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Hello All,

I am going to be auditioning for a retro themed fashion show at my university in a few weeks and wanted to know if any of you lovely ladies ever did run way modeling? Any tips or video tutorials you'd be willing to share? I have never done any type of modeling before so anything would be useful. 

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

- Little Miss

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I did runway modeling when I was younger (my mamma loved having a "little model" to play with, lol), and there are a few things I learned in Modeling School that I will never forget.

1. Always smile. Even if you mess up, keep your smile.

2. Head up. Never look at the ground or your feet.

3. Feet at 10 and 2. when you are standing still your toes should be pointed at 10:00 and 2:00.

4. Always step with your front foot first. Whichever foot is at 10:00 (most of the time your left) is your front foot. When you take your first step, that foot goes first.

5. Always go to the end of the runway, pause there, then turn and walk back.

6. If you fall, get back up and SMILE. A good recovery is more important then a bad fall.

There are many different types of runway turns. Just do a google search and I'm sure you'll find some how-to videos. The main two are the Full Turn and the Pivot Turn.

Hope I was able to help some. Good luck!

Awesome! Knew I could rely on the PL community to give me some good pointers. Thanks Roxy!!! I'll let you guys know if I get picked =)!

Roxy Tart {Madam/Community Mgr} said:

I did runway modeling when I was younger (my mamma loved having a "little model" to play with, lol), and there are a few things I learned in Modeling School that I will never forget.

1. Always smile. Even if you mess up, keep your smile.

2. Head up. Never look at the ground or your feet.

3. Feet at 10 and 2. when you are standing still your toes should be pointed at 10:00 and 2:00.

4. Always step with your front foot first. Whichever foot is at 10:00 (most of the time your left) is your front foot. When you take your first step, that foot goes first.

5. Always go to the end of the runway, pause there, then turn and walk back.

6. If you fall, get back up and SMILE. A good recovery is more important then a bad fall.

There are many different types of runway turns. Just do a google search and I'm sure you'll find some how-to videos. The main two are the Full Turn and the Pivot Turn.

Hope I was able to help some. Good luck!

Hi Little Miss! Roxy's tips are right on. I'd also add that you just need to be very confident, demonstrate that you can walk elegantly in high heels of ANY height, and keep your shoulders back, pelvis forward and chin up. I've organized quite a few runway shows and participated as a designer and model in my fair share. A confident smile during auditions is your best ally. Definitely study up on the walks shown in high quality shows, anything from NY Fashion Week should be a good demonstration - and PRACTICE to music. Runway work is very different from commercial or print work, but it comes down to the ability to move elegantly and take direction from the director and designers very well.

Also at the audition, the general rule is to wear minimal/natural-but-flattering makeup and keep your hair back from your face - a simple ponytail or something like that. Wear clothing that shows your body type, in fact the designers will likely be taking your measurements during the audition, so a close fitting cami and nice undies are a good idea. Also, wear a pair of medium height heels and dress stylishly. NO FLATS. Again you will need to demonstrate your ability to walk beautifully in a pair of heels, as a designer that is the first thing I notice when casting models.

Hope this helps! I'm sure you will do great, break a leg :)

Thanks Miss Jess for the tips, they help me feel a lot more confident about giving it a try. I admit I'm nervous and have been a bit back and forth about doing it, but I'm going to give it a do it and not be picked would be better to not do it and wonder what if.

Thanks again =)!

Miss Jess {★} said:

Hi Little Miss! Roxy's tips are right on. I'd also add that you just need to be very confident, demonstrate that you can walk elegantly in high heels of ANY height, and keep your shoulders back, pelvis forward and chin up. I've organized quite a few runway shows and participated as a designer and model in my fair share. A confident smile during auditions is your best ally. Definitely study up on the walks shown in high quality shows, anything from NY Fashion Week should be a good demonstration - and PRACTICE to music. Runway work is very different from commercial or print work, but it comes down to the ability to move elegantly and take direction from the director and designers very well.

