This messages goes out to anyone living in or around the So Cal area who attended the Coast Air Brush Show. A friend of mine and fantastic artist, Mrs. Lucky Hellcat had the custom painting I made for her stolen from her booth during the event. Although I don't live anywhere near there, I'm hoping maybe somone was there and might possibly know something about it. I'm basically hoping that whoever has done this still has a heart beating in their chest and would consider returning it to her. The painting is very special to her and to me as well, as it was made especially for her and her alone. It may just be a cool piece of art to everyone else but to us its an artists bond and can't be replaced. This is the painting in question.
If you or anyone you know may have a lead please fell free to contact me. Let's Get Hellcat's painting back!
Wow, can't believe I didn't see something about this sooner. My apologies to both of you, you know I think you're both great artists. Pretty bold, stealing it right out from underneath her nose! Someone had to have seen something...