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Hello my lovely PL members. This is something that most of you may not think about but unknowingly to you, it could very well be one of THE MOST IMPORTANT things in your life to be AWARE of. So here laies the question again? WHAT IS YOUR FINANCIAL TEMPERATURE?

It doesn't have to do with HOT OR COLD, but you're close. It actually relates but what I mean by that is, How high have you set your financial thermostat? For me it's pretty darn high. So let me elaborate on this before I lose you.

Your FInancial Temperature is basically your COMFORT ZONE of where you are fianncially in your life and bank account. It's the BLUEPRINT inside your subconscious mind, that controls how you truly feel about money. Now, I know we all want alot of money, there's no mistake about it, but ARE WE REALLY DOING WHAT IT'LL TAKE to become financially free? SO think about that for a second. It's ok to be truthful to your own thoughts/self. You see, if your comfort zone is to have $1,000 in the bank at all times, and suddenly you go down to $50 in your account, surely by nature you will fight and scrape to get back to the initial COMFORT ZONE of $1,000. On the flipside of this, which is true, if your account managed to balloon to $10,000. Well, you would then spend and spend frivelously till you were back into your COMFORT ZONE of $1,000. It happens time and time again. Lottery winners are perfect examples.

A great example to describe FINANCIAL TEMPERATURE IS:

A thermostat in a room is set at 70 degrees and let's say a gust of cold air comes in and brings it down to 64 degrees. Well the heater will kick right in to raise it back up to the SETTING OF 70 DEGREES. Same goes for, if a burst of Hot air sweeps in. The Air conditioner kicks right on to stabilize the room back to a SUPERCOMFY TEMP OF 70 DEGREES. Do you see where I am going with this?

If you want to be successfull in the area of money and are tired of just scrounging from paycheck to paycheck or not being able to buy all these gorgeous dresses on PL by these awesome vendors, then it's time that CHANGE THE SETTING ON YOUR THERMOSTAT.

BELIEVE that you can AFFORD a certain lifestyle. Make it happen. Believe it or not, it this type of thinking that will take you places that you can only dream of. Well, why not make your dreams come true? People all over the world do it daily, why not you? We were all created equally and I mean it from my heart, when I say that if we can create a POWERFUL THOUGHT in our minds, and IF we believe in that thought wholeheartedly, IT IS ONLY THEN, that we can make anything happen.

Please do not misread into what I'm saying too. I'm not here to lecture or try to teach you something. I am above no one, but I just wanted to express my opinion on a wonderful technique that's been working wonders for m andhopefully get some feedback from some of you.




Please share your thoughts. Thanks - XOXO Aubrey

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My financial temperature is not a shining example of money management, I buy what I want when I want it, I rarely actually SAVE money. I like nice things, oddly enough before I moved to SF I liked even nicer things, I had more toys more frequently, better toys...

I've adjusted some to think ahead a bit more than usual. Unfortunately I recently lost my job and find that I may not have adjusted enough as I sit here pondering a move after floating on any savings we had for the past 2 months...

Will I change in the future? No, I like to live life. For some thats traveling, for some thats world peace, for me its buying nice things for myself and others and getting what I want when I want it.

Great discussion starter Aubrey!
I really like your comment Edson. When a person buys what they want and when they want it, it means that they are accepting that lifestyle. It is this kind of thinking that gets you your objects of desire or trips to go on. Awesome. On the flip side, holding back just keeps you stagnant. I believe in living live to the fullest.

See Edson is a perfect example because he has decided that what he wants is what he gets. Those are thoughts in his mind and he is making it a reality. He is doing what he is passionate about. Now, look at how much PL is getting bigger, eventually his drive, love, and hard work will pay off bigtime.

Yes, it is a great option to always save 10% of your earnings per month, but Successful people are risk-takers. Successful people do what failures won't. Successful people jump out of their comfort zone. thanks Edson for sharing. !! - XOXO Aubrey

Edson {PL Team} said:
My financial temperature is not a shining example of money management, I buy what I want when I want it, I rarely actually SAVE money. I like nice things, oddly enough before I moved to SF I liked even nicer things, I had more toys more frequently, better toys...

