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SCORN-My Horror Novel
DATE: 07/25/2008 11:31:32 / MOOD: bored

Starting in the middle of 2007, I began to write a horror novel to send to LeisureBooks, as well as other publishing companies. It was definitely a labor of love, about 320 pages worth. I wanted to come up with something fresh, and something I feel has never been done before, so I came up with a story which basically precedes the revenge of the women of the world, brought on through a spell that is spoken through the voice of a desperate, broken man. Little does he know that instead of bringing back his first and only love to his life, his wife, he has brought on a fullblown apocalypse, and the destruction of "man"kind. It's very involved, I think it's very fast paced, and some chapters in the beginning are extremely brutal, leading up to the 175 some pages at the end which is full on gore, and violence. The story does have a few important messages, mainly don't f*** with a woman, it could come back to bite you in the ass. I guess I consider it a feminist zombie apocalypse story mixed with a full on back story for all the characters, and a touch of spells and witchcraft, oh and supernatural phenomena. There have been movies like Wicker Man which showed the strength of a woman, but this book takes that fury, and pushes it down full throttle. I am sending this off to Leisure, but first I wanted to give you a taste of the book, what I have put down on this blog has nothing to do with the climax, it introduces you to main characters, and builds some questions, as well as tension. I want your feedback, be honest, be brave, I really hope that you enjoy it, and if you do that's great, i'll add more if you do. I would love to do that. But do know this, this idea has already been copyrighted so don't try to steal any ideas for your own, please. So anyway, thank you for your time, enjoy, here's the beginning of the terror that is SCORN. Hell hath no fury....thanks again. Oh, and ps, I apologize copying from word to myspace blogs is not a good combination. Cheers!


Epilogue: Remember The Days

The world at large will never forget the darkness that occurred just months ago. The men still sleep with one open eye as they sleep., some still have trouble sleeping at all. They all remember when the proverbial "balance of power" was shifted, when muscle meant nothing, when brawn was suddenly a thing of the past. Throughout the ages, men ruled with fists of iron, he dictated and conquered, destroyed everything in his His wake, decimated civilizations, burned villages to ash, raped, pillaged, and for thousands of years, theWoman, the female race, was knocked down to the lowest peg of power. Most were sexual cattle; vessels For the mens' unborn sons who would one day grow up to be warriors themselves. As society evolved, These ideals had never truly changed. Male was still the ultimate answer, while women were still considered The lower of the species. They were domesticated species; they cooked the latest hunt, and took care of the Children; they had no place out of the home. In the 1950's, on every family's television screens, Lucy Carmichael was put over her husband, Ricky Ricardo's knee for botching his day with one of her many Schemes; while at the same time, Alice Kramden was threatened a trip to the cosmos time and again by herOverweight, abusive husband. In the 1960's, feminism had shown power; women fought for their rights With a strong voice. Their roar would echo into the present; until, it seemed, scandal, and ideas like the Importance of fashion had turned everything the women fought for into a whimper. Some modern women Were stripped of their pride through rape, and continuous abuse. Some sold their bodies to make ends meet;Most women were looked upon as objects; candy for the masculine eye. Men still waged horrible wars; Helping to destroy the idea of peace. They obliterated each other with phallic shaped weapons of pure Destruction. All throughout the planet, the unyielding hammer of man's strength reigned supreme. All Things come to an end; empires fall, and ultimate power sometimes shifts. Everyone will remember. TheTime when one altered the timeline; for the love of a woman. The world remembers wben the words were Spoken. The words to win her acceptance once again; Elizabeth, the holder of our fate.

