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I am so glad I stumbled upon this website! Being an east coaster has really made me feel out of place with my old school mannerisms, sense of music, and fashion choices :( But I recently took a trip to Las Vegas with my mom and it renewed my passion for all things circa 1950. No longer will I be repressed by my co-workers comments such as "where is the sock hop?" and "is it 1950's day?". I know they are secretly jealous of my sense of style and the attention to detail that I give my appearance.

My joining this site has also given me back my motivation to hit the gym and drink my gallon of water a day! I need to look fierce in all of my lovely dresses that have laid dormant in my closet for way too long.

Here is to being a more active member!

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Comment by Jennye Jumper on December 6, 2009 at 12:25pm
Maybe its because the West Coast has nicer weather?? :P Just guessing.
I agree that it was a better time. My mom tells me that I was meant to be born in the 1940's. I make guys open doors and speak to me respectfully on dates, and those who don't are in the blacklist. And I think that the cars were more visually appealing in the 50's. Dont get my wrong, I love my Subaru but what I wouldnt give to have a nice convertable
Comment by Jennye Jumper on December 6, 2009 at 11:35am
ha ha ha, I will def be using the "i look like this because I give a damn" comment from now on.
I will friend Deanna Danger right now! I used to go to VA Beach and there was some stuff going on out there, but my friends moved back to Cali and so I dont have a reason to go down there any more.
Maybe it will just take more time for the scene to move from the West Coast here, just like everything else. It needs to hurry up tho!
Comment by Filmmonkey on December 6, 2009 at 10:27am
Hey Jennye, yep, there is less of a "scene" here than other places.
And the next time someone says "is it 50's day" say "No, it's I actually give a damn how I look when I leave the house day"...
As far as retro scene, there is more going on in Richmond. Friend Deanna Danger up here and keep track of what she's up to, she does a lot of burlesque and stuff like that.
Theres the car show crowd on Fridays at VA barbq in the 'burg and the occassional rockabilly/psychobilly band in the burg downtown.
I'm definitely jealous of the West Coast scene though...
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