I've adjusted some to think ahead a bit more than usual. Unfortunately I recently lost my job and find that I may not have adjusted enough as I sit here pondering a move after floating on any savings we had for the past 2 months...

Will I change in the future? No, I like to live life. For some thats traveling, for some thats world peace, for me its buying nice things for myself and others and getting what I want when I want it.

Great discussion starter Aubrey!
It's good to think postive and all..but just thinking will not help if there are no decent jobs to be had out there. The global economy does have an effect on your "options". Just ask the kids starving to death in Asia or Africa..I'm sure they did'nt get there becuase they did'nt have the right mindset. Sometimes..most of the time in fact, s*** happens and it's beyond your control. Thinking all the nice thoughts in the world won't attract a job to get money if no one is hiring. Think about it. Anyway I find collecting things quite useless..I'm starting to realize that most of the crap I have just sits there collecting dust and I don't need more of it to feel better about myself or my life.

Don't take this personally, this is my way of thinking and I have a right to it. Thanks!
i kinda get what you're saying, lol. i mean, i have pretty high standards, and when i buy something, i buy the best (in my opinion). i figure, in the long run, spending a bit more on high quality things that will last you is much better than throwing money down the drown when buying not-so-good quality things that won't have 1/3 of the life span that the pricier item has.

we are pretty financially stable, we are never behind on anything, hubby's job isn't steady though. he's a technician that works on commission. so as soon as we get comfortable and get a little money saved up, something always happens, it never fails. his work will slow down, or something big will pop up, but we always stay afloat, unfortunately paycheck to paycheck. we aren't hurting though. if i really really want something, i'll buy it, same goes for hubby, and we make it just fine. it just takes time to accumulate the collection of things. probably a lot longer for us than most people, but this system works for us.

don't get me wrong, i would love to be able to go into a store and lay down $3K easy on nice, good quality, fashionable things, but even if i had that amount of money to blow, i wouldn't. it's just unrealistic to me, and living way beyond my means. i'm not dissing on people who do that, it's just that, that is something that would never work for me. i would feel guilty in a way, ya know? it's not that i can't afford nice things, it's just that i feel selfish and guilty when buying stuff for myself, lol, as crazy as that sounds.

i grew up REALLY poor, my mom raised 4 children, all on her own, no help other than food stamps, not even child support. and so maybe that's where that mentality comes from. maybe that's why i feel guilty about spending so much so fast. call me a tightwad, but i am the type of person who can take...i don't know....$100 and make it last a long time, and get a lot out of it.
Hey Anita, I just wanted to say that I value your opinion and in no way shape or form would ever take it the wrong way. I love how we all have our opinions, that's what makes the world so diverse. I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Have a great day hun!! Take care.

Anita Fixx said:
It's good to think postive and all..but just thinking will not help if there are no decent jobs to be had out there. The global economy does have an effect on your "options". Just ask the kids starving to death in Asia or Africa..I'm sure they did'nt get there becuase they did'nt have the right mindset. Sometimes..most of the time in fact, s*** happens and it's beyond your control. Thinking all the nice thoughts in the world won't attract a job to get money if no one is hiring. Think about it. Anyway I find collecting things quite useless..I'm starting to realize that most of the crap I have just sits there collecting dust and I don't need more of it to feel better about myself or my life.

Don't take this personally, this is my way of thinking and I have a right to it. Thanks!
Hey Mrs. Killer. First off, I want to thank you so much for your honesty and just plain out sharing. It takes alot to admit that you go from paycheck to paycheck. Unfortunately, most people live this way. I'm not saying I'm perfect because I'm not. No one is. I do believe that we can make better choices in life, which I'm sure you are capable of.

You definitely got it right when you said that you might of adopted your money mentality from your youth because that is where I got mine. I grew up poor, but my parents always made sure I was clothed and fed. I was never taught to reach for the stars, but I realize it's not their fault. Fortunately for me, after years as a young adult scrounging to make it the world, I came across my wonderful husband who taught me about a the simple idea of accepting the fact that I can achieve anything I put my mind to. I surround myself with successful minded people and it's done nothing but increase the level of my life.