December 15, 1991 Chapter One: Origins Of Love And Terror

It all started when Jason Cain laid gazed upon her for the first time on a chilly evening in Philadelphia. He Had just turned twenty-three in October, and was currently a psychology major at the University of Behavioral Medicine. Jason was a solitary prisoner in his own mind; a genius wrapped in the skin of a Young adult who thought nothing of himself. He truly had a difficult time interacting with society, Especially the opposite sex. This was all about to change, and his heart would melt just as sure as the thick Snow covering the city sidewalks in the coming months. He stepped into Latte' and Lit on Market St., a Late night establishment which catered mainly to students looking for research; and the occasional reader Who suffered with bouts of insomnia. L&L was contained two big floors, the bottom contained literature of Every kind, and the top wing contained music from every genre, culture, and musical taste. The walls were A bright blue which resembled the clean, transparent waters of a tropical isle. Also on the first floor of this Gargantuan literary mecca stood a cappucino bar near the front entrance; overpriced and always packed With people. Among the sea of coffee drinking patrons, a beautiful rose among them stood up; her face Staring down into a small paperback book. Jason was on the other end of the floor searching in the special Interests section, containing literature on the occult, books on Wiccan religion, and some containing satanic Worship, and history books detailing the history of the infamous witch trials in Salem, and many parts ofWhole phenomena. This true skeptic did not believe in haunted homes, spell casting, supernaturalOccurrences, and most importantly, the art of witchcraft. In fact, he had a personal thought that most Everyone who practiced dealt with a severe bout of delusion, and mental illness. In other words, in a Language he could only speak within his own mind, these people were absolutely looney tunes. Jason Picked up his self quoted "ridiculous trash", and proceeded to walk toward the register; with books upon Books obstructing his view, he did not realize the footsteps of his destiny were coming towards him. HerSteps were slow, certain, but at the moment, not careful. She was an angel, indeed, but even angels can Fall…hard. Jason accidentally hit the young girl; both crashing hard to the floor; books scattered the Ground like drops of water during a heavy rainfall. Jason shook the imaginary birdies from his head, lookedForward, and saw his "soul mate" in front of his very eyes. "Ohhh…..", he said silently. She began to speak, Ironically enough , with the tongues of devils, "Jesus, f***! You're lucky you didn't shatter my arm!" Jason tried to comfort the shaken woman, "Oh, oh s***….oh my god, are you alright? I could have sworn I Was going away for attempted murder." He smiled, never claiming the art of smoothness. He stood up;Bringing his hand down to help her. A tiny smile slid across her face; oddly enough, she found his tastelessHumor interesting, albeit sarcastic. As he lifted her up, petite hand in his; he felt as if he had been hit by Lightning. His heart raced, his pulse quickened as he continued to speak, " I'm so sorry, I should have Watched where I was going ." He examined her every feature, her essence; her every pore. Her raven black Hair, her mesmerizing blue eyes hidden underneath cutesy librarian style glasses. Even her long legs he Swore reached the sky itself. Jason knew she was a wolf in sheep's clothing, a "sex kitten" in the guise of aQuiet, shy young woman. Even though he felt entranced by her beauty, he did not have a word to say; he Became a deaf mute in front of her. The mystery girl suddenly heard him give a timid, shaky goodbye as he Began to walk away in absolute shame. Suddenly, she felt desperate words creep into his throat like " don't Go", and "let's talk", she had no idea why. This woman was not a firm believer in love at first sight; in fact,Romance was not something she knew much about; nor did she really care to. She thought sappy movies Like Say Anything were laughable at best; this in her own opinion did not happen in the real world. SheReleased the words like she was releasing a tight grip, "Ummm….hey!" Jason turned around, dropping the Books to the floor again. She felt a huge smile once again, as she said with newfound feelings on love and Fate, "I'm Elizabeth, and….and I couldn't really let you go after this without buying you a coffee. I mean,After all, it doesn't seem like you're having a good day." Jason stared into her eyes, his lack of confidence Showing through again, "Uhh, thanks…but I don't drink the stuff." Luckily, his newfound goddess was Persistent, "Well, how about a muffin, or a….sugar packet? Just sit with me….please?" Jason felt heSame impulses to smile. He laid the books down on top of one of the shelves, and walked towards her, "Okay….by the way, I'm Jason.", and his racing mind said what he could not, "I'm all yours."

