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So tonight was a hilarious parent teacher conference for my 9 year old son who was blessed with autism. I went in and before we can start the meeting his specialist had to tell me this story that happened during school.

Teacher : "J I need you to write your address on this paper, okay."

J (son): "Okay" ~starts working

Teacher goes about and does some things. Comes back to check on his progress.

Teacher: "J I said your address" ~as he looks down and saw a person in a dress.

J (son): ~does a face palm~ "Duh, thats A DRESS!"

hehehe I swear I <3 my son.

What are some silly things thats your kiddos have said or done?

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Hahahahahaha, the eternal male problem. bless LOL

Edson {PL Team} said:
We were watching TV and Anthony was holding his crotch with a pinching action. The second I mentioned it his hands were in the air. What are you doing? "Nothing!" Does it hurt? Itch? "No."

Well why are you touching it? "My penis is too long!"

Awwww, this made me cry with laughter too damn cute!!!

Betty Red {Madam} said:
Such cute rule! My 7 year old nephew makes me laugh all the time, here are two of my favorite KMan moments.


Guy on tram to me: So, you brought your son here on vacation alone?
Kaiden: No bro, she's with me.
I'm loving these stories! They're all adorable!

My daughter is only 19 months old...but believe me when I say she's Miss Personality! My latest favorite thing happened while we were watching Iron Man 2. She saw Iron Man take off, and she lets out the biggest squeal and says "Weeeeeee! hahaha!" My husband and I died laughing!
Hahahahaaaa! Funniest thing ever!!

Edson {PL Team} said:
We were watching TV and Anthony was holding his crotch with a pinching action. The second I mentioned it his hands were in the air. What are you doing? "Nothing!" Does it hurt? Itch? "No."

Well why are you touching it? "My penis is too long!"
BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA "why you lookin' at her LEG?" LMAO god I love that kid. I wish I had been able to hang out with him more!

Betty Red {Madam} said:
Such cute rule! My 7 year old nephew makes me laugh all the time, here are two of my favorite KMan moments.


Guy on tram to me: So, you brought your son here on vacation alone?
Kaiden: No bro, she's with me.

I had just gotten a tattoo on my leg and took kman to the swimming pool after I was done. I obviously couldn't get into the pool so I was sitting on the side with my feet in. The lifeguard comes over, looks at the bandage and says "Ouch, what happened?!" I say, " Oh nothing, I got a tattoo earlier." Kaiden pops his little head outta the water, glares at the lifeguard and says..."Why are you looking at her leg??!"

When he was about 4 years old we were all over at Gma's house for Gpa's bday and all the kids were playing in the basement. I went down stairs to check on them and one of the kids says "Who is that?" Kman looks up and says "Oh...that's just my Uncle Matt's old lady" and continues playing.

AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That boy melts my heart.
my kids do or say something chuckle worthy every day...I swear...NEVER boring. I have Kira, Alexander and Gabriel...a while back:

G & K - Rough housing in the living room...mommy talking on the phone
G shoves K
K shoves G
G gets a little out of hand and punches his sister in the chin
K's head gets knocked back and she falls on her butt (yes, he punched her that hard)
K gets up, does a Jean Claude Van Dam chin rub, narrows eyes @ brother and says


K walks away with her nose in the air.

too cute!

My girls say the funniest stuff too.....

I walked past my kitchen and saw my 4 yr old at the sink standing on a chair and I say " Araya what are u doingg"? and she says "Washing dishes , somebody's gotta do it Geez!" lol!
Haha wow. I love this.

Honey B Hooligan {Madam} said:
my kids do or say something chuckle worthy every day...I swear...NEVER boring. I have Kira, Alexander and Gabriel...a while back:

G & K - Rough housing in the living room...mommy talking on the phone
G shoves K
K shoves G
G gets a little out of hand and punches his sister in the chin
K's head gets knocked back and she falls on her butt (yes, he punched her that hard)
K gets up, does a Jean Claude Van Dam chin rub, narrows eyes @ brother and says


K walks away with her nose in the air.

that's so incredibly sweet. my little one is still on the "too young" side for me to be able to share any cute stories like that. thanks for sharing, Inga <3
Alright so my oldest son did it again. I swear he takes things so literaly its great hehe
teacher: "J what do you want to be when you grow up?"
J (son): ~as he looks at him like the teacher is a moron~ "An Adult"
bwhahaha well thats my baby. he is right what the teacher wanted to know is what does he want his future occupation to be. Thats what he should have asked him. I love how kids mind works. hehe

Edson {PL Team} said:
We were watching TV and Anthony was holding his crotch with a pinching action. The second I mentioned it his hands were in the air. What are you doing? "Nothing!" Does it hurt? Itch? "No."

Well why are you touching it? "My penis is too long!"
OK, I have kind of a funny story. One day, I went with my sister and her kids on an out-of-town excursion. So, we're driving through the fields and there's a bunch a cows just chillin doin their cow thang and I jokingly say, "Mmmmm...lunch." And my nieces were confused. My sister said, "where do you think hamburgers come from?" In unison, they said, "McDonald's." Good times, good times.
Today, my son came up to me, and with a completely straight face, said "I want to be a cop. Girls like cops." Ugh, he is such a little creep in-the-making!

And I've also been meaning to share this video of him. My fiance and I switched pickles when he wasn't looking. This is his reaction to the unexpected spice.

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