubby is an excellent cook, I get to help.

2.)Q. What was your dream growing up?
2.)A.To be Christine Daae in Phantom of the Opera

3.)Q. What talent do you wish you had?
3.)A.Ability to learn foreign languages

4.)Q. If I bought you a drink what would it be?
4.)A.absinthe, sazerac or gin & tonic

5.)Q. Favorite vegetable?

6.)Q. What was the last book you read?
6.)A. Dietrich (History of the fabulous Marlene)

7.)Q. What zodiac sign are you ?

8.)Q. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings?
8.)A.Hell Yeah... Piercings, normal girly ears... Tattoos, full back and backs of both ankles (achilles tendon sucks, for the record)

9.)Q. Worst Habit?
9.)A.Best and Worst, Coffee!!!!

10.)Q. If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride?
10.)A. If I recognized ya, sure!

11.)Q. What is your favorite sport?
11.)A. Does Burlesque count as a sport?

12.)Q. Negative or Optimistic attitude?
12.)A. I'm a bit of a cynic...

13.)Q. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
13.)A. I'd be panicking... I'm clausterphobic...

14.)Q. Worst thing to ever happen to you?
14.)A. Texas

15.)Q. Tell me one weird fact about you:
15.)A. I used to be in a medieval reinactment group

16.)Q. Do you have any pets?
16.)A. Three dogs, 3 hermit crabs (and I've still got room for you, lol...)

17.)Q. What if i showed up at your house unexpectedly?
17.)A. Um, sure, you're still housetrained, right?

18.)Q. What was your first impression of me?
18.)A. That your silly & a riot to be around

19.)Q. Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
19.)A. depends on the clown

20.)Q. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be???
20.)A. Honestly.. The "girls" have suffered through being a mom, I'd like my old ones back.

21.)Q. Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
21.)A. probably conscience as much as I hate to admit it

22.)Q. What color eyes do you have?

23.)Q. Ever been arrested?
23.)A. nope

24.)Q. Bottle or Draft?
24.)A. ugh, no beer, sweetie...

25.)Q. If you won $10,000 dollars today, what would you do with it?
25.)A. Pay off some of the crap I've got. Sorry, no fun.

26.)Q. Would you date me?
26.)A. Married, but the pet offer still stands, lol...

27.)Q. What 's your favorite bar to hang at?
27.)A. Coffee bar or the Fez in Portland

28.)Q. Do you believe in ghosts?

29.)Q. Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
29.)A.What spare time? Oh, I guess I'm doing it now...

30.)Q. Do you swear a lot?
30.)A.More than I used to

31.)Q. Biggest pet peeve?
31.)A. Not following through

32.)Q. In one word, how would you describe yourself?
32.)A. Determined

33.)Q. Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same
33.)A OK, where?
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