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So my fairy tale is dark and twisted. Not very "Normal",but what is normal? some normal is hmm,...becoming a wife,having children,makin a home...I am so not that!..... I am very weird and rare!...I made a home alright and it takes a life on of it's own I have an office filled with corpses...LOL drawn corpses...I have skullz and skeletons hanging from my ceiling...vibrant colors of ribbon are piled on my desk and music is blasting...My fairy tale is making bow's,clothing with my dem3nted artwork on it and custom purses...I'm working with bands touring this summer and I am really excited about that!...I am a pretty damn good photographer if I dont say so myself,which i just did say so lol!...and I wouldnt change where my actions are taking me...if anything I am goin to continue living this fairy tale! what 2009 has in store for me is...promtoing my business,working with bands,photography,doing my lovely artwork,getting my store opened and rockin' in school!

well thats me,but it dosen't cover all...!

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