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  I go on a jogging/walking combo 5-6 days a week. I do Pilates 3 times a week. And light weight training (3-5 lbs., no more than that) 3 times a week.


What do you do to stay fit?

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I chase my kiddo all the time and make sure I eat right.   I even started a cooking page that combines Food and Pin ups. I think we need to change our food tastes to include more fruits and veggies and weight wouldn't be an issue.  In my opinion it is the food we intake...that endangers our curves more than the exercise.  It you exercise too much those curves could melt away.  :-(  I also enjopy belly dance and energy Yoga when it is raining or my kid is bored with me. LOL


If your interested check out my cooking page. Wholesome good for you food made a low cal and healthy as possible with out losing taste.

I play roller derby, trampoline and pole dance.  The roller skating keeps my legs nice and toned :)
I've been taking hot yoga classes for the last 4 yrs.  It has help me slowly go from 200lbs to 145lbs.  There isn't anything wrong with being a little heavier but I didn't carry it well.  Now I'm an instructor and have started taking aerial silks classes.  Amy's right, curves are sometimes lost from over excersise but many people are just curvy. When I was 200lbs my hips and bust were 13 inches large than my waist... 55lbs later the same is true. I exercise constantly because I love food and I eat a lot of it....I know it might not be the healthiest way to be but it works for me.

dont know much about curves (sorry, im a guy) but i do know very much about losing weight. in January i was weighing in at 280 pds and i am down to 220. changing my eating habits helped dramatically. i do 2-3 hours of training (muay thai, boxing, jiu-jitsu, yoga, etc.) 5-6 days a week. i can not stress out how important it is to drink lots of water. lots and lots and lots of water.


also, i hear people all the time tell me "i wish i was like you and can lose weight, ive tried everything but nothing works", then i look at their eating habits... you'd be surprised how many people dont know how to eat the right foods. i was talking to another member here on PL and i told him the most important thing is to maintain "discipline". eating good during the week just to blow it on the weekends will not result in weight loss (i know, ive tried it in the past).


im still not at my target goal yet either. i have another 30 pds to go till im where i want to be. i went from wearing a xxxlg shirt to a lg. needless to say i was a pretty hefty guy.


in faaaaaaact. lolololoolll im gonna post my driver license comparison pic to show you all how much i've lost so far. hold please.....

i dont know how many people i've shown this to already. its embarrassing but it reminds me of what i used to look like and keeps me motivated.


I'm currently working on losing weight (hopefully I won't lose my curves with it! lol) I stay pretty active I used to go to the gym 5 days a week but I always stayed around the same weight and size because I had such a hectic schedule that literally changed everyday my eating habits were terrible. So now I've started a new workout plan and rearranged my eating habits.

Anywho, I teach an hour long belly dance class once a week and then afterward run through some drills and work on choreography with my dance pals, then I take a 1.5hr dance class the next day. I go to the gym twice a week where I powerwalk at an incline for about 15-20mins, do 20mins of weight training using the machines, then I end my workout with a run (for some reason I run better at the end of my workout). I do an at home circut workout three days a week that I found on a website several years back, its all resistance training and doesnt require any equipment. Then three days a week I do a denise austin personal trainer dvd. I just started this new routine like 2 weeks ago and I've been feeling pretty good about it. I love working out but I also love sweets, especially candy! lol. So this way Im getting in a really good workout but Im not killing myself or my body. =)

Wow! You look great! Congrats! =)

Dear Daniel {insert tag here} said:

i dont know how many people i've shown this to already. its embarrassing but it reminds me of what i used to look like and keeps me motivated.


well I wouldn't say that I'm "fit" right now, but I've always been curvy. Even at 200 lbs right now, I still have MAD curves. When I weighed 135lbs it was just even MORE exaggerated. In any sense, I've dropped about 20 lbs off my frame in the last 3 months, and what I did was start eating better (less fatty meats, less bread, more fruits, veggies and lean meats) and getting at LEAST 30 minutes of exercise per day. All I do is jump on my elliptical for 30 minutes. I do toning 3 times per week (monday, wednesday and friday) using light weights (usually attached to my wrists and ankles) using my kinnect (yoga and zumba). Adding that tiny bit of weight REALLY does make a difference! I also have a few different fold up pamphlets/work out guides that show you how to do 1000 push ups per day, and 1000 sit ups per day. I have to find them, I usually keep them in my room, but when I do I'll scan them and post them here! :)
I don't want to over exercise because I'm glad to have curves like many of the ladies here. I do bellydance, it has helped whittle my waist into more of the hourglass shape I'm looking for, otherwise i do pilates or walk. I'm afraid to over exercise so I haven't really found how much I should, I try to do at least half an hour and at the most an hour, it's a little tough as I'm a girl who enjoys a good hamburger.

I'm not exactly fit, but I use PX90 and yoga to loose weight.

My goal is to loose 20 pounds, but still keep my curves- so I work on target areas and don't spend time on my hips (my boobs are fake, so I don't have to worry about them) and I do squats and weights to make my thighs stronger.

I alternate between yoga and pilates for an hour a day 5-6 days a week (btw, I think a majority of people seriously under rate the workout you get from yoga), I've been doing that for almost 9 years now?? I've also completely cut out fast food, stay away as best I can for highly processed foods, and don't drink soda. I've got a wicked coffee habit though LOL I don't know where I weigh in at, but I can at least say my measurements :)
It's awesome to see so many of you doing yoga as well :-) I've done yoga off and on for 4 years, it's my new goal to get into a routine of doing it again. Unfortunately there's no studios in my area so it's up to pure motivation and some very useful DVDs to get me back into that yoga body I miss so much! Lately my diet has been horrible, I need to make use of all those great summer fruits and veggies while I still can!

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