Well, Im certainly no serial Blogger, but I thought it was about time I let you lovely lot in on what I've been doing all year! Since I've not been on this blog since i first started my diet, here's a whistle stop tour of my 2009 so far.......
I finally managed to get down to Brighton to visit my brother Adam. He's only lived there about 6 or 7 years!!! I absolutely love the place, the people are wicked, the nightlife is great, although slightly expensive compared to what I'm used to oop North! And I LOVE the colour of the sea. It's so ridiculously turquoise! Its a fabulous place, so if you havent been there, go!!
I made my rather shaky modelling debut for the lovely Gerry and Glamour Bunny Clothing at a burlesque night at Dance City in Newcastle. It was extremely nervewracking but I did have fun once i'd stopped panicking! I feel quite proud to have been flying the flag for girls with curves; clothes dont just come in size 6, so why should the models? Gerry's dresses are gorgeous, and on sale around the place at this very moment, so go and buy one!
I have a new job!!! It's going very well, and even better, it's meant that I've been able to quit my second job, and I'm currently enjoying my 3rd sunday off in a year and a half!! I also bought a car and have decided that this should be the year to visit all my far flung friends, so beware!!! I may turn up on your doorstep!
On a slightly more poignant note, I am now a single lady. It's been a long time, and will take some getting used to, I think, but I know it was the right thing. Needless to say, I plan on letting my hair down in the very near future!!!
And now the Grand Finale! Since I started my diet, I have lost about 2 and a half stone, or 35lbs for you non-stoney people! I saw some pictures of myself last year and got a bit of a shock, so i decide to do something about it, and here are the before and afters..................

And now.............

(I know this is not the best quality picture, but it's the most recent full body shot I have!)
As you can probably imagine, I'm pretty pleased with myself!!! Only trouble is I now have to totally restock my wardrobe!!!! Not that I mind so much, but my poor bank balance doesnt know where to hide!!!!!!!!
So that's your lot Ladies and Gents, you're up to date with the world of Gem. Hope you're all enjoying your lazy Sunday afternoon, I know I am!!!!!!!
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