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I know that the pin up world isnt as big as the mainstream world I was wondering...where does a pin up girl get paid work?

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Hiya, gorgeous =) My MM portfolio is getting a lot of attention and I'm currently working out a date for a paid photo shoot and a few for free. It can't hurt to try it! I'm using the free version and if things work out, I'm going to upgrade my membership.
Hey sweetie :) Oh really?? OMG that makes me nervous lol I'm such a newbie but I do want to go out and try it-please let me know how it works out for you. What I am wondering is-what do people do with the photos? Where do they go? To magazines..websites?? PS I'm so happy and excited for you-youre going to Rock those shoots!

Like I said before, the new ones get a lot of attention.  It is smart to take advantage of that momentum and get going on bookings like you are doing. 


What do people do with the photos?  Anything printed is incredibly expensive and most women in those pages you see are represented by agencies.  Sometimes people get lucky and get a picture in a smaller magazine or other periodical, but that is not very common. Calendars are an exception and those are often small print runs of several different amateurs. 


If you are lucky, your picture will go somewhere on the internet.  My site often uses live models.  My business cards feature a lovely picture of one of our models.  Pictures might go onto the photographer's blog or website or be used for other promotional purposes for the photographer.  Sometimes he or she is able to sell a picture for one reason or another. 


One thing that is very, very rare, but something to be aware of is, even if you don't pose nude, your picture could be used on sites you don't want them on.  The only way to protect yourself from this is to know and trust your photographer. 

Wow-thank you! I wonder though what retro or pinup sites or magazines use pinup models...meaning who hires pin ups? Kwim?

Humm.  I am not familiar with pinup magazines, but I am not sure they would necessarily get paid.  The women you see modeling on the side bars here probably do, or might, but I I don't think many of the women who get onto the pinup sites see much cash from it.  I am sure there is a range of no remuneration to a small amount of travel expenses plus enough for a decent dinner.  Those who make a living out of pinup do so by diversifying, selling clothes, dancing, teaching... etc. 


The larger magazine ads that you see with in a pinup style use models who don't specialize in any one area.  Then, of course, you have to go back to that rule of thumb of a size 2 and getting your start around 15. 


The most successful women on here and on MM seem to approach this as a serious, but also fun, hobby.  They learn their craft, they network, they treat it like a business, but they do it for fun.  The persistent and good ones might get a few paid gigs, but they do it because they love it. 


There is nothing, nothing, nothing at all wrong with doing what you love and shooting for the stars, but knowing the odds does go a long way to help you know what you are getting into. 

Being a newbie and asking for paid work just doesnt jive. Just sayin!


You'll need years under your belt of modeling, and hone your posing skills to Bernie Dexter precision before you could make the switch to being a paid model. Listen to The Trousseau, use the momentum you have now to line up as many quality tf shoots as you can or pay to work with top photogs. This will at least get the experience part rolling quicker for ya!


You're in class orientation right now, you'll soon enough be a student, when you can teach the class you graduate to the other side of the desk.

I agree with Edson. If you're Bernie Dexter, or Masumi Max, sure you can get paid, and really well. And look at their portfolios, they are stunning. You have to have a port that looks like that, to get paid like that.


If you want paid work, who's going to do the paying? Probably a business, like a shoe store, bikini website, car manufacturer, web security company, etc. And they will probably hire through a reputable agency, and not likely to be doing much in the way of pin ups. So if you want that sort of work, sign with an agency.


Charging the photgraphers? Well, professional photographers charge to shoot, so not likely they will pay you just to put some stuff in their portfolio if a business isn't paying for the shoot. I only consider myself an average photographer, and I have no trouble getting models to pose for free, because they want some new pics in their portfolio. So there's just no reason for me to pay models, when I can just do trade, unless of course I want to work with someone with an unbelievable portfolio.


The exception to the rule is nudes. If you are going to pose nude, SOMEONE will always pay to shoot you. Look on model mayhem where it says what sort of payment you accept. If you look at the models that say "paid assignments only" there are almost always nudes in their port, or fetish, bondage, latex, stuff like that.


OR, they have a ton of tear sheets. That's copies of print advertising they have modeled for, like Calvin Klien ads, and stuff like that.


Work on getting a portfolio that looks like Bernie Dexter's port, THEN worry about getting paid. And you might have to pay a few photographers along the way to get a port like that.


I've seen this on model mayhem. Models do one or two shoots, and then decide they should be paid every time they model, and they are not going to do nudes. Usually in that case their last photo shoot is from 2009 or older. They never get a nice enough portfolio that they will actually get paid to model.


