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Stage Names...what do you do when you find out someone else is using a similar name?

I just want to know cause recently I came accross another girl on here who is using a simliar name to mine I go by Ms. Niki, the other person goes by Miss Nikki....I dont know which of us has been using their name longer, but I have gone by this for over 3 years now and have won contests etc with my name. Any advice?

Thanks and XO,
Ms. Niki

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That's going to be a tough one because this industry isn't getting any smaller and names are becoming limited. I did some serious Googling when I came up with my burlesque name (Dixie Diamond) to be sure I wasn't picking one that was taken and I'm still not 100% sure if there is someone with the same name out there. I guess you can look at it this way, if you become crazy famous and everyone knows your name, YOU will be the one and only Ms. Niki that comes to mind. Maybe that will just make you step up your game since now you've got some competition! (Maybe you can add "the one and only" to your profile headlines :)
Yea I agree, that is a tough one. I just changed my name a few days ago because I found someone else had something similar to mine. I decided to go ahead and change is for specific reasons. I wrote a blog about it. Besides, I think my new name fits me better. Well good luck and like Seanna said, maybe you can add "the one and only" cant hurt.

Seanna (a.k.a. Dixie Diamond!) said:
That's going to be a tough one because this industry isn't getting any smaller and names are becoming limited. I did some serious Googling when I came up with my burlesque name (Dixie Diamond) to be sure I wasn't picking one that was taken and I'm still not 100% sure if there is someone with the same name out there. I guess you can look at it this way, if you become crazy famous and everyone knows your name, YOU will be the one and only Ms. Niki that comes to mind. Maybe that will just make you step up your game since now you've got some competition! (Maybe you can add "the one and only" to your profile headlines :)
Thanks ladies, I guess I will have to give some thought to it and see what i decide. I appriciate your advice. The hard thing is my name is not really a stage name either, as Niki is a nickname I have had since childhood since my real name is Nicole and so many people know me as this name!
I'll be very very VERY blunt. Ms. Niki isn't very unique, and so you'll prob run into a ton more of them here as PL grows.

Edit: just read your post 2mins ago...yup, time to think of a real stage name ;)
It's hard to find an original name. As unique as my name, "NolaChick" is, there is actually another girl out there who calls herself that. It's not a stage name of hers, but still. I agree with just making the name your own and going places with it.
Hi Niki!

I just was sent this by a friend, and I wanted to let you know this is my real name. I'm a professional hair and makeup artist and also model. I've been using my name since i was born. Its super common. I've been going by Miss since i was i was born and got married at 21 so it turned to Mrs. now I'm getting a divorce and going back to Miss.

ive put on all of my marketing material. I dont have a problem sharing my name. I really could careless. It's a cutie name. :) I've always gone by Mrs. Nikki FoldCrazy but because of my sitution I've changed it to Miss Nikki HardKore. So everyone knows its me ive always made sure to put my last name :) Cause I hav two businesses i run with my name.

I've shared Nikki with many many many girls before, and I really hope the best for you and your business and if you ever see me make sure and come say hi. i'll be at Viva and I'm a part of The Vicious Betty's so come chat it up with me.

xoxo Much Love. Miss Nikki HardKore
Thank you ! xoxoxoxox

Daddy Cool said:
I'll be very very VERY blunt. Ms. Niki isn't very unique, and so you'll prob run into a ton more of them here as PL grows.

Edit: just read your post 2mins ago...yup, time to think of a real stage name ;)
BRAVO! Now THAT is how you handle stuff on PL. Love it!

Miss Nikki HardKore formerly known as Nikki FoldCrazy said:
Hi Niki!

I just was sent this by a friend, and I wanted to let you know this is my real name. I'm a professional hair and makeup artist and also model. I've been using my name since i was born. Its super common. I've been going by Miss since i was i was born and got married at 21 so it turned to Mrs. now I'm getting a divorce and going back to Miss.

ive put on all of my marketing material. I dont have a problem sharing my name. I really could careless. It's a cutie name. :) I've always gone by Mrs. Nikki FoldCrazy but because of my sitution I've changed it to Miss Nikki HardKore. So everyone knows its me ive always made sure to put my last name :) Cause I hav two businesses i run with my name.

I've shared Nikki with many many many girls before, and I really hope the best for you and your business and if you ever see me make sure and come say hi. i'll be at Viva and I'm a part of The Vicious Betty's so come chat it up with me.

xoxo Much Love. Miss Nikki HardKore
I was not trying to start a fight at all! I am sorry if my words were mistaken by some of you on here. I know that "Niki, Nikki," or any other variation is not unique, i was just asking for advice as to what others would do if in my situation. I have no problem sharing the name either, i just wanted to see others take on it as to if I should keep or change my name. Hope this clears up things!
Ms. Niki

Daddy Cool said:
BRAVO! Now THAT is how you handle stuff on PL. Love it!

