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So, i'm on Pinup Lifestyle for a long time now an I just realize that i didn't introduce myself.

What I can say? I'm 20 and i have 3 tattoos (the 4th is coming). I'm a huge fan of horror stuff, old horror movies, Belà Lugosi is my favorite actor.

I'm Student in broadcasting.

I have a lot of obsessions in my life like music ( i like of lot of different style), art (Art Nouveau, Industrial ambiance and design, Francis Bacon, Goya, Rob Sheridan, Leonor Fini,Odd Nerdrum, Chet Zar, Odilon Redon...), tattoos,cinema and more.I really love tattoos ( i have 10 tattoo's projects).

I love 1900's til 1950's, and i also love the 80's.

Since i was little , i always loved old manor and stuff like human bones and human organs in formalin.

I hate hypocrites, i love truth.

I love animals that why i'm vegetarian, i also want to be a straight edge (i'm sober since one year, i'm drug free since 7 months, but i smoke) .

I'm a huge fan of old "horror" movies My fave actor is Belà Lugosi.I like Ed Wood because he was a great director and a passionate,and i prefer people who don't Make something just for money but for love, it's too rare now, that's why i don't see new movie too much like avatar,2012 or s**** like that.

When i'll finish my studies (in 2011 i HOPE) i have a lot of things that i want to do: First move to an other country like Sweden, or U.S.A (France is so BORING), and try very hard to be a tattoo artist, i spend a lot of my time to draw.

Make up is my mask and i love it. I also love Batman, in comics and in movies BUT not new movies with Christian Bale, Spawn is awesome too.  I don't know if i am a nice girl but i am polite.

Of course, i Love my family and my friends. I am not a groupie and i hate groupies (you can love music, but it's not an obligation for being an "idiot"). I like people who have personnality, who are original.


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Comment by Edson Carlos on June 20, 2011 at 2:48pm
This is a GREAT post but I'm scared it won't reach the masses, most all of the site is in the FORUMS, blogs are for kinda personal posts etc..
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