It works the exact same way for the photographers. If you don't have photos in your port that look like Bernie Dexter's portfolio, no one is going to pay you to shoot them. There are plenty of average photographers that will shoot them for  free. And you might have to hire some models to get a port that looks like that, because top notch models with lots of experience are going to add a lot to your portfolio, and they don't shoot for free.


So, simple rule of thumb, for photographers and models. When you have a portfolio that looks like a pro, you can charge like a pro. Until then, work on your portfolio. Or, get naked. Unfortunately, this only works for the models, not the photographers.

Can u please tell me what MM is? Thank u.



The Trousseau said:

Humm.  I am not familiar with pinup magazines, but I am not sure they would necessarily get paid.  The women you see modeling on the side bars here probably do, or might, but I I don't think many of the women who get onto the pinup sites see much cash from it.  I am sure there is a range of no remuneration to a small amount of travel expenses plus enough for a decent dinner.  Those who make a living out of pinup do so by diversifying, selling clothes, dancing, teaching... etc. 


The larger magazine ads that you see with in a pinup style use models who don't specialize in any one area.  Then, of course, you have to go back to that rule of thumb of a size 2 and getting your start around 15. 


The most successful women on here and on MM seem to approach this as a serious, but also fun, hobby.  They learn their craft, they network, they treat it like a business, but they do it for fun.  The persistent and good ones might get a few paid gigs, but they do it because they love it. 


There is nothing, nothing, nothing at all wrong with doing what you love and shooting for the stars, but knowing the odds does go a long way to help you know what you are getting into. 

Model Mayhem. For Models and Photographers.


But they only allow 15 pics for free.

Trudaughter said:

Can u please tell me what MM is? Thank u.



The Trousseau said:

Humm.  I am not familiar with pinup magazines, but I am not sure they would necessarily get paid.  The women you see modeling on the side bars here probably do, or might, but I I don't think many of the women who get onto the pinup sites see much cash from it.  I am sure there is a range of no remuneration to a small amount of travel expenses plus enough for a decent dinner.  Those who make a living out of pinup do so by diversifying, selling clothes, dancing, teaching... etc. 


The larger magazine ads that you see with in a pinup style use models who don't specialize in any one area.  Then, of course, you have to go back to that rule of thumb of a size 2 and getting your start around 15. 


The most successful women on here and on MM seem to approach this as a serious, but also fun, hobby.  They learn their craft, they network, they treat it like a business, but they do it for fun.  The persistent and good ones might get a few paid gigs, but they do it because they love it. 


There is nothing, nothing, nothing at all wrong with doing what you love and shooting for the stars, but knowing the odds does go a long way to help you know what you are getting into. 

Wow, no need to be Debbie Downers! I don't think she's asking how she can make millions at this gig! I'm finding my bliss and pin-up is part of it, but not the only type of shoot I do. I'm working on a collaboration with a local band right now and it's not for pay, but we will both benefit from the exposure. Oh well, my 2 cents is life is short and you only get one, so you might as well do what you love! I guess I'm so persistent in this and other pursuits is because my momma recently died of Ovarian cancer and I was her caregiver. She always wanted me to pursue things that make my heart and soul happy. In the end, do what you feel is best for you and remember, an opinion is just that, not a solid fact. Best of luck,  PinupMama! You're beautiful and sweet! Go rock what ya got!

I don't see anyone being pessimistic in this thread, just realistic about monetary transactions. Shooting pin ups, modeling for pin up shoots, is a fantastic hobby. It's a really fun artform, and you meet all sorts of wonderful people.


If you want to get paid to do it, that requires a certain level of professionalism (or getting naked). If you haven't reached that level of professionalism, with a portfolio that shows it, thinking you're going to get paid is unrealistic (unless you're gonna get naked).


If models, or photographers, don't know that, they will usually end up insulting someone, maybe unintentionally.



Okay I asked that question only bc my husband and I were talking about it and we were both wondering after the women who do pinup where do the pictures go?


Thats ALL I was asking. I am not aspiring to be a model. I am a 35 yr old mother of three babies 3 yrs old and under-I am doing this ONLY bc it makes me feel good. Bernie Dexter is a petite model with a size 0 waist but its also her lifestyle and she lives and breathes this. My everyday outfit is a pair of comfy pants with a tank top and a ponytail. I am NOT looking to be a model or to be paid or anything.


I only asked bc I wondered where people get their work and if they can actually get a living off it. Thank you.


Besides for me stripping naked is NOT pin up NOT in the classic sense-the kind done bet the 30's and 50's. Its beautiful to do and I totally support anyone who wants to do that but its not what I am looking to do.


PS I agree with Edson that its a craft and the more you learn the more you can do and teach others-thank you for that. And thank you Hellz Kittehn for being supportive and for understanding what I was asking instead of assuming :)



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