Miss Nikki HardKore formerly known as Nikki FoldCrazy said:
Hi Niki!

I just was sent this by a friend, and I wanted to let you know this is my real name. I'm a professional hair and makeup artist and also model. I've been using my name since i was born. Its super common. I've been going by Miss since i was i was born and got married at 21 so it turned to Mrs. now I'm getting a divorce and going back to Miss.

ive put on all of my marketing material. I dont have a problem sharing my name. I really could careless. It's a cutie name. :) I've always gone by Mrs. Nikki FoldCrazy but because of my sitution I've changed it to Miss Nikki HardKore. So everyone knows its me ive always made sure to put my last name :) Cause I hav two businesses i run with my name.

I've shared Nikki with many many many girls before, and I really hope the best for you and your business and if you ever see me make sure and come say hi. i'll be at Viva and I'm a part of The Vicious Betty's so come chat it up with me.

xoxo Much Love. Miss Nikki HardKore
Hi Ms. Niki,

My comment back was not to piss off anyone, it was stating that i dont care, and if you ever see me around we should be friends.

much love and luck.


Miss Nikki HardKore

Ms. Niki said:
I was not trying to start a fight at all! I am sorry if my words were mistaken by some of you on here. I know that "Niki, Nikki," or any other variation is not unique, i was just asking for advice as to what others would do if in my situation. I have no problem sharing the name either, i just wanted to see others take on it as to if I should keep or change my name. Hope this clears up things!
Ms. Niki

Daddy Cool said:
BRAVO! Now THAT is how you handle stuff on PL. Love it!

Miss Nikki HardKore formerly known as Nikki FoldCrazy said:
Hi Niki!

I just was sent this by a friend, and I wanted to let you know this is my real name. I'm a professional hair and makeup artist and also model. I've been using my name since i was born. Its super common. I've been going by Miss since i was i was born and got married at 21 so it turned to Mrs. now I'm getting a divorce and going back to Miss.

ive put on all of my marketing material. I dont have a problem sharing my name. I really could careless. It's a cutie name. :) I've always gone by Mrs. Nikki FoldCrazy but because of my sitution I've changed it to Miss Nikki HardKore. So everyone knows its me ive always made sure to put my last name :) Cause I hav two businesses i run with my name.

I've shared Nikki with many many many girls before, and I really hope the best for you and your business and if you ever see me make sure and come say hi. i'll be at Viva and I'm a part of The Vicious Betty's so come chat it up with me.

xoxo Much Love. Miss Nikki HardKore
Oh, yeah, i know just looked like some of the other people thought we were getting into a fight or something over it! :)
Ms. Niki

Miss Nikki HardKore formerly known as Nikki FoldCrazy said:
Hi Ms. Niki,

My comment back was not to piss off anyone, it was stating that i dont care, and if you ever see me around we should be friends.

much love and luck.


Miss Nikki HardKore

Ms. Niki said:
I was not trying to start a fight at all! I am sorry if my words were mistaken by some of you on here. I know that "Niki, Nikki," or any other variation is not unique, i was just asking for advice as to what others would do if in my situation. I have no problem sharing the name either, i just wanted to see others take on it as to if I should keep or change my name. Hope this clears up things!
Ms. Niki

Daddy Cool said:
BRAVO! Now THAT is how you handle stuff on PL. Love it!

Miss Nikki HardKore formerly known as Nikki FoldCrazy said:
Hi Niki!

I just was sent this by a friend, and I wanted to let you know this is my real name. I'm a professional hair and makeup artist and also model. I've been using my name since i was born. Its super common. I've been going by Miss since i was i was born and got married at 21 so it turned to Mrs. now I'm getting a divorce and going back to Miss.

ive put on all of my marketing material. I dont have a problem sharing my name. I really could careless. It's a cutie name. :) I've always gone by Mrs. Nikki FoldCrazy but because of my sitution I've changed it to Miss Nikki HardKore. So everyone knows its me ive always made sure to put my last name :) Cause I hav two businesses i run with my name.

I've shared Nikki with many many many girls before, and I really hope the best for you and your business and if you ever see me make sure and come say hi. i'll be at Viva and I'm a part of The Vicious Betty's so come chat it up with me.

xoxo Much Love. Miss Nikki HardKore
I say you just keep it! youve been called Niki for a long time so thats more the reason why you should keep it...Ive been called Silly Lily for not so long and Ive grown so fond of it...I dont think i could stand parting form it...Im sure the other Nikki wont mind..well whatever you decide...good luck!

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