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Hello ladies - I have lurked on this site for a while, would love to get more into the pin-up lifestyle. I just moved to Houston, from Canada (long story short: Came down for a visit and got married) so I am very new to the area, lacking knowledge of the city and all my girlfriends who live in Canada. Would love to make some friends who enjoy this lifestyle as well, even if you're still just a fan of it like me.

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Hi doll! Welcome to Houston! I am a fan also and actually trying to still incorporate more pinup in my life! If I can help you with anything just ask!

Hey there :)

I'm a native (born and raised) Houstonian. You should come check out the Gulf Coast Classic this weekend. It's downtown :)

I'm going to be in the Pin-Up contest Saturday Evening. (It's my first one). A LOT of the local Pin-Ups will be there, competing, putzing, and showing off our gorgeousness. You should come and meet everybody! All the ones I've met (so far) have been really sweet. There's even going to be a fashion show!!!

So, yeah. Come by and say Hello :D!/pages/Rock-Baby-Rock-It-Festival/167531...

Check out this link about this weekend.  I can't make it to this one, we will be having my 4 year's birthday :)!/events/196110003834646/

This one is happening in September and I hope to be involved in it.  :)

There are a ton of events coming up and a lot of photographers in town that offer specials also.  The first Saturday of each month is Coffee and Cars in Vintage Park. 

My Facebook page is If you want to friend me on there, I would love to keep in touch. :)

Whoops! Haha. I got them mixed up. It IS Rock Baby Rock It this weekend. Gulf Coast Classic is a ways off at the Race Track.

Blonde Moment :/

I hope we can make it this weekend, thanks for informing me of the upcoming events ladies!  We went to the Ratstock when it happened (had to leave before Rev. Horton hit the stage [little one got tired]), I meant to mention it on here but totally forgot!

Thanks again ladies!


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