Now don't get me wrong, there still some setbacks for my family and I, but most of the time, I am very happy. I probably rambling on now so, I'll just sum it up like this, and I'm not putting myself above anyone when I say this, but it's really about how you approach life. If you want something bad enough, you will do what it takes to make that happen, even if there are numerous roadblock and walls. Thanks again for sharing, really I mean that, and please keep in touch. Take Care - XOXO Aubrey

Mrs.Killer said:
i kinda get what you're saying, lol. i mean, i have pretty high standards, and when i buy something, i buy the best (in my opinion). i figure, in the long run, spending a bit more on high quality things that will last you is much better than throwing money down the drown when buying not-so-good quality things that won't have 1/3 of the life span that the pricier item has.

we are pretty financially stable, we are never behind on anything, hubby's job isn't steady though. he's a technician that works on commission. so as soon as we get comfortable and get a little money saved up, something always happens, it never fails. his work will slow down, or something big will pop up, but we always stay afloat, unfortunately paycheck to paycheck. we aren't hurting though. if i really really want something, i'll buy it, same goes for hubby, and we make it just fine. it just takes time to accumulate the collection of things. probably a lot longer for us than most people, but this system works for us.

don't get me wrong, i would love to be able to go into a store and lay down $3K easy on nice, good quality, fashionable things, but even if i had that amount of money to blow, i wouldn't. it's just unrealistic to me, and living way beyond my means. i'm not dissing on people who do that, it's just that, that is something that would never work for me. i would feel guilty in a way, ya know? it's not that i can't afford nice things, it's just that i feel selfish and guilty when buying stuff for myself, lol, as crazy as that sounds.

i grew up REALLY poor, my mom raised 4 children, all on her own, no help other than food stamps, not even child support. and so maybe that's where that mentality comes from. maybe that's why i feel guilty about spending so much so fast. call me a tightwad, but i am the type of person who can take...i don't know....$100 and make it last a long time, and get a lot out of it.
I'm very much so on board with buying what I want when I want it, but I'm also very cost conscious and am quite the penny pincher. I use coupons like no one's business, as well.
I'm very anal about how I spend my money. If it's not a necessity, I usually won't bother, but I have a system for the things that aren't absolutely needed. When it comes to clothing, if I find myself wanting a new pair of expensive heels or Betsey Johnson introduces a new line of cardigans, for example, I'll cave but decide "out with the old, and in with the new" and then go on to part with clothing I already owned, to help take the sting out of what I just bought. It helps my wallet sleep at night. =0D
I also have a bank account for just about everything to help with money management. Each account has a set balance that I monitor to assure that it will not go under a certain amount. I have two checking accounts, one being for "everyday" items such as gas, groceries, eating out, etc. The other goes towards the things I make payments on like bills, rent, health & car insurance... my Suicide Girls subscription. =0}
I have three savings accounts as well...
One for emergencies. If something happens that health insurance won't cover or if something expensive were to go out on my car, I find comfort in knowing for a fact that I can afford to have it taken care of.
One for entertainment aka my "frivolous spending" account. Whether I want to go bowling, spend the day at the zoo, or simply go shopping; this is the account I'd be pulling all the money from to do so.
And, one for my son, which can be accessed by both his father and I. We have 50/50 custody, so he goes back and forth from Mom's to Dad's to where he's with each of us for one solid week. When it's my week to have him, if he should end up needing/wanting anything, I use the money from that account to pay for it, and vice versa when he's with his dad. Neither of us provide the other with child support, so instead, we both contribute money to the account, and have it set to where it can not go below a certain amount without consent from the both of us. This way, neither of us can try to screw the other over by emptying the account altogether. =0p
And THEN, I also have three CD savings accounts sitting and gaining interest for things in the far future.
One for a house. I'm not too worried about getting out of apartment renting any time soon, so I figured I'll just keep adding money and pretending it's not even there.
One for my son and his eventual first car and college education. His daddy has access to this one as well, so we both add funds to it.
Annnd, one for vacation purposes. I plan on taking my little guy to Disney World when he's tall enough to ride the rides. I like to go all out with my getaways, though, so extensive saving is very much so in order. =0D

