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You say you wished you lived in the 50's but would the 50's accept you?

I hear folks all the time saying they wished they lived in the 50's or earlier, but I wonder, would the 50's society accept you?


My theory is NO. I think if somehow by a time travel device, you were swept away to the 50's, you would not be welcome in society, especially if you had tons of tattoos. They would probably think you were a circus performer or spent alot of time in prison (thus looked down upon and not treated fairly). Or, with the Civil Rights movement after the 50s, women wouldn't have the same luxuries of being able to speak their mind, or have the same job opportunities, and would not have the same amount of respect (ie. taken seriously in high pressure positions, like CEOs, holding public office, etc.) that they do today. 


Overall, I think if you were a white male, you'd probably enjoy yourself and fit in overall (with the exception if you're totally tatted up), but if you're a minority or woman, I think you'd hate it because of society's expectations and views at the time.


I could be wrong, they might think you're the coolest ever, but I don't think so. Would love to hear other people's thoughts.


-Chris Gomez-

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* as for my comment regarding women as CEOs or holding public office - I KNOW throughout history there have been strong positive women figures in high power positions. It just seems from my understanding that 1950s society was male oriented as far as the struggle between the two sexes goes.

I agree with you. I have tats, colored hair, and kinda dress like a tramp... I don't think I'd fit in so well. Also, I like to swear, burp, and pick up my son from school in my gym clothes. I like the freedoms we have today, and as much as I look back on the past fondly, and try to incorporate vintage living into my life as much as possible (enough that I get called "old fashioned", which I think is pretty funny), I'm glad I live in this day in age with everything we have. I mean hello... my iphone wouldn't work in the 50's!

i love 50s fashion but I never said I wanted to live in the 50s. That era wouldn't treat me right for two reasons, I'm a woman and I'm Hispanic. It was a male dominant time even though women were gorgeous. And it does seem that being Caucasian  and male would be more of an advantage. I always said I love the fashion but couldn't live there because I'd miss the rights I enjoy now.

I'm a classic attire kind of gal. I do not have tats or piercings. I do love the tat/piercing look. It's darling...but not so much me. I'm a homemaker and raising my children at home and a total comic con geek. I believe I could deal with the 50's ways...well, i'd perfer the 40's! I love the theatre from those. the only thing i'd hate, is that us gals just couldn't fight back in politics and changes. But, in those days, i would be happy just being a secertary and performing on stage in a local theatre! 

I would love to live in the 50s just to see what it was like! But as most have said, I enjoy the freedoms of today. If I was an actress in the 50s, I would *love* to be surrounded by all the glamour. 

This. Ad to it that I am divorced and raising 2 kids on my own... nope. The 50's wouldn't like me so much. ;)

Roxy Tart {PL Team / Madam} said:

I agree with you. I have tats, colored hair, and kinda dress like a tramp... I don't think I'd fit in so well. Also, I like to swear, burp, and pick up my son from school in my gym clothes. I like the freedoms we have today, and as much as I look back on the past fondly, and try to incorporate vintage living into my life as much as possible (enough that I get called "old fashioned", which I think is pretty funny), I'm glad I live in this day in age with everything we have. I mean hello... my iphone wouldn't work in the 50's!

What a great thread, I agree with your thoughts. I think a very small percentage of women would actually "enjoy" life. Sure they'd enjoy when a man takes them out and they get to skip chores thus creating an opportunity for them to get completely dolled up but I think they'd hate the day to day.


I think I'd come back to the 70s myself, a regular at Studio 54.

I definitely love the "look" of the 50's, but I know the "Era" would not be for me.  Being a woman AND Black, I would end up being someone's maid/nanny, which was probably the only thing we could do back then, that is NOT ME at all (Plus with the mouth I have on me, I would have gotten myself in LOTS of trouble).  Being involved in the Civil Rights Movement would have been interesting to see first hand, I must admit.

Wow, good point! I do like that major change. I just can't believe the changes in just 60 years and even remember, the 50's was our Grandparents area! It wasn't that long ago if you think about it. What will be the topics 50 years from now?! 

I like the look of the 1950's, but not so much the attitudes and political views. I probably wouldn't exist at all being that I'm East Indian, American Indian, White, and possibly Portuguese. He**, I have to put up will people judging me based on appearance even now. Not to mention where we were in the 50's with regard to medical science and hunting for communists, etc. etc. I will have to say though that 1950's industrial design is awesome and the overall amount of buying power vs income seems to have been higher. My house was built in 1954, so I guess I live in the 1950's everyday. :)

I want to live in the future!!!! Take me to 3011!!!

But what if it's all Mad max? Would Thunderdome accept us?

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