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D.A. Sebasstian's Blogs (82)

When I die...

When I die the things I will miss most are

My wife's kisses.
My son's jokes and antics.
My daughter's songs and stories.
The feeling of bass strings on my fingers and the sounds they make.
Driving late at night with the radio on.
Discovering new things- especially where they shouldn't be.
Trees on the beach.
Dreaming about the perfect 1967 Dodge Charger.
An entertained audience...that I made that way.
The time right before sunset.

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on February 19, 2009 at 11:45pm — No Comments

Hot Rod Girls Save The World Double CD

Got the cover art finished for the next Hot Rod Girls Save The World CD. This one is a two CD set featuring both the KsK - Soundtrack disc and Hot Rod Girls Save The World - Music & Mayhem disc. Pretty much all the music from the film.

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on February 15, 2009 at 12:11pm — No Comments

Backseat Film Festival & Spanish Version Of HRGSTW

Had a excellent meeting with Go-Kustom's new Spanish Language Coordinator- Rubi Romero yesterday. Rubi's first job will be translating Hot Rod Girls Save The World into Spanish. She will also be the voice actress for the lead Vanessa Trojan character of the film. We also just got word Hot Rod Girls Save The World has been accepted into the Seventh Annual Backseat Film Festival in Philly. We are… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on February 14, 2009 at 11:04am — 2 Comments

Feline Star Of Hot Rod Girls Save The World Dies

Last night we came home a little late as we often do. We ate our dinner and settled into a little bit of TV as we often do. I went into our bedroom to get a blanket from our bed so my wife and I could get cozy on the couch. Our cats, two identical, ten year old, long haired Main Coone sisters named Ella Fitzgerald and DeeDee Bridgewater, were sleeping on our bed as the often do. Ella is the "alpha" cat and besides being a great family friend, had… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on February 13, 2009 at 3:30pm — 9 Comments

Surprise Seattle Snow

Walking out of the recording studio last night at 1AM and the snow is coming down! No warning at all. The snow was really icy and stuck immediately. So I slid on down the hill from the studio to our house (we only live four blocks from the studio) and woke my wife to show her. She was not so happy to wake up at 1AM but was diggin' the snow. She's originally from Siberia, so she has this thing for snow...ya…

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on February 9, 2009 at 11:46am — 1 Comment

Rat Rod Rockers Pre-Production Meeting

Had our first pre-production meeting for Rat Rod Rockers yesterday night. Good turn out. Looks like we will be able to get all needed locations and actors set for our August-September shooting schedule. I want this film in theaters by January 2010.

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on February 8, 2009 at 7:36pm — No Comments

First Ten Minutes Of Hot Rod Girls Save The World On YouTube

Just Posted The First Ten Minutes Of Hot Rod Girls Save The World to YouTube. This is the YouTube link-

The You Tube playback looks a bit grainy and jittery compared to the actual movie which is clean clean clean. I tried using different compressors, but it is up the way it is up...know whadeyemean? It might be the pulldown. The film was shot at 24… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on February 6, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

Rev. Horton Heat & Clearwire

Finished a little telephone interview with the incredible Rev. Horton Heat yesterday for Car Kulture Deluxe. He is currently on tour with his band- blasting through Colorado. The Rev is such an iconic figure in modern rock music I was actually a little nervous before I called him. He was most gracious and very easy to talk to. Look for the interview in an upcoming issue of Car Kulture Deluxe. Also he gave me a big big scoop on his new all… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on February 5, 2009 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

Rat Rod Rockers!!!


We have our first pre-production meeting for my new film Rat Rod Rockers this Saturday. This meeting is mostly to layout what resources will be at our disposal and if we can nail down a few filming locations. We have signed on the awesome Hot Rod Heidi and Asia DeVinyl as leads for this new rat rod action noir film and are still looking for the male lead… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on February 3, 2009 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment

New Asia DeVinyl Article & Rat Rod Rockers Film

Just sent the Editor my interview with the lovely Miss Asia DeVinyl for an upcoming Car Kulture Deluxe Magazine. She is also a star in my upcoming feature Rat Rod Rockers. We start filming August-September and have our first pre-production meeting Feb 7th. This feature film is gonna be leaner and meaner than Hot Rod Girls Save The World. No Space Aliens or Zombies, just Rat Rods and Fights! Speaking of which- I can't keep the DVD's for Hot Rod Girls… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on February 1, 2009 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Snow & Rain In Seattle Again

More snow night before last. Beautiful to look at, not so fun to drive in. Actually it wasn't so bad yesterday morning as I took the kids to school. Both had late starts. I think this will be a record snowfall this winter. Today is rain and wind. Finished the first new add for Hot Rod Girls Save The World last night. I am using a still of the Dahmer Gang after they beat the crap out of Jason The Pin-Head. In the film this scene is colorized, but it… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on January 6, 2009 at 4:14pm — No Comments

And More Snow...