As much as I enjoy just living life and doing as I please, I can't help but worry about what I'm spending and where. I'm very goal oriented, and unfortunately, money plays a very large role in what I want for my future. Maybe it's just because I'm a female, that I worry so much. Granted there are a select few other things I hold above all else in the things I absolutely must have to survive and be happy in doing so, but security is definitely a good thing to assure is, and always will be, on your side.
Hey, I'm very glad this is a civil debate for once..thanks for not misunderstanding me. : ) I think I got my views on money from growing up poor just like Mrs. Killer. It's made me understand there are more important things in life then amassing a fortune for yourself. Security is a good thing..greed not so much. Definitly having a savings account should be a priority for everyone and avoiding unnecessary debt. If you get anything more..just appreciate how lucky you are. That's all..Cheers!

Aubrey London said:
Hey Anita, I just wanted to say that I value your opinion and in no way shape or form would ever take it the wrong way. I love how we all have our opinions, that's what makes the world so diverse. I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Have a great day hun!! Take care.

Anita Fixx said:
It's good to think postive and all..but just thinking will not help if there are no decent jobs to be had out there. The global economy does have an effect on your "options". Just ask the kids starving to death in Asia or Africa..I'm sure they did'nt get there becuase they did'nt have the right mindset. Sometimes..most of the time in fact, s*** happens and it's beyond your control. Thinking all the nice thoughts in the world won't attract a job to get money if no one is hiring. Think about it. Anyway I find collecting things quite useless..I'm starting to realize that most of the crap I have just sits there collecting dust and I don't need more of it to feel better about myself or my life.

Don't take this personally, this is my way of thinking and I have a right to it. Thanks!
I'm pretty careful about money. Although I haven't always been so. My husband and I acquired some debt early on that we are paying off now. It is hard but we try to sneak a little into savings every month too. I know that you are supposed to save like 10% of your income every month, but we manage closer to 5%. We also have money saved up within our checking acount for different things (Car Maintenance: both vehicles have over 100,000 miles on them, Veterinary Expense: my dog was attacked this year and had to have emergency surgery which was $$$$$$, and our Fluff Buys: my husband wants a utilikilt.) This money isn't used for general expenses and just pads our account until something comes up and we need it.
Although reading above someone mentioned that they had multiple accounts, which would probably be a good idea for us. But we have been using this system and leaving ourselves notes concerning our balance for years.
We are not wanting for anything and are comfortable. I wish that we had a little for padding in the savings account, but I also know that will come in time once some students loans and what not are paid off. The thing that I lose sleep over now is the fact that my husband and I want to start trying for our first child in December, and I have no idea how that is gonna effect our budget. I know that diapers, wipes, and what not really add up. I know that we can handle it, but it is intimidating for sure!
totally understand, that is what kinda sunk our ship. we wouldn't have it any other way though. we thought about wik and medicaid, but hubby makes WAY too much for us to get approved so we did little things, before i was even 5 months we stock piled on things we knew we would need like diapers and wipes, ya know? the essentials. not even kidding, but by the time she got here there was no room whatsoever in her room or in the spare bedroom because they were filled with baby clothes, huge boxes of diapers and wipes, we never had to worry about buying that stuff once she was here because we accumulated so much, and (sorry if this is TMI) i breastfed so we saved thousands of $$$. the second you find out you are expecting, buy a box of diapers or two and wipes like once a week or more.

Ellie Monster said:
I'm pretty careful about money. Although I haven't always been so. My husband and I acquired some debt early on that we are paying off now. It is hard but we try to sneak a little into savings every month too. I know that you are supposed to save like 10% of your income every month, but we manage closer to 5%. We also have money saved up within our checking acount for different things (Car Maintenance: both vehicles have over 100,000 miles on them, Veterinary Expense: my dog was attacked this year and had to have emergency surgery which was $$$$$$, and our Fluff Buys: my husband wants a utilikilt.) This money isn't used for general expenses and just pads our account until something comes up and we need it.
Although reading above someone mentioned that they had multiple accounts, which would probably be a good idea for us. But we have been using this system and leaving ourselves notes concerning our balance for years.
We are not wanting for anything and are comfortable. I wish that we had a little for padding in the savings account, but I also know that will come in time once some students loans and what not are paid off. The thing that I lose sleep over now is the fact that my husband and I want to start trying for our first child in December, and I have no idea how that is gonna effect our budget. I know that diapers, wipes, and what not really add up. I know that we can handle it, but it is intimidating for sure!

