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I'm back in the journal area again!
And I think it's time to reveal a little bit more about myself.

I have the BEST way to do it! It's 100 random questions.
I'll try to translate them from Swedish. Wish me good luck.
Feel free to comment if anything is wrong or misspelled.
Or comment anyway! :)


1. 3 names I listen to: Jill, Jillan, Lily.
2. Something I like about myself: Well I think I'm funny! Don't know if everybody agree though...
3. Something I don't like about myself: I can get really upset sometimes without knowing exactly why. That bothers me a lot.
4. I am afraid of: Darkness, Spiders, everything about hospitals, diseases and wounds.
5. 3 things i would like to have everyday: great friends, a cup of tea and sex!
6. 3 things i cannot do: Drive a car (only tried once), hate people I don't know and stay away from chocolate.
7. I like to: hang out with my loved ones, watch movies, party, shop, dress up, hang out at diners, work out, read books, write, draw, blog.
8. Right now I wan't to: get myself tired enough for sleeping (It's 01.34 AM over here).
9. The best feeling is: to be loved or be in loved.
10. The worst feeling is: to be home alone in a deadly silent house.
11. Qualities you want your boyfriend do have: charm, great sense of humor and beautiful hands.
12. Are you in love right now? Yes sir!
13. Do you wanna get married? Oh my... No. I have no idea.
14. Things I wanna do before I die: write a book, work as a volonteer, travel around the world.
15. My most beloved property: My ipod and my camera. And my bed, of course.
16. Something I would like as a gift: Thomas sabo charms. :)
17. I'm wearing: Leggings and a checkered shirt.
18. Favorite clothing: Coctail dresses, high waist skirts and cute tops. And skinny jeans.
19. Favorite pet: SEAL! I love seals! Turtles and bunnies too :*
20. My favorite music genre is: Rock of all kind.
21. Favorite song: Just like Jesse James - Cher
22. Best/worst subject in school: Art/Math.
23. Zodiac: Aries
24. A book I love: Always has and always will be a huge Harry Potter fan. The twilight saga as well. I read a lot, especially adventure books and biographics. Amy's eyes (don't know if it's the correct translation) is a favorite.
25. A movie I love: Finding neverland.
26. Tv-show I like: Gossip Girl, The OC, DH, Prison break.
27. Favorite scent: A lacoste one of my ex wore. Yum.
28. I rather eat: Potatoe/Pasta gratin, Salmon.
29. I rather drink: Almost everything (I'm a bartender, ok?)
30. Favorite candy: chocolate in all shapes and sizes...
31. I would like to go on a vacation to: Ireland, England (London), Japan, Australia, USA.
32. Eyecolour: Green-brownish. Mostly green.
33. My heigth: 166 cm
34. I believe in: Magic and faith.
35. I play: the guitar, old NES games, Wii and computer.
36. Person I admire: Heath Ledger and River Phoenix.
37. I live in: A flat in a red house, which i share with a neighbor upstairs.
38. Number of dead plants in my apartment: None... Since I don't have any :)
39. This turns me on: kisses on the neck.
40. This doesn't: Laziness.
41. Favorite color: green, red, pink, navy, grey.
42. Favoritequote: "I wasn't born with enough middle fingers" - Marilyn Manson.
43. A secret I know: I know what my parents are getting for christmas :>
44. Best gift I got: My Nikon D40x (on reparation ATM)
45. Last bought record: Not sure, I think it was the swedish rock group KENT's collection.
46. What I like most about my apperance is: My eyecolour and my legs.
47. The person I first search for when i go online on MSN: None particulary.
48. Strange quality/skill: My fingers are extremely limber. It's actually creepy.
49. If I were an animal I would be: A huge seal who loves eating fish and sunbathing on icebergs.
50. What are you listening to right now?: The dead weather.
51. What are you going to do today: It's night now, but I'm going to workout and swim with a friend tomorrow. Perhaps wrap a few X-mas presents as well.
52. Where are your parents born?: Here, in my hometown.
53. The last thing you installed on your computer?: Picasa.
54. Favoriterestaurant?: Max (fast food)
55. When was the latest time you swim in a pool?: No idea, but I'll do it tomorrow. :)
56. Have you ever been in a school play?: 2 as a matter of fact! Most recent I played a french maid.
57. How many babies would you like to have?: Jesus, I'm only 19!
58. What music genre do you dislike the most?: Hip hop I guess.
59. What political party do you prefer?: ...
60. How many TV-channels do you have?: No idea, I don't watch TV that much.
61. Have you driven a moped? : A few times when I was 13.
62. Have you done prank calls? : Yeah, I've done lot of those!
63. Have you cried recently? : No.
64. Would you like to go bungeejumping? : Yeah, someday!
65. Wich countries have you visit?: Um... Denmark, Norway, Greece, Gran Canaria, Cyprus, Turkey, Mallorca etc.
66. Do you have your own garden?: No.
67. What's your favorite cartoon movie?: Beauty and the beast! Watch my tattoo and you'll see :*
68. Do you now the lyrics in your national song?: Of course.
69. Bathtub or shower cabin? : shower cabin, but I would prefer a nice looking bathtub!
70. The best movie you've seen the latest month?: The neverending story <3
71. Favorite pizza?: Hawaii
72. Chips or popcorn?: Chips, but only english style (with vinegar).
73. What color do you have on your lipstick?: latin red.
74. Have you smoked peanutshells?: ... No?
75. Have you ever been in a beauty competition?: No.
76. Orange or applejuice?: None of it.
77. The thing you ate most recently?: Popcorn :>
78. Favorite chocolate?: Milkchocolate with bubbles.
79. When was the last time you voted?: This summer.
80. How many people would you die for?: Many. My family and my closets friends.
81. Have you ever won a trophy?: Yes, when I played soccer as a kid.
82. Are you a great cook?: Hell no.
83. Do you have a drivers license?: No... But I'm going to get one next year.
84. Have you ever shopped at tv-shop?: Yeah, my mum and I were addicts for a period.
85. Pepsi or Coca cola?: None of it. Water please!
86. Have you used a uniform in any job?: Um, no.
87. The last thing you shopped?: A bikini, the bottom part!
88. Have you thrown up in public?: Yes, unfortunately. Many years ago though.
89. Do you wanna be a billionar or find true love?: Maybe my true love could be a millionare? :D
90. Do you believe in love at first sight?: I do, actually.
91. Has it ever happened to you?: Not love, but definetly attraction.
92. Do you think that you could be friend with an ex?: Absolutely, if both parts want to.
93. Who did you last visit on a hospital?: I think it was my Grandpa.
94. Did you have lots of hair as a baby?: Don't think so lol.
95. What's your voice message in your cell?: I don't have any.
96. What's in your bag?: lipsticks, money, sketchpads, pencils, a scarf, my ipod.
97. A favorite thing you do before go to bed?: put on a cozy pyjamas and read a few chapters in a book.
98. How many people can you really trust?: 3.
99. Where did you find this list?: In my old blog.
100. 3 persons I wanna se do this list: Anybody who want's to!

Time to sleep.

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