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OK, I guess this is a simple forum. I live alone, on the seafront in the east of Essex (UK). Tabitha (my muse, soul mate and partner in crime) lives 2 hours away in Windsor, Royal Berkshire. We see each other as often as we can (generally twice a week or so). So the question is - when you're alone (as I am now), what do you wish for ??? As an example, I wish that 9 months will go quickly, so Tabitha can sell her business, move over here, and start our big "own a studio and do art" dream !!!!

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I guess what I wish for depends on what's going on, my mood, the day....etc. But I have two right now. First, I wish it would stop raining! And second, I wish it was Wednesday so Betty Red was here and we could all snuggle!!
I wish for peace and quiet...but people make that very difficult. : ( I also wish I lived alone (just with a cat and dog really..) so I could avoid stupid arguments. I hope that wish comes true one day.
i wish for money on a pretty regular basis--it sounds harsh, but with $50,000.00 in school loans, next to nothing in my closet in this foreign country, and only a part-time job, its hard not to wish for money. o.O
i wish... for time alone


with a 3 year old and a 6 month old i dont have time to sit and ponder like that lol

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