August 12, 1979 Fort Wayne, Indiana

Susan Rogers was sixteen years old, and attended Torrance High, an extremely by the book fire andBrimstone establishment on the outskirts of Fort Wayne. The students were taught regular studies, asWell as Bible study in the afternoons. There was something about these teachings that never agreed withSusan, she always believed in something greater; in something magical. She could never describe the Passion for witchcraft, it was if the religion was crafted into her chromosomes. Susan lived with her in aSmall, dilapidated two bedroom home approximately two miles away from the school. Her mother, Hilda,Worked as a waitress in a greasy diner named Hal's Place six days a week. The house itself, was built bySusan's grandfather many years ago as a wedding gift to Hilda, and Susan's late father, Samuel. Samuel Had passed away from a mysterious illness when she was just an infant. Susan never knew her father, but His photos hung everywhere in the house so she could at least have a reminder now and again of his Soft features, and wise aging face. The house was a whitewash color, and there was extreme chipping on theOuter surface, due to weathering. A broken down wooden fence stood outside; painted baby blue to show Outside signs of a normal, content family. The inside walls were covered were covered in ripped flower Pattern paper; signs of the home never being managed since it had been built, and the true metaphor for theMother -daughter dynamic. Sue's bedroom was a tiny single person room with a wooden bed, one authenticOak dresser, and the room was shrouded in items belonging to a simple, innocent girl; including teddy bearsAs far as the eye could see, and an old, homemade bookshelf filled with books on the arts of witchcraft, Every piece of literature of literature dealt with positive white magic; her little hobby. Susan's mother wasRarely home due to her intense work schedule, but when she did appear; the bedroom door which belonged To her was always sealed shut. Susan had never seen the inside, and she was instructed by her mother that Entry was forbidden. There was a time when Susan felt adventurous, but she paid a high price for her Actions. One afternoon, she had attempted to open her mother's secret; not realizing that Hilda was right Behind her as she was about to turn the knob of the door. Susan remembers vividly her mother's voiceShaking the room, "Susan Michelle, what the hell do you think you're doin' you little demon b****?! ITold you! I told you, it's not your time! You will pay…oh yes, little girl… will pay." Hilda grabbed Susan's wrist so hard that the nails dug deep into the flesh. She pulled Susan into the kitchen, and flung herAgainst the metal sink with a loud thud. "I'll teach you what happens when you pry with those mangy hands Of yours." Hilda grabbed her wrist once again, turning the faucet until steam rose from the cascading tap. She exclaimed once again, "You will learn, my child. You will learn." She pulled Susan's hand into theWater; her skin burning as if on a hot stove top. Her flesh blistered, and turned a flourescent red. Susan Screamed in the worst agony she had ever known, when Hilda cupped her mouth with her other hand. "When it is your time, demon child of Samuel, you will learn all, do you understand me?" Susan had been Treated in this manner her whole life; she was always the bastard demon b**** of Samuel Rogers. Growing Up, she was never taught anything about the facts of life; and even with her blond flowing locks and fieryHazel eyes, she never had the company of a young boy. She was taught nothing about pleasure, andNothing about love. She did remember one spring evening when Hilda caught her "discovering" things About herself. Susan was viciously beaten with a leather strap across her "area", until her pubic bone Swelled like a helium balloon. She never had a boyfriend; she was always too fearful, until one night As months passed on into the coming summer of 1980, Susan and two of her friends, Kelly and Lauren, Drove out of town to an out of the way bar called Buffalo Bill's; Susan laid her eyes on the one man thatWould break into her fear, and change her life forever. Bill's was a small, "shitkicking" h*** in the groundWith one long, dirty bar, seats filled with your average run of rednecks, cowboy wannabes, farmers whoLooked like contestants in an Ed Gein look-alike contest, and the rest of the Midwestern gallery of "local"Boys. There was also a tiny, scuffed up dance floor with a jukebox to the right filled with nothing but oldTyme country, and tons of Lynnrd Skynnrd. The girls sat down at a table near the front door; fearful that They would be caught for not being of age. In these parts of town it was okay to sleep with an underage girl,But could get into trouble with the law for serving them alcohol. A man by the name of William Johnson;Bill, to his fine assortment of country friends, stared at young Sue from his stool next to the bar; his rugged,Leathery face peering into her soul as he took a swig of bourbon. Bill was a twenty-eight year old truckMechanic who lived not too far from the bar. He was an older looking young male with a masculine, almostCartoony physique. He had a "farmer's" tan from always working out in the Midwestern heat, and hisStereotypical attire consisted of a camouflage hunting cap, red checkered shirt, and the suspenders withOne loop hanging down towards the floor. Susan finally noticed his gaze, and so did her girlfriends. Bill Began to stroll confidently towards the giggling table, and Susan's heart was beating hard against her chest.

