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Hola Intrawebz,

I have to say that this week is gearing up to be exciting! First off, I'll be attending Mega*Con again this weekend (SAT&SUN - Feb 28th- March 1st @ the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL). I will be sharing a table with Jedi Pinup Master Joe Pekar so hold on to your socks! Hell I might even bring Spicy McHaggis out with me to snap some pictures with da ladies. He's a Pimp!

So I'll have some prints for sale @ the show and will be taking commissions for as many as I can do without my hands curling up into gnarled claw-like appendages. I also will be auctioning off free drawing to anyone who makes a purchase. So make sure you take advatage of that!! And of course you are welcome to stop by the table to chat and oogle the girlie art.

Lesse, OH! I'm uber uber excited, next weekend: Watchmen!! I'm an old school comic guy, Watchmen was one of "those books" that was like mindblowing for the time. Alan Moore just nails it everytime IMHO. Its a really elaborate story to fully capture... not to mention all the characters and effects. I caught a good article CNN wrote about it online. But I've been satisfied with what bits and piece of the movie I've seen so far. I'm amped! PLUS (big plus here), I get to see my girl Carla Gugino as Silk Spectre!!!! :

I know, this isn't her dressed up in her superhero garb but gaddam hot! Ok... FINE here she is in her superhero outfit... twist my rubber arm whydontcha! >_>

I dedicate Hump Day to you Carla! ^_^

Ok, kiddie, that's all for now. I hope to have some photos and a full report of the shenanigans for you next Wednesday!

Peace, love and rum!

Carla call me. ^_^

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Comment by Desirée {PL Team} on February 27, 2009 at 3:35pm
Comment by Edson Carlos on February 27, 2009 at 12:24am
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