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You say you wished you lived in the 50's but would the 50's accept you?

I hear folks all the time saying they wished they lived in the 50's or earlier, but I wonder, would the 50's society accept you?


My theory is NO. I think if somehow by a time travel device, you were swept away to the 50's, you would not be welcome in society, especially if you had tons of tattoos. They would probably think you were a circus performer or spent alot of time in prison (thus looked down upon and not treated fairly). Or, with the Civil Rights movement after the 50s, women wouldn't have the same luxuries of being able to speak their mind, or have the same job opportunities, and would not have the same amount of respect (ie. taken seriously in high pressure positions, like CEOs, holding public office, etc.) that they do today. 


Overall, I think if you were a white male, you'd probably enjoy yourself and fit in overall (with the exception if you're totally tatted up), but if you're a minority or woman, I think you'd hate it because of society's expectations and views at the time.


I could be wrong, they might think you're the coolest ever, but I don't think so. Would love to hear other people's thoughts.


-Chris Gomez-

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I love that era as well as the 1940's for the fashion and I also love some of the art and writing that has come out of those decades. I particularly love Kerouac but if you read those books, they certainly did not respect women. I think this was a reflection of the times. I don't think I would fit in at all because I couldn't stand being a housewife. I would go nuts! I look to my grandmother who was a classic 1950's housewife and very successful at it. She was so smart and practical and would have been a perfect boss if she was allowed to do so. Even my mother tried to escape the expectations of women in the 1960's. She wanted to work but my father didn't want her to because it wasn't proper. She went to work anyway selling Avon. She was always kind of a rebel! :)

I've had people question me about how I could enjoy a period in time that was still pretty oppressive for minorities.  But minorities didn't wallow in the hard times or the prejudices of the ignorant and the unjust.  But I do agree, we would definitely not be accepted.  

I have said that I'd wish that I lived in the 40s and up, but it is just because I wish to experience all of my favorite bands and musicians live! :-) xx

I agree...the only reason I would've liked to be alive in the 40s and onward is to see some of my favourite musicians play live..Glenn Miller, Cab Calloway, Benny Goodman, Muddy Waters, Howling Wolf, Little Walter, Etta James, etc. What I wouldn't give to see that kinda talent! But I know I would'nt fit in because I'm Hispanic, female and my views are bit..ummm..unorthodox..I'd be on McCarthy's list!! lol

The era I'd really like to have lived in is the late 70s in New York or London, England to witness the birth of punk. I would've fit right in there! : P

Mija Lou said:

I have said that I'd wish that I lived in the 40s and up, but it is just because I wish to experience all of my favorite bands and musicians live! :-) xx

Well I do know that I would not be the woman I am today. I love the clothes and the style of the era, but in retrospect... I prefer being a vintage girl in a modern world.

I must agree this is the same reason why I want to go back but being Latin American, would be a day to day challenge in that era. I love the fashion and the glamor of the time but I would miss my freedom of this time zone.

Mija Lou said:

I have said that I'd wish that I lived in the 40s and up, but it is just because I wish to experience all of my favorite bands and musicians live! :-) xx

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