Tessa LeTaunt said:
I'm very much so on board with buying what I want when I want it, but I'm also very cost conscious and am quite the penny pincher. I use coupons like no one's business, as well.
I'm very anal about how I spend my money. If it's not a necessity, I usually won't bother, but I have a system for the things that aren't absolutely needed. When it comes to clothing, if I find myself wanting a new pair of expensive heels or Betsey Johnson introduces a new line of cardigans, for example, I'll cave but decide "out with the old, and in with the new" and then go on to part with clothing I already owned, to help take the sting out of what I just bought. It helps my wallet sleep at night. =0D
I also have a bank account for just about everything to help with money management. Each account has a set balance that I monitor to assure that it will not go under a certain amount. I have two checking accounts, one being for "everyday" items such as gas, groceries, eating out, etc. The other goes towards the things I make payments on like bills, rent, health & car insurance... my Suicide Girls subscription. =0}
I have three savings accounts as well...
One for emergencies. If something happens that health insurance won't cover or if something expensive were to go out on my car, I find comfort in knowing for a fact that I can afford to have it taken care of.
One for entertainment aka my "frivolous spending" account. Whether I want to go bowling, spend the day at the zoo, or simply go shopping; this is the account I'd be pulling all the money from to do so.
And, one for my son, which can be accessed by both his father and I. We have 50/50 custody, so he goes back and forth from Mom's to Dad's to where he's with each of us for one solid week. When it's my week to have him, if he should end up needing/wanting anything, I use the money from that account to pay for it, and vice versa when he's with his dad. Neither of us provide the other with child support, so instead, we both contribute money to the account, and have it set to where it can not go below a certain amount without consent from the both of us. This way, neither of us can try to screw the other over by emptying the account altogether. =0p
And THEN, I also have three CD savings accounts sitting and gaining interest for things in the far future.
One for a house. I'm not too worried about getting out of apartment renting any time soon, so I figured I'll just keep adding money and pretending it's not even there.
One for my son and his eventual first car and college education. His daddy has access to this one as well, so we both add funds to it.
Annnd, one for vacation purposes. I plan on taking my little guy to Disney World when he's tall enough to ride the rides. I like to go all out with my getaways, though, so extensive saving is very much so in order. =0D

As much as I enjoy just living life and doing as I please, I can't help but worry about what I'm spending and where. I'm very goal oriented, and unfortunately, money plays a very large role in what I want for my future. Maybe it's just because I'm a female, that I worry so much. Granted there are a select few other things I hold above all else in the things I absolutely must have to survive and be happy in doing so, but security is definitely a good thing to assure is, and always will be, on your side.

Ellie Monster said:
I'm pretty careful about money. Although I haven't always been so. My husband and I acquired some debt early on that we are paying off now. It is hard but we try to sneak a little into savings every month too. I know that you are supposed to save like 10% of your income every month, but we manage closer to 5%. We also have money saved up within our checking acount for different things (Car Maintenance: both vehicles have over 100,000 miles on them, Veterinary Expense: my dog was attacked this year and had to have emergency surgery which was $$$$$$, and our Fluff Buys: my husband wants a utilikilt.) This money isn't used for general expenses and just pads our account until something comes up and we need it.
Although reading above someone mentioned that they had multiple accounts, which would probably be a good idea for us. But we have been using this system and leaving ourselves notes concerning our balance for years.
We are not wanting for anything and are comfortable. I wish that we had a little for padding in the savings account, but I also know that will come in time once some students loans and what not are paid off. The thing that I lose sleep over now is the fact that my husband and I want to start trying for our first child in December, and I have no idea how that is gonna effect our budget. I know that diapers, wipes, and what not really add up. I know that we can handle it, but it is intimidating for sure!

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