January 02, 2007 Philadelphia, PAPain Is Pleasure

Pure darkness. Only one solitary lamp cut into the blackness of the room; the bed was unkempt, and thereWere empty liquor bottles strewn across one end of the room to the other. Tears rolled down Jason's faceAs he lifted the fifth of high proof whiskey to his dry lips. The liquid felt like gasoline shooting down hisThroat; as he stared at the dresser by the far wall with utter remorse. Consuming the glass of the mirrorWas photographs. Faded memories; Elizabeth looking absolutely breathtaking in every shot. Jason lookedAt her face, and she was always smiling back. On the table was a compact mirror; lines of cocaineReadily cut, waiting to be snorted away. He bent down,; rolled up dollar bill in place, and took a Huge hit. He whimpered silently silently as he lifted his head; sucking up cocaine, and snotty tears. HeSpoke silently as if someone was in the room with him, "I love you, Lizzy, why don't you love me Anymore? I have nothing if I don't have you…nothing…." He once again looked at the mirror, seeing his Queen of sorrow smiling back at him. One photo suddenly caught his blood red eyes; Elizabeth, in all herBeauty sporting a two piece bikini on their typical honeymoon to some tropical island. She looked gloriousAs he wiped away the tears, took a deep breath, and proceeded to undo his pants. Jason ripped the photoFrom the collection; speaking to it, "Oh Liz. You're so, so beautiful….it haunts me, Lizzy….it haunts me."Jason began to stroke himself furiously; speaking through the moans escaping his lips as if he were mounted On top of her soft flesh; thrusting,; hearing her silently repeating his name over and over. "Oh Liz. God, ILove you….and I would do anything to have you back in my arms….come back to me, baby….please…", He said right before he cried out in ecstasy, and fell back onto the unmade bed.

