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I've noticed that a lot of people like Kitties, Kittens, Kats etc.... I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE Domo Kuns. Cats don't appeal to me the way Domo Kuns do. Fast, deadly, brown, intelligent - I think everything about Domo Kuns is amazing!

So the question is: What attracts you to cats?

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I love my kitties, they have so much personality, and are always there when you need a little snuggle time on the couch! Lucy (aka Moosie Fat Fat), Lily (aka Frank...don't ask) and Pootie (aka the Terrorist...aka Pooter Tooter...aka Matt's baby).

What the F is a Domo anyway? He looks like a giant furry poop!!

Wink Holliday said:
(Nice zombie topic offshoot, DC!)

I had my cat Tyson for 14 years. He was my buddy. He would cuddle and sleep with me every night, and the best part was if slept on my back so did he, on my side so did he. You all get the picture. He also thought he was the 'King of the Neighborhood' challenging any other cats to a fight, and since I had him declawed, well...some he would win and some he wouldnt. So in short, I love how cats can cuddle up and just purrr which is soooo relaxing!! Oh yea, and he would sit in the window sill waiting for me to come home and the greet me at the door. LOL
I was always a dog person when I was younger, I loved my 2 doggies. They were my babies & I was in bits when they passed away. When I got my own place I wanted a dog but my partner & I both work full time so it wouldn't have been fair to keep a dog indoors on its own all day, so we got 2 cats. They are brilliant (and they don't smell like dogs)....

Domokuns look like weetabixes :)
i dont like cats, i'm a wiener dog gal!
Dogs cats.......I wuv them both....Domo? I'm not sure what he is..but he cracks me up!

Me too! ! !! I've had 2, and 1 that was part dox, part ROTT!

Soda Shop Sue said:
i dont like cats, i'm a wiener dog gal!
I had a fish named Sputnik!!!

Wink Holliday said:
(Nice zombie topic offshoot, DC!)

I have two cats; to protect their identities, they are known online officially as Sputnik and Comet, but more casually as Tubby Tabby and Happy Cat. Sputnik (who is constantly in orbit around me) has been with me since she was a tiny kitten, which means her weird little habits are even more confounding. I got Comet, a flame-point Siamese, from a used cat dealer, and while I don't know anything about his early history, he's been running like a dream.
I love any animal but my mom loved cats (thats how I got my name) so it just came naturally to me.
MY cat is a huge pain in the ass but he's super cute so he still gets to live with me. Once he loses his looks though, he's gone. ;) I prefer dogs, but cat's have one major advantage. I can leave him alone for a day (even two) and he'll poop and pee in a box, not on my bed or my floor. Can't say that about a dog. I'm gone for half a day at a time often and he's totally fine with that. Plus a dog probably wouldn't be very happy in my studio apartment.
cuddly. <3 And persistence.
i has new kittah! her name is simone le chaton! and i love love love cats! they are independant and beautiful and cute and soft and purr(my fav sound in the world) and are funny!

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