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Hey hey,

In januari this year I started Rockabella's. A styling & photography studio in the Netherlands. I wanted to live my own dream and create beautyfull the most beautyfull things I could think of.
I just combined all the things I love to do in one concept. And well it seems to work out. Last week I signed 3 new clients for publications in Europe. This month there will be a new coffee table book by Shami Production and Rockabella's will be in the book with 2 of my models. I did the styling myself. As I always do.
We made these sets in januri this year so we excually just started a few weeks before.

As I see the pictures we did than of now there is a BIG difference. I do think I've grown a lot these last months and now just a few months later we have several tattoo and lifestyle magazines as clients.

This is so cool, I want to do so many new things and trying out new styles. Last weekend we did a shoot for N Gin, a lifestyle store in the Netherlands. In stead of pin up/retro style I styled the models more High Fashionish :p But with lot's of attitude and fierce models.
The clothing was by Iron Fist and Psylo. Well anyway, I'll put some of the Alternative Fashion pics in my albums to.
So just tell me what you think of it, I always love comments and critics they make you grow!

XOXO The Rockabella

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