June 15, 1980 Right Outside Fort Wayne, IN

Chapter Two-Innocence Lost In Torn Material And Dreams

Susan Roger's problems were about to become more than she bargained for; the June night at BuffaloBill's would bring unexpected, and unwanted surprises for the now starry eyed girl. When the bar had Finally closed, the girls were ready to head back home; and even though the trio had been there half theNight, only Susan, through Bill's constant coaxing, drank to the point of no return. Outside, the girls wereLaughing, and having a great time, when suddenly Kelly became the voice of reason, "Sue, we should Probably get you home now, girl….we don't want to see anything happen to ya'. Hilda…that fuckingBitch…if I had my way she would die for the way she treats you. Come on, Suzie Q…." Bill suddenly cutHer off, "Ya know, I'll take her back home. I mean, we were havin' such a good time, it'd be a real shame To waste it now. I'll let her sober up, and then I'll shoot her right back, alright?" Kelly looked as if she wasIn deep thought, when she finally answered, "Oh okay…but I'm telling' you, Bill, don't do anything silly. She doesn't know about, you know, that stuff, alright?" Bill flashed her a grin that would make the GrinchProud, "Don't you worry none", he said, "she is in some good hands." After the negotiation, the girls got inTheir car, and drove away; tires spitting rocks into the air. Bill walked over to Susan who had beenSitting underneath a tree, finishing a bottle of beer, her seventh. Bill's shadow reflected his "innerMonster" as he approached her. "So you feelin' alright, baby? Not too drunk, are ya'?" Sue replied withA no as she stood up, and fell right back down to the ground. "Ow! My butt!", she laughed as he attemptedTo pull her from the dirty earth. He peered menacingly into her eyes, "Hey, you like me, don'tcha? And noMatter what happens between us, you wouldn't say anything to noone, right? You're a sweet girl, I knooowYou wouldn't." He pulled her to his chest; she giggled, and he placed his tongue directly down her throat.She pulled back gently, and stated clearly, "Look, I…I don't do this. Let's just sit back, and enjoy eachOther." Bill began to kiss her throat, grunting as he spoke, "Oh, I do wanna' enjoy you…." Bill then rippedThe fabric of her cotton dress exposing nothing but her bare skin, and white bra. She began to walk Backwards, "Look, Bill, take me home, okay? We are not doing this tonight." The fear in her was evident in Her eyes. "F*****' b****!", Bill yelled as he punched Susan on top of her right eye splitting the skin. SusanScreamed, and in a daze, attempted to run. Bill laughed, "Okay, okay…I'll give you a head start, you dumb B****…" Susan continued to run until her body pumped acid; she did not look back for one solitaryMoment, when all of a sudden a broken piece of tree trunk hit her directly across the back of the head. Susan fell to the ground, seeing stars circle her eyes. Crimson coated the ground, as Sue, with her oneFunctioning open eyelid witnesses Bill pull down his other suspender, dropping them to the mud and grass."Noone can hear you out here little b****….there's nowhere to run…." Bill proceeded to stand over his Victim; his hard, short penis swinging above her. "I know what you backwoods trash is like, huh…..have a Young'un, you have a husband, ain't that right?" Sue cried for Bill to reconsider, sticky blood flowing into Her eye, and down the side of her bruised, dirty face. He continued his threat, "Well here's the deal….I Ain't gonna be lonely no more, you're gonna be my little wife, and you're gonna do what I say, at all times.You are gonna honor me, and you're gonna like it…if you don't…well…I'm just gonna beat the dog s*** Out of your face." Susan closed her unwounded eye; tears mixed with the blood, and Bill continued hisHorrific, drunken rantings, "So here it is, consider this my proposal you little b****!" Bill threw his bodyOn top of Susan's limp, twitching stomach. He ripped the snap from her bra, picking up her head. Bill then Took the straps, wrapping them around, until the bunched up undergarment blocked her air passage. Sue'sScreaming was completely drowned out by the tightened fabric when Bill's manhood had penetrated her;Tearing tight muscle as he thrusted. Moments later, Bill in complete drunken ecstasy had yelled out,"You're gonna be the mother to my child! You're mine now, you b****! Whoo!" He shot inside ofHer shattered innocence, and fell limp. Susan whimpered, looking up into the dark sky she realizedThe worst had only begun.

January 04, 2007

Jason Cain's Apartment

Jason woke from his drunken coma, knocking the empty bottle off of his stomach, causing it to clatterOnto the floor. Jason rubbed his swollen eyes, and proceeded to walk to the tiny one person bathroomOpposite the bedroom. The bathroom area was in better condition than the rest of the apartment, but was Most definitely occupied by a single, broken man. Dirty towels covered the wet, dingy floor; one lone clean Towel hung from the shower curtain. The sink had traces of facial hair that had never been wiped from the Surface, and there was a large medicine cabinet above the sink with two sliding glass panels, but one side Was not visible. Like the dresser mirror in the bedroom, one side of the bathroom mirror was covered inPictures of her. Jason's personal torment did not have a retreat; Elizabeth's face was everywhere. JasonVigorously rinsed out the stale alcohol with mouthwash as he looked up to witness one picture in particular;Elizabeth and himself sitting at a table with family and friends, a cake showing the words CONGRATS,OUR FAMOUS AUTHOR…Jason began to have the memory burn his mind; the reel began to run like aMotion picture. Jason began to think back on one of the finer moments he and Elizabeth had shared Together.

