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What do you use to motivate yourself to workout or eat healthy?

As there are so many people on PL that obviously take care of their bodies, I was wondering what you do to keep yourself motivated. With summer coming, the thought of looking good in a bathing-suit is a big motivator right now to staying on track. I use both positive and negative reinforcements. I look at my fat pictures and think, "If you don't go do something active today, this will be you again." I also say to myself, " You've done great so far, keep it up and let's see how much farther we can take this!"

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I get motivated from here, and there online.. going through model mahem or myspace or PL!! (im in front of the compy 100% mon-Fri when im not in front of my sewing machine!) Seeing how pretty and fit everyone looks in photos.. so I eat small meals throughout the day, usually healthy.. but if I'm craving chocolate or a hamburger with mayo.. i have a small piece.. I'm a major believer in giving into cravings.. NOT TO EXCESS.. just to satisfy it.. usually its your body trying to tell you you're low on something (potassium, iron, sodium, SOMETHING) Otherwise i think I'd binge.. bad.. and that would just be the opposite of what i want!!
I operate with a blood sugar of about 150 normally..(im not hyperglycemic, im just extra sweet!) so i need carbs and sugar or ill shake to death!.. and try TRY to fit in exercise.. mostly in the form of running my pitbull, or some core pillates.. walking the halls at work (one lap is about 1/2 mile) or doosin it (sex is a great workout if you TRY hehe ) or something as simple as sitting up straight and flexing my abs while im stuck in traffic.. seriously..
I have NO TIME EVER.. i tried gyms.. i just waste money.. so i fit it in when i can.. I think wanting to be sexy and pretty is good motivation! And YES a soundtrack helps so much! I made a specific playlist on my ipod for dog walking and (when its not -10 degrees) jogging!!
Looking at pics of pinups! Whenever I am slacking off on taking care of myself, and lacking motivation, I will go check out websites annd MySpaces of some of my fav pinups.

I lost 20 lbs last year by putting a picture of Dayna D. on my fridge. Every time I had the temptation to go in there and eat something out of boredom, rather hunger, that pic would help me. It would help me to realize that everytime I would overeat, it would only be taking me further away from my goals and dreams, not closer to them.

She is just such an inspiration in so many ways though.........
Ok let me tell you a funny of my brother's loves working out at the gym and has huge muscles as a result. So he's now wearing a shirt that says "there's no safety on these guns".
And there are two arrows pointing to his "guns". Yeah...I guess that's his
I told him that was dorky and he said that's why guys go to the gym so they can show off..and wear silly shirts I guess.. : P
Please DON'T tell him, he'll kill me! I swear my brother and Henry Rollins could be twins.They're big nerds that can beat the crap outta the average club-goer or hipster.

Personally I try to work out a little but I'm not THAT crazy about it. I'd recommend swimming, it works out every part of your body. I'm gonna go to the pool once I can afford a membership.
And just eat whatever you want but in moderation. It's all about moderation for everything..even moderation itself. Haha!
You really can eat whatever you want as long as it's in moderation. To me that helps a ton. I find that when I ty to go on a "diet" I fudge up royally and end up gaining 10 pounds. YES, you can have cake and icecream at the birtday party...just a small portion though. YES, you can have a cheeseburger and fries...but remember, a small portion. And not all of these everyday. ;)

As far as excersise...I absolutely hate it. So, I walk for about an hour 3-4 times a week. Pop in my IPod and walk walk walk. You'd be surprised when you have some awesome tunes going the time flies.

Keep up the work girlfriend! And remember that you are beautiful!
oh..GOOD Question!

Im here in Montreal! Land of the Poutine!! French fries with curd cheese and gravy!! also tons of other great but super fattening foods!! I do indulge but only one a week! Its cold here need so fat to keep me warm lol!!

But most of the time i eat Super healthy, salads, fish chicken....what i do is only eat when im hungry and for the activities i do, i don't eat when watching tv or when im not moving around working etc.

i try to make it fun, sometime im in the kitchen making supper for hours, i choose only the foods i like and mix them up into something great! also try to make sure my plate has a little bit of everything...greens reds, grains, it looks fab on the plate! then dig in! Fruits and veggies are the best! find the ones you love and load up!! they are low in calories/fat and a re great for you!

but spoil yourself once in a while!
You can eat a whole elephant , one bite at a time .... moderation is the best policy ...c
I use a full length mirror to motivate myself. I may be in my 40's now but I couldn't cope with having a saggy arse and a beer belly! Nor could I cope with having a woman who has a saggy arse and a beer belly!
Eat healthy and gym at least four times a week. Abdominal workout every second day.
I'm just loving reading about how everyone keeps themselves healthy! I finally got through a 3 month plateau and lost 3 more lbs this week and everything is not only looking good, but feeling good too! I tried on that bathing suit muffin top! WooHoo!
I usually put something that I want to buy on the fridge or my work bulletin board and if I eat health conscientiously for two weeks or walk everyday, etc. That is my reward.
You just have to make a solid committment and once you follow the process, after a while it just becomes second nature. Also, put a picture up of a model or pinup you admire, and always be realistic for your body type, height, etc
Still sticking to the strict diet thus far this month. Haven't bothered weighing myself in a while so no clue how it's working. Have hit a beer fest along with a beer release party on Monday and a couple happy hours with friends but that shouldn't make a difference. Really looking forward to it getting a bit warmer outside so I can do my cardio in the wild life reserve on my bike instead of those stupid bikes at the gym. Lifts are getting back close to what they were at the end of December before I was outta the gym for almost a month.
I try to look forward to events where I can look goos and keep myself up for

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