More snow yesterday. Our cars are trapped behind a three foot snow bank created by recent passes of the Snow Plows. So my wife and I went on foot to Safeway last night to buy the kids their stocking stuffers and rent a few movies. We rented the new Death Race- an excellent film, but it should have been called Twisted Metal Armageddon Prison. It had nothing in common with the original Death Race 2000 plot wise, other than the main characters pseudonyms… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on December 23, 2008 at 3:50pm — No Comments

Winter Wonderland

Another night of snow in North Seattle- around seven solid inches of the white stuff. These two pics were taken from just outside my Recording Studio. Also got some time in on the new KsK music video for Killing Machine featuring vocalist Super Amanda. This song is featured prominently in Hot Rod Girls Save The… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on December 21, 2008 at 12:24pm — 2 Comments

New Invisible Surfers CD Out On Go-Kustom Rekords

The Invisible Surfers CD cover art with the lovely Melinda Miles on it is finished. Photo by the ever talented David Hickey who also shot the Wild Ride! CD covers. The music is a blistering mix of surf, rock, punk and a little metal. Very original stuff. "Till That Day" comes out March 2009 on Go-Kustom… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on December 20, 2008 at 7:42pm — No Comments

Hot Rod Girls Save The World Now On Amazon

Amazon has just added Hot Rod Girls Save The World to the DVD & Movie sales pages. It costs a little more than buying direct from us, but they have great (for the most part) customer service. Amazon HRGSTW Page

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on December 17, 2008 at 3:04pm — No Comments

Hot Rod Girls Save The World DVD's Are In Stock!

I just got (and almost sold out of) the first run of First Edition Hot Rod Girls Save The World DVDs. This is a single disc without special features- essentially the bare bones of the film. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive with several smaller distributors grabbing up DVD's immediately to sell on their online stores. Hot Rod Girls Save The World will be in various film festivals next year, but if you can't wait to see it on a big screen you can buy a DVD now. The links… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on December 10, 2008 at 4:16pm — No Comments

Busy Weekend

I sent off four Screener DVD packages to Film Festivals for our new film Hot Rod Girls Save The World. One to SIFF (Seattle International Film festival), AIFF (Ashland International Film Festival), The Backseat Film Festival (Philly) and SXSW Film Festival. Ordered some more posters for a store display I am setting up for the film and printed out cards for DVD counter top display stands (the nuts and bolts of owning a film company). I also screened several… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on November 24, 2008 at 9:07am — 1 Comment


The first ever Kustom Kulture Hot Rod feature length film is now available as a pre-sale through the Go-Kustom Films website at

The pressing plant has promised us we will have the discs in our store and ready to ship December 2nd, 2008. Buying one now insures you will get a copy for X-Mas.

This film features live performances by bands Dragstrip Riot, The Wages Of Sin (with Jesse of the The Spectres), The Bad Things (with Austin of the… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on November 22, 2008 at 8:49pm — No Comments

Buy American Or Die GM Die!

So our American Automakers are in deep deep shite. And now they want us American Taxpayers to loan them $25,000 billion to what- keep them afloat for another six months? A year? GM is burning through one billion a month and can't seem to figure out how to sell a car anymore. Boo f****** hoo. They even were talking about buying Chrysler to get at their cash. Now- I love American cars, especially Chrysler products and seriously would not want even my most loathed auto brand, Chevrolet, to die. I… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on November 22, 2008 at 11:24am — No Comments

An Incredible Night!

What a night! Thanks so much to everybody who came out last Saturday to 911 Media Arts Center for our first private screening of Hot Rod Girls Save The World! Sorry to all the people who couldn’t get tickets. I really didn’t anticipate selling out the 75 seat theater in a week and a half! After nearly five years of work- it was an incredible feeling to see a room packed with people cheering, laughing and clapping to my little hot rod film. One of the best nights of my life! Judging by… Continue

Added by D.A. Sebasstian on November 18, 2008 at 11:31am — No Comments

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