March 14, 1994


Jason and Elizabeth had lived together in a small one bedroom apartment for a little over two years. The Night at L&L had changed the mind set of both parties involved forever. Jason began to believe in himselfAnd Elizabeth started to believe in himself, and Elizabeth started to believe that romance wasn't such an Imaginary thing after all. Jason still attended school, Elizabeth had begun to intern for a major publishingCompany, Lion Press. They spent every minute together, going to every diner, movies, art galleries; if youSaw Jason, Elizabeth would more cases than not be by his side. The apartment was fairly small, with plainWhite paint on the walls, there was a tiny bathroom, and an even tinier kitchen area. The bedroom was Bigger than the living room, but there was not a lot of space; the bed covered most of their available area.Jason and Elizabeth were officially a couple, they were inseparable, but they were also a force. Jason wasWriting a book about his theories on the occult; he attempted to type a chapter everyday, like a man Possessed. Elizabeth also read a lot of books, and put her own feedback on the pages. Elizabeth was alsoJason's biggest fan and she was constantly in his corner, or so it seemed. Regardless of their obvious future, At this time in their lives they had a plan, and that plan was to make a huge dent in the literary world withTheir ideas, and unbeknownst to the two of them, that day would soon become a reality.

March 20, 1980 Fort Wayne, IN

A Mother's Declaration

Nine months after the unspeakable incident with Bill, Susan gave birth to a baby boy. A child brought toLife through an act of sheer violence. When Susan found out she was pregnant, Hilda went on a rampage.She attempted to destroy the growing infant by grabbing Susan and beating her stomach with one of her Grandfather's ancient wooden canes. She yelled, with a fire from her belly, as she struck at her only Daughter with brute force. "You devilish slut! You cannot bring that child into this world! You coaxed That man into wrecking your innocence…you persuaded him to put it inside you, with your devilishTrickery!" Susan screamed in agony, and did not even give the slightest command for Hilda to stop. SheKnew that she wanted the pregnancy terminated, no child meant no Bill. In her mind she prayed that the Blows would be so hard, that the unborn would squirt onto the floor in a pile of mush. Susan wanted this,And Hilda struck her bulging belly again and again, when suddenly she stopped. She then looked into Susan's puffy crying eyes and started to speak in a low, informative tone. "Susan Rogers, you demoness,Devil child of Samuel, you must leave this place, you must be a woman now. Be strong like I have Conditioned you to be. I know that the road which lies ahead of you is rough and rocky. It is not going toBe easy. What you are about to go through will terrible. William Johnson is a terrible man. But the factDoes remain that you made this bed, and you must go to him. I have many secrets to share with you. Girl,Now is not the time, you are not ready." Susan, pain shooting from head to foot, wondered what her motherWas speaking of, but could not respond. Hilda continued, "That man will probably rape or strike you Everyday of your lives together, I foresee this. The fact remains, you are weak, you are a timid little girl, the Strength of our bloodline does not yet envelop your mind. But it will, my girl, and once it does…I'll be Ready for ya'. You will never have to look upon Bill's horrid face ever again." Sue slunk to the floor,Confusion in her teary eyes. "Now go, Sue. Go, be with him…you'll find your way." Hilda pulled Susan off The floor towards her, she flinched tight thinking Hilda would knock her down again, instead, for the firstTime ever since she was a baby, Hilda gently kissed her forehead. Susan attempted to wrap her arms around Her mother; the monster, the unloving. Hilda gently pushed her arms away, and said, "Now go…be aMother, be a wife, do what you're told. Don't expect what I speak of to happen overnight But I tell you, my Little girl, once you witness the change, you will know immediately." A smile shot across Hilda's wrinkledFace; Susan grabbed her belongings, and walked slowly towards the door. Susan turned to witness herMother's face once more. "Goodbye my mother. When this change happens, that is when we will see eachOther again." Susan stepped outside, took one more look at the decrepit state of the house, then jumped in Bill's truck and sped off, never looking back.
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Pictures, Images and Photos

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