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Fall is my favorite time of year, as Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday. I suppose that the jack-o-lantern tattoo on my chest kinda gives that away...tehehehe. There is truly a change when Fall hits, the air is more crisp and the days are becoming much shorter. What is your favorite thing about the Fall?

Mine are: buying Halloween goods for my house (which stay up year round), playing in the leaves, and going back to school!

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I love Fall then again I love all seasons. Something magical and mystical about fall though with its Halloween connection and the foundation it lays for Christmas and that season. There is something romantic about the fact that the days get shorter and the nights longer. The smells, the visuals and of course the nostalgic feelings about childhood, school and as mentioned before HALLOWEEN !
I first noticed it Sunday as I was mowing, a little cooler and very noticeable how much shorter the days had become. My favorite thing is taking a bike ride in the rural area where I live and watching the fields and trees change color seemingly before my adds. The cool breeze is such a welcome relief to what we've had. Of course last night I mis-timed my 20mile ride, and ended up riding home in semi-darkness under a full moon. Beautiful but not my preference.
We have a disadvantage in Louisiana because there really isn't a fall--some of the trees lose their leaves but I never saw the changes in the colors until I moved to Minnesota--I never experienced a real fall until moving to Minnesota. Summer weather seems to last forever in Louisiana. All the beautiful colors of the foliage, the crispness in the air, the feeling that something is about to change/happen. Plus I've always been a Halloween-fanatic--it's my favorite holiday too!
I have to agree, Halloween, playing in the leaves and going back to school knowing winter is just around the corner

My ultimate favourite thing about autumn is the crisp cold morning air. your going to school after a summer of sleeping til 11am. having to get up at 6.30am, and that cool air hits ya.

I also love the buying and making of my winter coat. makes me feel all snuggly.
I ADORE THE FALL! I am a halloween fanatic.
I worked at Kansas City's Edge Of Hell for a season, and hated it.
I also worked a halloween bootique last year, and that was ton's of fun. I got to play dress up & help people decide what they wanted to be for halloween! My birthday is 4 days before Halloween too! I love wearing sweaters and the crisp to the air, The leaves dying & all the pumpkin patches and fall food. GAH, I could go on... Xo)
Oh I love decorating for Halloween too! I love to see the leaves changing and feeling the wind that feels like fall. Its this gust that tells you winter is coming! You look outside and it looks warm, but there's a chill and you have to wear a sweater. And the occasional rainstorm.
The cold crisp air. The electric charge I get knowing that Halloween is near. Shopping for cute accessories in the Halloween stores. Watching the leaves change. I LOVE fall!!!!
Halloween has always been my favorite holiday, so when I met my fiance and found out his birthday was on Halloween, it was perfect! I really love how fall smells though, and all the beautiful colors as the leaves change. And of course, the chance to wear those sexy cardigans!!
Since we've had such a hot, humid summer here in Toronto I'm actually looking forward to the cool air, wind and rain! Let's have lots of rain! Just not on Halloween..I love Halloween! Best holiday ever!! I love decorating the house for it, I love buying decorations and things for my costume, making said costume and of course wearing it!
No one's mentioned this yet but I love cooking and baking in the fall. Perfect weather for that! There were days this summer when I seriously could'nt cook because it was too f****** hot! At most a veggie dog and even that made the entire apartment feel like hell's kitchen.
So yeah, I'm looking forward to cooking an EPIC vegan Thanksgiving dinner and special Halloween themed cupcakes, cookies and cakes, etc. I'm hoping I can sell some at some Halloween events..we shall see. Anyway a trip to Costco for bulk flour,sugar,baking soda,etc. is in the cards. lol

Oh and the leaves changing colours..lovely! I'm gonna paint some landscapes from photos I took last year and I'll do some on the spot sketching and painting at a nearby park. : )
MY FavoRiTe ThInG AbOuT FALL IS THE ColoRFuL LEaVeS . . . AnD KNoWinG WinTer IS NEaR oh AND DReSSInG Up FOR hALLoWEeN ^0^
I'm so glad that you mentioned baking....I go pumpkin crazy.....pumpkin bars, pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, pumpkin pie, and pumpkin bread. I think I bake more in the fall than I do for!

Anita Fixx said:
Since we've had such a hot, humid summer here in Toronto I'm actually looking forward to the cool air, wind and rain! Let's have lots of rain! Just not on Halloween..I love Halloween! Best holiday ever!! I love decorating the house for it, I love buying decorations and things for my costume, making said costume and of course wearing it!
No one's mentioned this yet but I love cooking and baking in the fall. Perfect weather for that! There were days this summer when I seriously could'nt cook because it was too f****** hot! At most a veggie dog and even that made the entire apartment feel like hell's kitchen.
So yeah, I'm looking forward to cooking an EPIC vegan Thanksgiving dinner and special Halloween themed cupcakes, cookies and cakes, etc. I'm hoping I can sell some at some Halloween events..we shall see. Anyway a trip to Costco for bulk flour,sugar,baking soda,etc. is in the cards. lol

Oh and the leaves changing colours..lovely! I'm gonna paint some landscapes from photos I took last year and I'll do some on the spot sketching and painting at a nearby park. : )
Loving all the seasons wearing diff.. clothes cause of the weather fall is best for Dia De Los Muertos who doesn't love the sugar skulls for being Latina I do! and end up being 5 days before my b-day and watching my little gal playing with the leaves is always great like I said all the seasons are great!

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