Also at the audition, the general rule is to wear minimal/natural-but-flattering makeup and keep your hair back from your face - a simple ponytail or something like that. Wear clothing that shows your body type, in fact the designers will likely be taking your measurements during the audition, so a close fitting cami and nice undies are a good idea. Also, wear a pair of medium height heels and dress stylishly. NO FLATS. Again you will need to demonstrate your ability to walk beautifully in a pair of heels, as a designer that is the first thing I notice when casting models.

Hope this helps! I'm sure you will do great, break a leg :)

What the others have already stated are great tools. Also once you reach where the press will be to take photos, you want to pause for 3 to 4 seconds (which feels like forever in models seconds) so that they can catch photos of the you and the garment. Wish you the best! Keep me posted! Happy for you!


I'll tell you what I tell my daughters when the have a figure skating competition.  You are AWESOME and smile.   If you keep telling yourself "I am AWESOME" you will carry yourself with confidence.   Now go be AWESOME!

More good tips I haven't thought of, positive self talk and pausing at the end of the runway. Thank you guys =)

I also found this...If your interested... Click below

How To Walk Like a Runway Model

I went to a show last night, it was a combo of newbs and experienced. Here were my thoughts if anyone cares.

"Did she get fired from her day job as she got on stage?" Leave the overdramatic spins, pauses, and swooshing of scarves for Tyra Banks. Disney worked VERY hard to get their animatronic figures not to jerk with every pause. This is what was to separate a machine from man. Humans are fluid, we have insane amounts of control over our bodies, precision. Practice makes perfect, last night I thought a girl was so pissed she was going to rip her clothes off, yell f*** you, and storm off the stage. The truth is, she just thought she was the s***. She wasn't.

"Heels make MUSIC when you walk in them correctly" Don't drag or stomp, practice walking in heels. OWN them, go clubbing in heels for some of the best practice, dark room, objects on floor, somewhat slippery sometimes.

"If she had proper stride she'd kill it" It's a musical thing like I said above, GLIDE. Don't shorten your step too much from feer. Maybe it's like riding a bike, get momentum and hopefully you just roll out like an autobot.

"She needs her crack" Relax, just prance. A quivering lip or shivering hand stands out like a sore thumb because ALL EYES ARE ON YOU (if the words in caps intimidate you, you probably aren't cut out for runway modeling.)

"I loved how you simply owned your mean muggin face" I gave this bit of feedback directly to the girl, she had a pretty mean look, and she simply owned it, didn't try and be nice, she was just, her. And that's what worked.


As a photographer, I can't agree with these comments more. The only thing I can add is if the show is retro, that may change up your hair and make-up a bit. Although retro / pin-up make up is pretty minimal. When walking in heels I can not stress more that it is so important to be comfortable in heels. I would recommend video taping your walk. There is nothing worse than a woman whose knees kick out because they're striking their shoe evenly on the floor. It's not easy but try to put your weight on the balls of your feet so that the heel doesn't drag or make your body movement awkward. I know you're getting a lot of information but really it's all second nature if you practice. Good Luck!

The video was very informational! Thanks Lc Wallace

Edson Carlos- Lol, I probably need to make sure I'm not the one that "needs her crack". Good tips

Tiera Misou- I never heard of putting weight on the balls of my feet, that's something I'll have to practice that concept.

This will be a good feed for people looking for this advice in the future for sure!

LC - great tip on waiting. I've photographed runway shows, and when a model only pauses for a second and then moves on, then there's not enough time to get a shot, or you get a strange pose / half moving shot. If there's not photo, then you won't get published, and even the designer won't get a good photo of your presentation.


Lc Wallace said:

What the others have already stated are great tools. Also once you reach where the press will be to take photos, you want to pause for 3 to 4 seconds (which feels like forever in models seconds) so that they can catch photos of the you and the garment. Wish you the best! Keep me posted! Happy for you!


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