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Zombie has behaved like quite the horror pup today, she is so intelligent and stubborn (takes after her mom ;-)).. We are training her in being at home alone and that is going REALLY well but she can be
such a trial... I love her though, my little cuddle rhino <3

James, my man rat, finally prooved his man hood and he is now the daddy of 8
beautiful, little rat babies! Im really proud of that, Cirkeline and I
have to figure out some kind of name theme for them - she owns the
mommy.. I always name my rats after some one really funny or cool -
James is named after 007. Here are the babies, 3 days old now:

Ugh, I threw out my potato plant today - it has been bothering me lately but
it was fun growing potatoes in the kitchen :-) Not anymore though, out
it went and I planted some flowers in the big pot instead so we'll see
what that amounts too!

Oh, my friend Sarah the amazon psychobilly gave me another big bag of her clothes <3 Most of it
actually fits eventhough when I look at her, I see a much slimmer
person! <3 Anywhore, there were a Misfits purse in there and that is
probably my favourite thing in the entire huge bag.. The green dress, I
had on in my Easter set on Payback Baby! was in the last bag of clothes, she gave me :-) Oh, Payback Baby! has started paying for sets so consider modelling for us ;-)

We are pretty much done with the apartment now, we finished the bar stools
in the kitchen so it is pretty much just a lot of cleaning left.. I
really appreciate my order but I dont like cleaning :-/ It has to be
done though. Here is a before/after shot of the bar stools:

Nothing more to tell really, I wanna end this with a pic of my girls napping <3

Bye <3

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